Party Prep- the Invisibra

Probably my most common problem when getting dressed up with what to do about a bra. I end up restricting what dresses I’ll buy or wear because I’m sick of low backs being ruined by a bra band or straps over-powering the spaghetti straps of a floaty camisole
I was recently sent something called an Invisibra which promised to solve this problem for me…
…but how could that (apart from being awesomely sparkly) possibly help?
I put my bewilderment to one side for a while and gave it a try under a super strappy dress, of which an outfit post is coming next week.
Putting the bra on was a surreal experience. You basically stick a cup to your boob then join the plastic connector in the middle and ta-da… BRA!
The cups felt quite odd to start with as they are sticky on the inside (but don’t leave a residue on the skin and are re-usable) but once the bra was on and clipped together it was really quite secure and comfortable. I did a little dance around to make it wasn’t going to fall off and land on my feet- it didn’t for the record although I may have left you with a quite bizarre mental image.
(Oh, and you can move the cups to get a bigger boost!)
I’ve gone from being a dis-believer to wanting to use this all party season long. The bras come in cup sizes and I found mine to be the perfect fit. At £38 for this sequinned variety they don’t run cheap but for me they’ll save money as it’s opened up a lot more options from my current wardrobe.
Curious or tempted? You can get more information from the website. There are loads of different designs to choose from.
What problems do you face when getting ready for a party?
Has anybody else tried the Invisibra?

12 comments for “Party Prep- the Invisibra

  1. Super tempted, my formal gown has a small cut out in the back and I only realised yesterday, that the awesome bra I have especially for low cut fronts, is very visible at the back. Perfect timing my love!

  2. I would love to be able to wear backless dresses and I’ve tried similar products in the past but I’ve unfortunately come to the conclusion that nothing works for my cup size. It was impossible before I was pregnant! X

  3. These are fantastic. I brought a cheap Primark one a few years back as like you I wasn’t convinced they would work. Since then I treated my self to a better one but its not a sparkly one like that. Think I may take a sneaky look at the web site.

    X x

  4. I tried a stick on bra a few years back on my 18th birthday. One thing I would say is that the sticky coating didn’t agree so much with dancing in a hot and sweaty club haha. Xx

  5. That’s always been a dilemma of mine too so this sounds like an awesome idea! xo

    Sophie <3 soinspo

  6. oh thats so sparkly! I never think these wilk fit me as I have mahoosive d/e boobies but if I found these in bigger cup sizes I would get so many. they seem like a great idea 😀

  7. Interesting. I’ll be checking this out, I love strappy tops and dresses but hate going braless.

  8. My sister-in-law wore one of these for her recent wedding. She said it was totally secure and felt fine. Her dress her low-backed and low at the front and seemed to work really well! I am still very nervous about trying them though- mind you, I don’t often want to wear low-backed things though my very first concert dress, aged 13 was low backed and I reaaaaaaally could have done with one of those then!x

  9. I’ve never heard of this before but I quite like the idea! I hate it when I’ve got a sleeveless top or dress and the straps are always showing, it drives me crazy, so this seems ideal. I love the sparkles too.

  10. I used to wear bras like this all the time as a young thang! They’re pretty good but I found back in the day they would slip if I got really hot! Saying that, I imagine times may have changed haha. I now use a similar one from Boux Avenue which has invisible wings and it’s MAGIC.

    Tara xo

  11. They look good, but I always think my boobs are too small to hold one on properly!