Mae Reviews: Purrfect Box

It’s not just me that benefits from one of the perks of blogging. Much to the postman’s amusement we sometimes get a package addressed to Mae as well and she loves it! This is the third time we’ve been sent a Purrfect Box to review and we still think it’s a brilliant idea. The Purrfect Box is a monthly subscription which costs £19.90 a month, or £15.90 per month if you take out a years subscription. The contents of the box are guaranteed to be worth at least £30 with 4-6 premium products inside so it’s a pretty sweet deal, especially as each box is catered to your feline’s needs and preferences. Let me know if you’d decide to treat your feline friend to a box- I’ll be picking up a few on a one off basis throughout the year, I can’t afford it on a monthly basis but as an every so often treat I think it’s wonderful!
I won’t lie, Mae is not an easy cat to please. She knows what she likes and point blank ignores anything that doesn’t take her fancy. She’s also not prone to showing enthusiasm so when I bought the box upstairs to open up I was really quite surprised that she jumped straight in, literally.

Her favourite item was hands down the laser toy by Ethical. Her last laser toy broke and she has missed it. She actually pulled this out of the box and started pawing at it for me to get it open faster for her before haring around like a maniac after that elusive red dot for a good twenty minutes. Some people really dislike laser toys for cats but I think used sensibly they are really good fun for both cat and owner.

Another firm favourite was the dragonfly toy also by Ethical. Toys are one of those items she either loves or hates and she has her favourites for sure. I’ve watched her root through her toy basket countless times trying to seek out a hidden favourite in favour of nice shiny new toys so it was touch and go whether she’d give this dragonfly the time of day. The two have barely been parted for the last few days so I think it’s fair to say it’s a winner in our eyes (apart from at 3am when it’s been thrown against my bedroom door).

Food wise again I have a fickle beast but the chicken ‘n fish treats from Filous and the sachet of food from Equilibre and Instinct were both wolfed down in moments. Mae has a bit of a weak spot when it comes to treats so these are being closely rationed but I think we’ve found a new favourite here! Less enthusiastically received was the tube of salmon cream by Trixie. Meant as some kind of pudding for cats Mae won’t even get close enough to this to sniff it so I can’t really give this a fair review.

The last couple of products still have the jury out. I think the catnip tray will be a hit once it has grown as Mae loves nothing more than chowing down on plants in the garden. Whether she’ll be as taken with something she’s actually allowed to eat I don’t know but we shall see! I haven’t quite got round to testing out the shampoo from Nilaqua yet although my moggy certainly needs a good wash thanks to her love of rolling around in the mud. This is a no rinse shampoo that can be removed with simple towel drying so it sounds fantastic on paper. In reality the chances of Mae tolerating a good rub down with a towel are slim to none!

Have you given Purrfect Box a try before? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Even though there were a couple of products that are wasted on Mae I know plenty of other felines who will appreciate them so I think any box I purchased in the future certainly wouldn’t go to waste!


3 comments for “Mae Reviews: Purrfect Box

  1. I love the photos, you can tell she really likes it which is hilarious!!! I’m inclined to think this is rather expensive as a subscription idea but it is an original idea, certainly!

  2. AvatarEmma

    My cats would love this! The box itself would go down well but to have treats too!! And I’m sure my postie would have a joke about it – he’s already finding the amount of post I get funny!

    Emma Xx

  3. OMG cats opening boxes tho!