le chat

Next skinny jeans, George at Asda cat top, New Look shoes.

Just a casual outfit from Sunday, the last day of Summer by the looks of things. It was nice to have an un-expected burst of sunshine, but I truly am ready to embrace Autumn/Winter now.

Quiet start to the week (except where work is concerned!). It should be a good one by all accounts and Thursday I get to hang out with some of my favourite bloggy ladies.

What’s on your agenda this week? Anything fun and exciting?


15 comments for “le chat

  1. As the cat lover I am … Just love the look.

  2. Aww, adorable cat and a lovely outfit you got there

  3. Im in love with that top so cute!!!

  4. Cute tee and how adorable is your cat! x

  5. How cute is that top!? Can’t believe it’s from Asda.

    So excited to meet you on Thursday, what are you wearing!?

    The Style Rawr!

  6. That top is lovely 🙂 I just want it to cool down now, I have jumpers to wear!

    Maria xxx

  7. You are looking seriously good madam! loving the look, and the hair is still just awesome!

    My week…. *yawn* commuting, chef beating…. more commuting…

  8. Anonymous

    I would literally kill to be as beautiful as you mrs!
    You’re looking gorgeous.



  9. Cute top : ) This week I’ll be running, working, eating sushi and trying a ballet/pilates class : )

  10. The second I saw this top I knew it was from asda! I have a similar print on a blue top from there too. I love the brightness of this one and may have to give in and buy it. It matches Mae perfectly haha!

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  12. Your hair is looking very lovely. Great top too, reminds me of Charlotte Taylor. X

  13. awww great top and lovely photo of your kitty x