Manic Monday

Oh there is something in the air today, this morning at work has been MAD and I’m going back for more, shortly.

Outfit today involves polka dots and peter pan collars…a winning combination in my book!



(why yes, I have had my hair chopped off…Mum got sick enough of it and my hairdresser phobia to take four inches off yesterday!)

I’m pleased to announce the winner of the Pixie Knitwear giveaway IS Becca (who doesn’t blog…yet…)

Congratulations Becca and thank you to everyone that took part


44 comments for “Manic Monday

  1. i love this dress! the colour really suits too. Argh, dreaded hair cuts. I don’t have a phobia of hairdressers, in fact, I love going. I have a phobia of spending around £100 to get 2 inches cut off and highlights. Humph!

  2. Such a cute dress!

  3. I love the dress, where did you get it? The peter pan collar looks lovely on you =) Have a good time at work!

  4. love your new hair do. Looks like your Mum is far better at cutting hair than mine. I endured years of free but foul haircuts…. :s
    Cute dress!

  5. oh such a cute outfit!
    have a lovely day, xoxo

  6. Love this dress, love your hair, jealous of your legs but I love you too! Congratulations to Becca 😀

    Maria xxx

  7. I wore a very similar outfit today 🙂 hooray for peter pan collars!

  8. Love the dress, and your hair looks great 🙂

  9. Love your oufit and the new hairstyle!

    ellie oxoxox
    hope you follow back

  10. Wow, I adore this dress and the whole outfit together! 😀

  11. That dress is BEAUTIFUL, hope your Monday calms down <3 xxxx

  12. That dress is BEAUTIFUL, hope your Monday calms down <3 xxxx

  13. i love that dress, and your new hairstyle suits you, too!


  14. Where from, where from????? Absolutely gorgeously cute dress, I LOVE it!!!!

    I can totally relate to hairdresser phobia (and am so pleased to have a kindred spirit (most girls at work think I’m insane…)). I’ve been to the hairdresser twice in the past 15 years, for the most part it’s just me and some sewing scissors!


  15. Pretty outfit. I think your hair looks fab, i hate going to the hairdressers too, it gives me the fear x

  16. these shape dresses look amazing on you. love your hair too xx

  17. Stunning dress but your hair steals the show! It looks fantastic, tell your moms she’s done a grand job!

    X x

  18. The hair looks great! Lucky you! Still coming to terms with mine… x

  19. awww the dress is so cute 🙂

  20. Nic

    That dress is lovely 🙂

  21. Love that dress!

  22. Beautiful dress!


  23. Your hair looks great, the dress is lovely those little collars are cute.

  24. Your hair looks lovely! Good decision to have it chops, really suits you!

  25. What a cute dress, darling Laura!


  26. lovely dress, and your new hair do looks great!

  27. The haircut suits you so well, you look beautiful Laura! Also love the cute dress, looks great on you darling xxx

  28. Gem

    lovely dress!
    I always come out of the hair dresses unhappy because they cut too much off 🙁

  29. Such a pretty dress! Where is it from. I saw a similar one in Next. It suits you incredibly and the peter pan collar is great on you.

    And the new haircut looks good. I’m due taking off lots of inches.

  30. I have the top version of this, I love it!

  31. I love that length hair on you!


  32. I love the dress it looks lovely 🙂 X

  33. Love that dress so pretty. Your hair looks great as well. I hate hairdressers as well they always cut to much off.

  34. That dress is very pretty! I want one too!

  35. Perfect dress, love peter pan collars and polka dots. This is one of my favourite dresses you have. Your hair looks amazing!

  36. I love your dress. It’s everything that I’m loving right now and you look down right gorgeous in it! I’m loving your shorter hair too 🙂

  37. Your hair looks FAB, really suits you. Love the outfit too.

    Sadie x

  38. That dress is so cute!

  39. Your mum cut your hair!?!?!? It looks fabulous, really suits you!

  40. Anonymous

    Great new hair. I have a major hairdresser phobia too. :-/ -Becky

  41. Your hair looks lovely! I hate hairdressers too, I’m long overdue a chop but I just can’t face it!

  42. this dress is adorable! I love it!