Marvellous Mocktails

A few weeks ago I was contacted by the creators of My Cocktail, asking me if I’d like to try their alcohol alternative to cocktails, Mocktails.

These are ready to drink, chilled from the pack and come in two classic cocktail flavours; Woo Woo and Pina Colada. A fun alternative to fruit juice for the non-drinkers, they are also marketed as a lower calorie beverage! You can also add alcohol to the mixes for an easy cocktail.

I’m not a big drinker, I enjoy the occasional g&t and that’s about it, but these intrigued me. In the end though I passed them on to best friend, Trudi, more of a Cocktail conniseur than me to see how they really compared to the alcoholic version!

(I will note I was very impressed with the packaging of these, bright and eye-catching and clearly labelled as alcohol free).

Here are Trudi’s thoughts:

Woo Woo- “Love this one, it reminds me of uni and sharing pitchers of Woo Woo. It tastes like the actual cocktail, and as well as trying it straight I also added some Archers (I had no Vodka) which was an experiment that ended well!”

Pina Colada- “This had a really strong pineapple taste and would also be fab with some added Rum to compliment the coconut”

“My Dad also enjoyed these, especially the Woo Woo which shows how these are set to appeal to all age groups. Adding alcohol didn’t change the taste much meaning the non-drinkers won’t feel like they are missing out- they’d be great for a house party, picnic, or just chilling out on a Summer day”.

My Mocktail is available from Asda priced at RRP £2.49 for a 1 litre tetrapack. For more information on Mocktails and the rest of the My Cocktail range you can check out the website here.

They also have a facebook page; perfect for letting them know what you think or picking up tips on how to enjoy!

What’s your tipple?


7 comments for “Marvellous Mocktails

  1. Oooh I love things like this- I do enjoy a good cocktail and I’m always on the look out for a cheap way of having one- these are perfect I’m sure.
    Unfortunately I have pretty expensive taste when it comes to cocktails lol, I’m all about random ones like brandy alexanders

  2. These look great! I might try them as I don’t drink, they will be a nice alternative to lemonade!

  3. I don’t really drink so these look fab! X

  4. Love a good cocktail!

  5. Ooo, I am not a big drinker but love the taste of a good cocktail so these sound perfect!

  6. I saw these the other day and really fancied trying them. I hardly ever drink but I love cocktails so these sound perfect!