On Trial: ActiPatch

It’s been a long haul with my back problems, since the moment I somehow managed to pop out two discs last October and landed myself in A&E I haven’t been pain free. Things have improved drastically since I had Microdiscectomy surgery in February- it solved my numbness and weakness in my left leg at least, but the surgery was never going to cure the actual back pain and it’s something I still struggle with.
Since my post-op recovery period I’ve tried to wean down on the strong pain medication, floating along on a cloud of Tramadol is a novelty for a day or two but it grows tiresome fast and I really did not want to end up with an addiction to pain meds. I’m now mostly just on paracetemol but sometimes that’s not enough, I’ve been seeking out alternative ways to ease the pain such as yoga and improving my posture as well as using a handy little device called ActiPatch which I was lucky enough to have sent to me after they read some of my post surgery tweets.
ActiPatch is available in several formats to target specific types of pain, I was sent the Back Pain Relief model which costs £19.99 and is available to buy from Boots. It boasts an impressive 720 of back pain relief using electromagnetic pulse therapy to reduce pain and inflammation. This is a therapy that has been clincally proven and used for decades in the treatment of pain and you don’t feel a thing whilst wearing the patch. You can wear the patch 24/7 until the pain is reduced and it has long lasting benefits proven to be five times more effective than traditional pain medications.
Despite the impressive statistics and claims I was sceptical as to how effective a tiny little device can be. It’s essentially a little disc with some wires and an on/off button that slips inside a pouch on a belt you fasten around your middle, with the disc over the source of the pain. At first I found it distracting to wear the belt but I stopped noticing after a while and it’s not at all bulky so ideal for wearing under clothes day or night. After about an hour I really started to notice a reduction in my pain and after the suggested 8 hours continuous usage I was virtually pain free and after taking the belt off I stayed pain free until well in to the next day.
I’ve been using this for some months now, probably clocking up around 100 hours, so there’s a long way to go until it runs out. I say this is well worth the £19.99 price tag, when I take in to account what I’ve paid for medications and prescriptions and I would recommend this to anyone who suffers from chronic pain.
Have you tried any alternative pain relief methods? I’d love to know them as I’m always up for trying something new. Let me know if you try ActiPatch and how you get on too, honestly I don’t understand HOW it works entirely but I can hand on heart say it does.


41 comments for “On Trial: ActiPatch

  1. Hope this brings you relief, didn’t realise you were still in such pain post surgery 🙁

  2. Anne Thornhill

    I have fibromyalgia and CFS and have so many side affects from meds that I only take small doses if amatriptaline and co codamol..since discovering ActiPatch 4 months ago through a trial at UK fibromyalgia local group..I bought the back ActiPatch 4 months ago I am on my 3rd one now..I have had so much relief from my back and hip pain and can do so much more..I wear it continuously..if I don’t wear it I know the difference..I still pace myself when doing stuff but I can go that bit longer without resting..it is a miricle for me..I just wish it was available on th NHS..if enough people tell their gps about the relief the get compaired to the drugs given on prescription then this would be better for our physical health and cost less in the long run as they won’t be dealing with side effects of medications..I am approaching my dr to see if this is a possibility..the more people who benefit fron non invasive methods of treatment the better all round..

    • Hi Anne l am in the same boat as you now almost 16 yes .sometimes my whole body goes into spasm . My shoulders/neck but my worst area is lower back and my cocys area . Find it difficult to sit for long periods . Have had several mri scans over the years tried yoga . but because as you well understand with CFS we never get rested sleep..l wear a back support every day all l can say is thank goodness for baggie to shirts hide the belt . do you think this product is help full? l have gone through 3 tens machines lm so worn out and fed up with pain..Thank you for reading this . Am in Ireland x

  3. jules

    I am hearing only good things about this and think I will have to try it, my back and hips cause me the most pain but I do have widespread pain through out my body due to fybromialgia, I am so happy for all the people it has helped

  4. Karen

    I have a back problem with severe pain that’s been ongoing for 3 years. I’ve tried loads if things: acupuncture, tens machine, epidural steroid injection and just 2 weeks ago another epidural. None of the above have worked. I take morphine for pain relief. I’m up for trying anything.

