Oh Deer

On my last foray in to the outside world I couldn’t resist having a little spend on some pick me up treats. I am meant to be on a shoe ban but these Lace up Brogue Creepers were only Ā£19.99 in New Look and are really comfortable and supportive of my foot for when I am allowed to weight bear on it again! Medicinal shoes, that’s all the excuse I needed!

I wore them on Sunday despite being practically housebound with my trusty Oasis jeans and this Cute Deer Top from Asda which was a present from my Mum. Whilst in Asda I also picked up this bargainous Pink Coat which cost all of Ā£19.99 and is both well fitting and well made. Well done Asda, well done!

Day three of being housebound awaits. I have a list of things I can do sitting down, but none of the appeal. What I want is fresh air and to be in work (yes, really!) but alas…it’s time I put myself first and actually let the foot heal.

What do you do when your stuck inside? And what have you been buying lately?


18 comments for “Oh Deer

  1. Love that shirt and those shoes. I do some reading, internet and some gastronome experience in the kitchen whenever I’m stuck or not feeling to see the outside world. šŸ™‚ Got my eye on your next posts.

  2. Oh Laura I hope your foot gets better soon šŸ™ You look lovely though and that deer top is adorable, I do love Asda, they’ve been very good with their new line lately. Get well soon but keep posting these lovely daily outfits, they lift my spirits! xxx

  3. Absolutely love the shoes! I may have to take a trip to New Look soon…. Have a movie marathon and catch up with blogs, facemask, nails, pamper yourself and enjoy some relaxing you time šŸ™‚

  4. If being on crutches isn’t an excuse for new shoes, then I don’t know what is.

    All my stuck indoors time would be spent doing knitting, crocheting or cross stitching. No surprise.


  5. KNITTING, I cannot recommend it highly enough; its calming and therapeutic and you can sit with your feet up while you do it …. also you get a hat/scarf/blanket/whatever at the end of it, win-win.
    Yes I’m old but don’t knock it šŸ™‚

  6. J.

    Any time I am stuck inside for a while, I try to catch up on my reading (books, not anything on the Internet!), I love it.

  7. I’m yet to be sold on creepers. They worry me! Love your pink coat very much x

  8. You look lovely and cosy in your first outfit and I love your pink coat, I remember having one like that when I was very young and thinking I was the bees knees in it. I’ve got a little boy at home with me all day so I usually have to keep him amused but otherwise there’s a good chance I would be on Blogger. I like to read and listen to music too but I can’t get doing either as often as I’d like. xx

  9. Those shoes are lovely, I hope your house arrest is helping your feet feel a bit better!

    Maria xxx

  10. My most recent purchase was a peplum top that I absolutely adore – so glad I tried it!
    I can never sit still when I’m at home, if I have to be resting I try to knit or sew… although the recent election has me hankering after a bit of my West Wing box set.
    Take care of yourself x

  11. Mat

    bless you, still hobbling along

  12. Poor you and your little foot šŸ™ i love your jumper and the shoes are amazing! what a bargain šŸ™‚


  13. Sam

    Ooh I just got these shoes too – the first time I’ve been tempted into the land of creepers! And that coat is amazing, love, love, love!

    Sam Muses xx

  14. Louise W

    Maybe you should start a business as an (internet) personal shopper for other people’s christmas presents?

  15. Best top ever! <3

    P.S. I hope your foot gets better soon!

    Jennie xo | sailorjennie.com

  16. When I am stuck at home ill (which I am a lot with the MS) I do competitions, loads of them. Then when I am well again I hopefully have lots of little prizes dropping through my letterbox. It feels more productive than just browsing the internet and also is quite a good time passer. I also do things like finding online guides to creating web pages and mess around teaching myself things like that. Feel better soon xx

    PS I am off to buy that coat right now, so that is what I have been buying lately šŸ™‚

  17. ahh your coat is cute! Love your shoes too

    Francesca xo