Look Book Love- Damart

It’s not often you’ll find me straight up featuring a look book on the blog but the latest offering from Damart– probably most famous for it’s thermals needed a mention.
I don’t even really know what to say about their latest arrivals, so far removed from my preconceptions I was genuinely shocked when this look book dropped through my door.
I guess it proves that old saying wrong. You can (sometimes) judge a book by it’s cover. And Damart’s cover is damn fine.

7 comments for “Look Book Love- Damart

  1. OMG stunning- that black and white tunic/dress (3rd pic)- beautiful. I’ve never heard of Damart, so no preconceptions, just drool!

  2. Oooh great inspiration! I love the slip dress with the pink jumper!

  3. i’ve never even heard of this brand before but they’ve got some great pieces, i love the clashing prints in the 6th look! x

  4. Never really heard of them before, if I’m honest.

  5. Now, I always associate Damart with Granny cardies and sensible macs, how wrong I was! These pieces look incredible and *dare I say it* a little bit sexy too! What a revamp!

    XO Amie


  6. Working in a home for the elderly – I see the label Damart a lot. But this collection is so different to what I thought they had to offer…genuinely shocked! The red jumper dress is so cute xx


  7. I’ve never heard of this brand before but what a gorge lookbook! I can definitely see you in some of these outfits, but with some funkier tights! xxx