Loft Conversions: Here’s How To Undergo The Smoothest Possible Transformation *

Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

We all like the place we call home – well, most of us do! We also agree that our homes could be improved upon quite significantly, right? Even if we think we have something of a palace, there are always things that can be done to improve it. Perfection doesn’t exist, and the times are always moving along, so work is never really finished.

A huge way people like to improve their home is by taking that dusty, old, redundant attic, and making good, productive use of it. Whenever we walk past a home that has had the loft converted, we tend to look at it and think ‘it would be nice to have one of those, huh?’ Not only are they a super convenient thing to have, but they also give you the opportunity to show off to the rest of the street!  

Adding that third layer to the house is something I think we’d all like to be able to do. If you already have a loft conversion, or you live in a large house already, then you know just how awesome it is – those stuck with a traditional suburban home deserve to join the club, right?

Let’s say you’ve been thinking about it for a while. The loft has been out of use for ages – it just kinda sits there collecting cobwebs and creepy crawlies. You have things to do, and you could do with an area to get them done in. It makes sense to go through with something like this. What should you do, though? How do you even begin to go about something as significant as this? 

Well, it’s not too difficult. Sure, it’s a big change to your home and, thus, to your life, but it shouldn’t cause you to stress and suffer too much. If you’d like a basic outline as to how you should be planning out this kind of transformation, then read on, and we’ll go through a bunch of stuff. 

Consider Whether You’re Ready

Is this an impulsive move because you’ve seen others do it and want to join the crowd? If so, then perhaps it’s not the right time. It’s a great thing to have, of course, but you need to be a grown-up. Do you have the time, money, and even the permission for something like this? If the answer is a big yes, then fair enough. Anything other than complete certainty should mean a rethink.

Think What’s It’s Going To Be Used For

This is less stressful and more of a fun thing to do, really. The idea of having a converted loft is so that you can have an extra bedroom, an office, an art studio, or whatever you want. Figure out the point of it all. Again, like the last point, if you’re not ready, then back away for a little while.

Plan Out The Design Yourself First

You might not be an architect or a building surveyor, but you can still grab and pen and draw away to your heart’s content. The simple idea here is just to follow on from the last point. Once you figure out what you want from this conversion, then you can begin to draw up ideas. This may act as a catalyst for further changes around the house.

Calculate The Cost

Your bank account is going to take one heck of a hit with this move. It’s smart to figure out how much the entire operation is going to cost before you commit to anything. Obviously, planning things is the best way to get absolutely anything right, and your money shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Get The Funds

Once you’ve figured out how much it’s going to cost, it’s time to raise the money for it all. Now, if you’re smart, then you’ve probably saved up anyway. If you haven’t, then stop spending money! If you’re pretty much good to go, but still need a little more in a short space of time, then you can hit up places like Fast Loan UK and secure a short loan. Obviously, things like this should only be an option if you know you can get back to them.

Be Prepare For A Lot Of Work Afterwards!

When all is said and done, and those guys and girls have completed the job for you, they will probably be on their way to the next job they have lined up. It then up to you to pick up the pieces that they’ve left behind. It’s not their responsibility to clear up and then get on with the customizing! All they’ve done is lay the foundations for you; now it’s time for you to really turn this new room into something.

Posted in home, interiors


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