  5. long time lower backache.. lifted a pool table and went down and since that ive had pain

  6. Lou Rennidon

    I’ve tried every medication possible since my discs in my neck & spine prolapsed whilst swimming in 2002. I’ve since been diagnosed with Arthritis & Fibromyalgia & have lived with Chronic Pain ever since. Been 2 Pain Clinic 3 times but still no help with my pain. I saw the trial ActiPatch on FB & thought I’ve nothing 2 lose by paying the £1.99 p&p 4 this so ordered it. Best thing I’ve ever done. After wearing it on my back I noticed a difference in my pain levels within 1 hour. I kept it on overnight & actually slept all night 4 the 1st time in years. I actually woke refreshed & in no pain, which is the 1st time since my accident in 2002. As the trial is constantly turned on, I kept it on. Yes, I had issues with this as I’m suffering extreme hot sweats due 2 the menopause & the tape kept unsticking from my back, so the patch would fall off. I had 2 carry tape with me when out due 2 this. My lack of pain was a wonderful surprise & when I went 4 my last session of Physio at the hospital, my Physio couldn’t get over the difference in me. She said she noticed straight away in my face & the way I got up. She couldn’t believe I was walking pain free & was very interested in reading the ActiPatch info that came with the trial patch, as I’d taken it with me 2 show her. She took a copy of it 2 pass onto her manager 2 look into 2 c if they could recommend this 2 other patients!
    I’ve since ordered 2 Back Pain ActiPatches from Boots.com as it was the only way 2 qualify 4 their free delivery 2 the store.
    I’ve worn 1 a couple of times now & love that I can turn this on & off. Again, within 1 hr I’ve noticed my pain levels have dropped. I’ve no idea how this circle of wire works & don’t really care. All I care about is that it works !!! I’ve passed ActiPatch details onto 2 friends who have chronic pain & they’ve gone straight 2 Boots.com & ordered them, b4 trialing it like I did. Like they said, if it’s got rid of my pain when using it then it must b bloody good !!!
    I can’t recommend this product highly enough. I just wish I could get it on prescription as I’ve bought a 12 mth pre-paid prescription card. I only have DLA 2 live on so £19.99 is a lot 4 me 2 pay each month.

    • If you use Click & Collect at Boots and the code ACTIPATCH1 you can save a pound. The offer is good until July 31 I believe.

  7. patricia

    i am buying heat patches i think they are good but i will try this to c what it is like

  8. Gail

    Following years of back pain due to two prolapsed discs, I have been down the medical route, firstly having a cordial epidural, followed by a nerve root block last year and finally three weeks ago a micro disectomy. I have been on numerous pills, and even tried acupuncture. I am experiencing quite a lot of pain at the moment and things seem to have fell back to where they were before Christmas. I have started physiotherapy and will mention this to the physio when see him again next week for his thoughts. If he is positive I will give this a go….. Watch this space

    • Debbie Mitchell

      I have had x2 lots of surgery and injections for x3 prolapsed discs (L2,3; L4,5 and L5,S1) I tried the Actipatch but unfortunately it hasn’t worked for me – so back to taking the meds and coping as best as I can…

  9. anna Bradley

    I used the trial one and so did my husband we have various long term pain including bad shoulders .after using the trial one we went and bought the proper one and my husbands shoulder pain went after suffering about a year.also im pain free for several wks at a time with this.its brilliant and I havnt been paid to say that.cant praise the acti patch enough.only one little draw back you need help with the sticky plasters if its onyour upper back.

    • if you can’t reach your upper back, you can affix ActiPatch to a shirt and wear the shirt- it will work through the fabric, too

  10. Back pain 3years had pain injection go to pain clinic

  11. Leovigilda Lowe

    How do i get the free trial?

