
Skirt H&M, Blouse Next, Tights from Superdrug, Shoes Bertie c/o Sarenza.

Bonus shot of Mae demolishing a toy mouse.

This is the first year I can remember where I haven’t had a summer or winter wardrobe; I haven’t even bothered to change things over as the weather has been so rubbish and it is leaving me both confused and feeling…dowdy?! I’m not sure…wearing shapeless knits in July and winter shoes rather than pretty sandals with bare legs is making my already shaky confidence sink that little bit lower.

But c’est la vie, we have to make the best of what we’re given. I may not be overly happy with the clothes, but I DO love the shoes!

What are you doing wardrobe wise right now? I feel I should make more effort but I really, really just can’t be bothered lately…even shopping is a bit depressing; seeing summer frocks that it’s too damn cold and rainy to wear?! No ta.


22 comments for “lacklustre

  1. my wardrobe can’t cope, everytime I open the door stuff falls out. Not room for all the summerwear plus the jumpers!
    Those shoes are fab missy x

  2. I’m with you- how do you even dress for this hot, but rainy weather? And don’t even start me on how unimpressed my hair is…


  3. The weather may well suck but that blouse is lovely! X

  4. Love that flowy blouse! Looks so nice and elegant<3

  5. I’m loving that shirt, it’s just beautiful.

    I also know exactly what you mean about struggling to dress happy. Summer is usually a time I don dresses- I know I can look good in a dress, I have some really nice ones. Instead I’m still in my jeans (usually only really worn in Spring and Autumn) and realising I have nothing to go with them because I’ve gotten rid of so much worn out/ill fitting/frankly horrid clothing. So I sped my day thinking, well at least I have awesome shoes, but aside that, I look like a wreck!

  6. I feel exactly the same way, this weather is getting me down!

  7. Totally feel your pain, I never know what to wear because of the weather!
    I love your shoes! 🙂 xx

  8. I’m hearing the “feeling dowdy”, I think we need to challenge it and bash it on the head with some bright sexiness. I had a 20 minute dose of sunshine this morning so feeling energised for today, skinny jeans AHOY 🙂

  9. You never look dowdy darling, you always look fantastic & feel me with untold style envy, but I get your point, it is hard with such meh, flitty, generally miserable weather.

    I have basically just kept with winter ‘staples’ (namely layers) & any moment it looks a little brighter I lose one of the layers. But must confess, I wear flip-flops basically all year round between February & early October. . . so no matter the weather, I will be barefooted.

    Have a good day xxx

  10. Totally with you on this one! You don’t look dowdy, of course, it’s just that feeling! A little sunshine would go a long way right now.

    On the upside, your shoes are downright gorgeous xx

  11. You really do have the best shoe collection Laura!

  12. I love your shoes, they look like such a gorgeous colour!
    I completely agree about the wardrobe thing, I wish the weather would just make up it’s mind so I knew what to put on every morning! I’ve just been living in jumpers and leggings lately as I can’t be bothered to put together nice outfits.

  13. There isn’t a lot of summer to dress for around here. The last three days were pretty warm but mostly cloudy and I just got drenched to the bone this morning when it started raining!

    Absolutely love the colour of your shoes!

  14. shopping is an absolute curse with all the sales which give you false hope in believing you might actually find something… i stocked up on jumpers and skinny jeans for the summer as its so cold 🙁

  15. It’s so difficult to move into a summer wardrobe when the weather is so shit x

  16. I know what you mean, I’m wearing the same stuff for work now that I was in winter, big cardigans all the way!

    Caroline x
    Caroline’s Catwalk

  17. Your blouse is so pretty. I have barely worn summer clothes this year but on the plus side I’ve spent so little on clothes as what’s the point in buying something that I might wear once (with tights and a jacket) before its winter again?! x

  18. Love that beautiful blouse.

  19. I’m just wearing whatever I want and saying sod the weather! I always end up hot in school so summer stuff works great for me with a cardie thrown on for the walk! Love your blouse!
    Don’t feel depressed, you look lovely!

  20. Lovely, sophisticated outfit!
    Part of me is really, really fed up of this weather, then another part is relieved that I don’t have to worry about getting my horrid legs out, I can still wear thick black tights woohoo!

    Always look on the bright side n’all that! xx