No title Tuesday

I’m quite a bit behind with outfit posts. I wore this dress from Next on Thursday or Friday I think, I lost track of the days. Worn with Georgia Rose boots c/o Sarenza and this beautiful Laura Ashley necklace which was part of my gift from the Blog Birthday Party last week.

I’m not digging this week, my foot and ankle have suddenly got quite a bit worse and the weather and general greyness of the world has got me down. Fingers crossed it’s onward and upward from here! I wanted to thank everyone from the kind and thoughtful comments on recent posts, I’ve really been so touched by them, blogging friends are fabulous!

Well, I’d best get to work, a few hours to get through, a lunchtime meeting and then I’ll most likely be heading down to A&E to get my foot checked out. In an ideal world I’d be resting with my foot up, but duty calls and I can’t bear to let work down!

How has your week started off?


17 comments for “No title Tuesday

  1. What a pretty necklace! I didn’t know that Laura Ashley did jewellery, but I should have expected it since they sell clothing (and not like the frou-frou dresses I used to wear as a child in the 80s!).

    I do hope that your foot gets better!

  2. You remind me so much of Alexa Chung! xo

  3. I really hope you get your foot sorted out lovely 🙁 sounds so painful! I adore the colour of this dress babe it really suits you 🙂


  4. That dress looks lovely on you, love the rich raspberry colour. Hope your foot is on the mend soon xxx

  5. Vix

    Hope that foot heals soon! loving the colour of that dress! x

  6. Looking fab Laura, I hope your foot feels better soon!

  7. Hi Laura!

    I love this bright fuchsia! Utterly gorgeous and exactly what’s needed to chase away those grey day blues!

    Really enjoying your blog, can’t wait for your next outfit post!

    ~ Tasha

  8. LOVE this dress on you, the pink colour looks gorgeous with your hair!

    Maria xxx

  9. Oh, Laura – this is a great outfit. That shade of fuchsia sets off your hair color really well.

    Take care, my dear.

  10. Gorgeous dress, great colour! Sorry to hear your foot is bad again – blame this stupid, rotten weather!

  11. Love the boots!!!! I’m addicted to that stye at the moment, I swear i could buy like 10 paris! xxx

  12. That necklace is beautiful. I’m also not feeling this week so far. xx

  13. Love this outfit. I hope your foot’s OK! x

  14. I love the leaf necklace but so sorry that your foot is still giving you grief! I think sometimes that foot injuries are SO much worse than arm ones, because it’s so hard to get around when one is out of action! Hope you are better soon!xx
    (And I’ve been making something very silly! I’d love your opinion on it!)

  15. This is one of my favorite styles of Tunic dress with leggings. I love the combination!