  12. Nikki cumner

    Does this help sigh static pain

  13. Laura

    For 12 years now I’ve suffered with,initially lower back pain & sciatica , ranging from severe outragious, mind numbing pain to a more generalised constant niggling, back & shoulder pain with spasms reaching into both my arms/hands and legs/feet.
    I’ve had numerous steroid injections, facet nerve block injections and epidural’s over the years with differing results. Have had oramorph, morphine patches, dihydrocodeine, Tramadol, Amiltryptaline,Gabbapentin, Diclofenac diazepam, various sleeping tablets, beta blockers and my fair share of antidepressants to try to give me some relief
    You name it, I’ve tried it, been on the course (3 times) have got everything that’s been recommended to me from doctors,chronic pain advisers,physios, private doctors etc. Paid for my own M.R.I scan in the hope of shortening the waiting list time to see a specialist.. Been diagnosed as ‘disabled’ and told I couldn’t work again or do anything for more than half an hour!!
    All before the age of 30!
    Now, a lot has changed but the pain still gets intense when I’ve had a tough day, I don’t sleep for more than 3/4 hours at a time if I’m lucky and have got down to just 4 tramadol a day so have nowhere to go re pain relief when it’s bad.
    Actipatch sound like something I need to have in my life!!
    Thanks for leaving all the reviews, now I’m actually hopeful of some peace and being able to relax – as soon as I’ve got my hands on them so…watch this space!!

  14. ann-marie mcauley

    I had a spinal fusion in december, where a titanium rod placed in my back with 2 metal discs. I still have no feeling in my left thigh and knee. Im on a lot of morhine to control the pain. I would like to know how you got the feeling back. Ive been told as the discs collapsed onto the root nerve, and they made me wait for 2 years for surgery, the damage has been done and cant be fixed.

  15. Christine Brown

    I’ve had lower back problems for approximately 15 years, some day’s I am in so much pain and struggle to get to the bathroom etc (which is a nightmare when you have a toddler) I just want to cry 🙁 anyway I’m on various medications including morphine, I’ve tried tens machines and loads of other things including surgery.
    I’ve spoken to my doctor about getting some sort of back support but was told that it could cause more long term damage.
    I’m still waiting for the “magic pill” but the Doctor has said that there’s nothing else they can do….. is this the “magic pill” I’ve been waiting for???

  16. i have a spinal cord stimulator and to be quite honest don’t know why i have it i still have servere back pain i’d try any thing i need help big time.

  17. June Daly

    Hi i have been suffering lower back pain i have multiple sclorosis for 18 years
    i have been on every type of pain relief even morphine patches and nothing gives me relief
    i cant walk around the block and im in agony i just want to be pain free
    so im wondering if the free trial is still available i would try anything at this stage
    regards june

  18. Can i ask how do you apply for one of these please

  19. Chrissy

    Can it be used by someone with a pacemaker?

  20. Most likely you didn’t give ActiPatch an adequate amount of time to work. Did you leave it on continously? For how long? Please read more here http://www.actipatch.com/blogs/news/11654533-how-long-until-i-feel-pain-relief-from-using-the-actipatch

  21. Most likely you didn’t give ActiPatch an adequate amount of time to work. Did you leave it on continuously? For how long? Please read more here http://www.actipatch.com/blogs/news/11654533-how-long-until-i-feel-pain-relief-from-using-the-actipatch

  22. MAS

    I had problems with my back in 2006. Slip disc (L5- S1), with pain going from my lower back until my left feet. Weak leg, numbness on my feet and tools, it was very painful. Couldn’t walk anymore, stayed in hospital for one week, the strongest medication couldn’t relieve my pain. Had an Steroid Injection on the prolapsed disc ( which particularly I think didn’t help). The doctor wanted to do a surgery on my back, but I was so scared, asked some time for him….. When at home, I was always laying on my back, on the floor, with my legs placed in a chair. It helped me to diminish the pain…. The ten machine was quite helpful as well to relieve the pain. Started going to a swimming pool near home, where I started doing some light exercises inside the water, walking, floating with my arms stretched… that helped a lot because started stretching the muscles, relieving the slip disc. To sleep, always I was laying on my side, with a pillow between my legs and a pillow on my head, so my neck wasn’t getting stressed ( I still sleep in this position, it is very good). Another thing that helped me was Alexander Technic… It was soooo good, because they teach you how to stand, how to sit properly, to lay down, how to breath. It was very, very helpful. Now I’m very well, managed not having the surgery! But when I get stressed, next day I can feel the pain in my back. So it’s a process of trying to relax as much as you can, sleep, walk and sit in the right position… And letting go all problems!