Mid Week outfit

Happy Wednesday one and all (though for some reason my head is telling me its Thursday..please tell me I’m wrong?!)

Nothing spectacular going on in the wardrobe department today, does anyone else find this time of year a complete nightmare when it comes to picking what to wear? It’s not yet cold enough for full on winter gear, but my spring and summer attire, even with layering just doesn’t look right against the grey skies and fallen leaves.




I look a bit tired and miserable today, eek, well that’s what being woken up at 7am will do to ya,
but when the culprit looks this cute, what is a girl to do?



Have a great day!

60 comments for “Mid Week outfit

  1. Yes the weather right now is so annoying, I don’t now what to wear too! But this outfit is perfect for the autumn weather!

  2. love the outfit, especially the colour of your top!

  3. I love that skirt. It’s so cute! Great outfit.

    I really adore this time of year – I’m a complete winter girl and love chunky cardis and leathery boots. The weather is so changeable though – today I’m wearing a cable knit long length wool cardigan and it’s so warm! Layers are the answer! πŸ™‚

  4. It is definitely Wednesday. You look very nice and yes, very often I have the same dilemma when getting dressed. Have a great day!

  5. despite your nightmare you look great, love the skirt paired with that wonderfully colored t-shirt. I do agree though dressing right now can be frustrating because the temperature is always flucuating, I feel like a change 5x a day

  6. LOL! It is true – You DID win. CONGRATS!!

  7. You’re so lucky you get to layer though, I wish we had four seasons here so I can experience autumn and winter:)

    Love your skirt, it’s so cute!

  8. Regardless to what you’re saying, I believe your outfit is quite inspired. I love the teal top, the shape of the skirt and its floral pattern and I think the pairing of these two with the tights and those shoes is really cute!

    And also: Why aren’t we cats? Flash is leading the perfect life…

  9. I love that skirt. And your kitty is sooo adorable! Looks so harmless…but yes, cats are quite mischevious. Hehe. πŸ™‚

  10. Great outfit! I love your teal top with the black and that’s such a great skirt.
    I agree though, it is really hard to decided what to wear around this time of the year. I usually end up misjudging exactly how cold it’s going to be and pick out something to hot or something that isn’t warm enough. Oops πŸ˜‰
    Cute kitty!

  11. Ah nice skirt <3



  13. owwww your kitty is too adorable! and i love your outfit for today – despite the weather conundrum! i hate how autumn/winter fashion takes so much more effort than summer and spring.

    happy hump day πŸ™‚
    xoxo Hannah

  14. Lovely outfit (great skirt!) and adorable kitty!


  15. Love the cute skirt and ankle boots. Oh my, your kitty looks adorable, and very cosy!


  16. I love the skirt and cardi πŸ™‚
    Ur cat is so cute!!


  17. i like your outfit very much today. print and color mixed really well. ah… it’s all tired out… : ) my blog was in your dream. that is so funny. what was it about???

  18. i know right… its especially bad here in los angeles

    I dont know what i like better… that skirt or the kitty

    Vi from Cali

  19. i like your stye… and your bog is great! πŸ™‚

  20. Gorgeous skirt, the weather is so weird, it was quite sunny and warmish here today. Loving the pics of Flash x

  21. LOVE. Im all about the floral

  22. The weather here is perfectly sunny and I’m loving/hating it at the same time! You look so pretty! I love the floral skirt and the way you layer it with a light knit vest! xxoxoxo

  23. Great skirt! Love the print. I’m crazy for tights right now! Although I do find myself a bit aloof when picking things out to wear.



  24. Connected to your blog through another blog.

    You dress very well. Women could use your blog to pick up tips on how to dress better.

  25. As everyone said- niiiiceee skirt! And even nicer kitty πŸ™‚ I was so excited for autumn, but crappy Bristol weather has taken away any enthusiasm I had for dressing in anything other than a rain coat πŸ™ Ooh and I tagged you xx

  26. Love the print on you…give that adorable kitty a huge squeeze from me! xo*

  27. Oh boy! I jut love this outfit, I think its jsut right and perfect for autumn, even if the weather is getting cold.

  28. I actually love fall weather! Strange but true. I love the print on this skirt – so pretty!

  29. Your kitty is so cute. And I’m in love with the romantic print on your skirt!

  30. What a most precious little fur baby! I’m going crazy right now cuz I want to put away my warm weather clothes and bust out the cardis!

  31. What an adorable cat! As far as I know, over here its a Thursday.. but it could be wednesday there, or could it?

    I love the skirt =)


  32. really cute dress. i love such ones.
    cute kitty cat.

  33. ahh yes i know what you mean. that usually happens to me in the mornings when i have to get ready to go to campus! in the end my room gets really messy, with clothes all over the floor πŸ™

    i love the colour of your top though! it suits you really well as well. your cat is just oh so adorable <3 you have a very unique facial features πŸ™‚

  34. Awww!!! That first cat pic is so cute!!!

    Nice outfit, like the skirt πŸ™‚

    nicola xx

  35. what a cute skirt honey! hope you are well

  36. I always have that problem when choosing what to wear; thus the reason why I’m always inappropriately dressed for the weather at hand. As long as I look good, however, it doesn’t really bother me. And how can you possibly resist a kitty that cute? πŸ™‚

  37. the weather is great here too sis and i agree with you,it’s not just right to wear red or yellow! πŸ™‚

    oh my god, flash is so cute.

    click here to visit me at mode junkie!

  38. I don’t usually like cast (they make me sneeze) but he/she’s cute!

    Thanks for the comment – I think I will get a fringe… but I’m sure I’ll regret it haha.

    Btw I sent the key cap to you today but as you know there is a Post Strike going on so have no idea when it will get to you!

  39. that floral is lovely! xx

  40. super cute– you and the cat!

  41. Love that skirt… and cat… x

  42. you look adorable and your cat is the cutest! don’t worry about the interview..take your time.



  43. Love the skirt! And the cat? Too adorable!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!

  44. classy and dainty.. as always πŸ™‚ cant’ believe it’s thursday already either!

  45. i love the pattern of your skirt!

  46. awwww that cat looks tooooo cute!!!!!

    who takes your photos?

  47. yes the weather right now is very annoying, rainy everydays over here
    I love ur skirts, im bit obsessed with anything floral

    do you take ur pics by urself ?, you use tripod or remote ?


  48. ohhh, so cute!!

    nice skirt!

  49. Your cat is so cute! And the outfit is pretty cute too πŸ˜‰

  50. I hate this type of weather too :/ I still don’t know should I pack my T-shirts and put the away or not. Love your outfit anyway!

  51. Love this outfit!eye-catchy colour combination!!

  52. Amy

    I think you look adorable in this outfit! I am new to your blog and I love it. All your outfits are so great!

    I hope the weather gets better where you are. It has rained alot over here too. Ugh! LOL πŸ™‚


  53. woah this cat looks exactly like my cat.

  54. Anonymous

    Aw, Flash looks so cozy. I like the black top you’ve got on.-Feather