
Hello, I hope your week is getting off to a good start! Just a quick outfit post today, I’m feeling a bit un-inspired in terms of blogging right now and don’t have much to say or show for myself.




The skirt I got when I went shopping the other weekend, from Primark. The bunny vest is from New Look and was a present from my parents this weekend πŸ™‚
Cardigan, well, I’ve had that about four years now, I think it’s from H&M though. On my feet I’ll be wearing nude and black lace flats.

Off to sit in the garden now, making the most of the gorgeous weather we have at the moment.

I will attempt to catch up with blogs during this week, I’m somewhat lacking the ability to form coherent comments though…but I am at the very least, reading your posts.


121 comments for “pastel

  1. Superb cute top!


  2. I love love love that outfit!
    The skirt is super super cute, and paired with that top!


  3. You look absolutely gorgeous Laura! Love the pastel colors.

  4. I don’t think (m)any of us think we have much to say or show for ourselves but it’s not true. It’s always nice to read your posts.
    I love that skirt, it’s so pretty.

  5. The skirt is adorable- perfect for nice weather. Enjoy sitting outside!

  6. Lovely outfit perfect for the beautiful day we’re having πŸ™‚
    Enjoy being outside hopefully I’ll catch the last of it at the end of the day πŸ™‚

  7. Love all the pastel colours and that top is beyond cute!

  8. That vest is so cute! I’m a bit uninspired at the moment too, i seem to go through phases like that, i’m sure it will pass for us both x

  9. Love the pastel look! The bunny top is adorable… from the first profile shot, the pattern actually made it look like a corset!

  10. Awww you look adorable with this top!! This is such a lovely outfit πŸ™‚
    have a good day under the sun! I’m off to the park for a pic nic!

    xxx Iris

  11. The bunny vest is adorable.

  12. Lucky you, it’s rainy and windy over here πŸ™

  13. your outfit is so cute.

    I know what you mean about being uninspired lately, I’ve been feeling that way too…

  14. really love the skirt, gorgeous colour.

  15. awww this outfit is too cute πŸ™‚ love, love, love the bunnies β™₯

  16. I love your skirt and tights dear! hope you find inspiration soon!

  17. Sweetie, so sorry to hear that you’re feeling a bit down. But you still look incredibly saccharine! I adore the pastel colours of your outfit, too sweet:)


  18. I adore all the beautiful pastels in this outfit.

  19. cute tights and top :3

  20. Cute!
    I love the colors!


  21. Jen

    I love that tee! The bunnies are super cute and it really works with the pastel colours in your skirt. πŸ™‚ xx

  22. enjoy the day out in your garden, i hope the warmth and sunshine make you feel glorious πŸ™‚

  23. Gorgeous outfit darling. Know the lack-of-coherency feeling. I am planning to send a care package in a few days… Just need to fight off pesky ill first. Hugs, Xxxc

  24. i love ur sute outfits. xxx

  25. that top is the cutest thing ever! i also enjoy how you unashamedly wear primark, i have a lovely blue shell-shaped bag from there i’ve been rocking πŸ™‚

  26. What beautiful, soft colors–and I love the bunny shirt!

  27. I absolutely love the skirt – one of my favorite colors πŸ™‚

  28. i am craving for this skirt! you look cute!

  29. awesome . I just found your blog yesterday and you’re such a beutiful talented girl !!

  30. I love that top, it’s so cute! And pastels really suit you. Sorry your feeling down, hope you feel more inspired soon.

  31. hmm,lovely outfit, and i love the colour of your cardigan ^^

  32. woaaaah
    nice to see u again

    and u always beautiful as always

  33. That skirt is so pretty and dainty. It looks really interesting with those tights too! Unique look. I like it.

  34. such a cute outfit! love the shirt! adorable you look gorgeous!

  35. the bunny vest is soo cute babe. i was in new look last week and canΒ΄t help but think about you.

    thanks for the well wishes sis. my eye is gettin better now.


