looking glass girl

Dress c/o Warehouse
Shoes: Poetic License via TK Maxx
Just a short outfit post from me today, as you can probably tell from recent content, I’m running out of words and inspiration for the blog (and have a backlog of promised posts to get up before I go)
I hope that by the time I get back I’ll be refreshed and will have some new things to share with you guys,
thanks for being so patient and sticking by me.
I think life is going to get even more exciting over the coming months, just a hunch. Things have picked up pace so damn fast lately I can barely believe it.
Happy Mid-week!

15 comments for “looking glass girl

  1. This is the prettiest dress! Looks lovely on you xxx

  2. Anonymous

    you are getting thinner and thinner again. Please be careful hun. I know you are going on holiday soon and that might have been a trigger for you to lose weight but its not worth risking your recovery over. Besides you look so much better with more weight on. You look prepubescent and bony now. Stay strong you can do this! X

  3. Such a beautiful dress! The colour looks fab on you x

  4. Hello 20’s flapper girl! You look very pretty! Have a lovely time and we’ll see you when you get back, refreshed and happy. I’ll also be away from blogging as my wedding is in 9 days and then the honeymoon!x

  5. Anonymous

    Just be yourself – you had a lot to say when things were tough with your mental health / eating disorder – life seems to have improved massively and you seem to have much more of a life now so it’s surprising you’re struggling more with blog content? I’m sure we’d all love to hear the great stuff that’s going on in your life just as much as people were there to read about the not so great stuff – enjoy your blog for you and don’t try too hard to fill it with stuff to please others – i think that’ll just happen naturally! Happiness and enthusiasm is infectious xx

  6. That dress is so so pretty! It really compliments your hair!
    My blog – Cosmetics, clothes and cute things (:

  7. oh this dress is just gorgeous on you love x

  8. Love the dress! So glad things are going well x

  9. Such a pretty dress and I LOVE your shoes!!!!

  10. Happy midweek to you too lovely 🙂 I hope you are feeling refreshed and relaxed when you’re back! I love your dress, it’s beautiful. Warehouse are a firm favourite xx

  11. Gorgeous dress and I LOVE the shoes, too.
    You’re looking lovely, I hope you’re looking after yourself. Enjoy your holiday, have a wonderful time!

    Jess xo

  12. This is such a beautiful dress, I love it on you! Sometimes words are more difficult to come by but forcing them never works, just enjoy being happy, you deserve it 🙂

    Maria xxx

  13. The dress is really pretty and looka great on you.