  36. You look great…and the bunnies-in-love tee looks adorable!

  37. Adorable! I love the sweet pastels paired with the dark edgy tights – very cute look.

  38. Simple, wearable and so chic… I love this ensemble. And may I add, it’s a really pretty outfit too. xoxo

  39. That new bunny top is super cute and looks ever so pretty with the skirt. x

  40. hehehe I LOVE BUNNIES!!!

    awesome blog, and this outfit is uber cuteness! Kinda like a cute cupcake <3 xx

  41. The bunny vest is so cute! I also l-o-v-e the cardigan and its colour.

    The ensemble is in perfect harmony.

    We have sunny weather, but it’s cold like in winter….

    Best wishes and kisses
    from southern Germany

  42. Thank you very much!
    Great outfit!! Love the colours together!
    I hope you get over your disease and wish you all the luck to beat/fight it… You are a beautiful girl!

  43. Hey doll,

    I’m right there with you. I’m extremely uninspired and I’m not sure why. I hope it passes for you sooner than later. Hope you’re having a good week, especially with the weather (ours is gross and drizzly, blah!).


  44. You look amazing! Soft pastel colors are lovely on you.

  45. That bunny vest is to die for, gorgeous!

  46. what a perfect outfit to go sit in the garden in πŸ™‚

  47. Really lovely outfit… one of my faves of yours !

  48. Great skirt! I love the colour. Everyone seems to find such nice things from Primark, but I always get put off by the queue!

  49. the top is so cute!

  50. Ooh, I’ve got that skirt in grey. That’s a really pretty colour though – I bought a cardi in H&M a similar colour at the weekend..

    That vest is adorable – I want it!

  51. Love the outfit. I really adore the tights…I’m so drawn to dotted tights lately!

  52. really cute, love the pastels

  53. you look veryy pretty:)
    lovee your blouse.


  54. Oh, it is such a lovely outfit.Romantic, girly, everyting i could ask for on a beautiful spring day-if it was one here…enjoy your week!

  55. Such a lovely and cute top! gorgeous outfit as always πŸ™‚


  56. The bunny vest is really cute – good choice Daisy’s mum! xx

  57. Just stumbled across your blog and I love it πŸ™‚ you look just lovely in all your photos!


  58. Aww that bunny vest is amazing! Hope you find the blogging bug again soon, but take as long as you need, after all, there’s no point if it’s not fun for you.

  59. i love this pastel look on you…. πŸ™‚
    im glad to hear that the sun is finally up and shining in your side of the world! x

  60. Sweet outfit! Bunny love! β™₯

  61. Fabulous outfit! You have great style. Love that top especially.

    We’re now following. xo

  62. REALLY love the top πŸ™‚
    So cute with the cardigan πŸ™‚

  63. I hope the sunshine clears your head a bit, I find it really helps to get outdoors πŸ™‚
    you look like a lovely pastel ballerina…

  64. Fab top, I love it. I’ve been blogging less also due to not having inspiring energy, but I’m back at it now.

    Thanks for your great comments.

  65. This is one of my favorite outfits you’ve shared. Adorable!

  66. Your outfit is inspiring enough! You look like a ray of sunshine! Enjoy your week, sweetie!

  67. For a second there, I thought you were wearing a playboy bunny tshirt, haha. It’s really cute, though! And lace skirts look great on you. πŸ˜€

  68. i go through ups and downs with blogging all the time… worries….your blog is fierce! πŸ™‚

    β™₯ cara mia

  69. you look great in pastel, love ur lace dress!

  70. Such a light and springy skirt!
    So cute.

  71. This outfit is so cute sweetie, i love it!! Take it easy, and please don’t feel guilkty about lack of comments!! xxx

  72. I have that skirt in peach! I’m wearing it today with my slouchy grey ledzep tee.
    Primark have so many nice skirts at the mo don’t they?
    Yesterdays weather was so nice, where the heck has it gone? today is rubbish!:(

    peace & hugs
    prettyneons xXx

  73. Cute outfit!!!
    Oh my god, I’ve been feeling the exact same all this week…. it’s shocking I hope to get some inspiration soon. xxx

  74. So cute outfit!Loving the cardi.


  75. I love the bunny tee with that whimsical skirt!

    Enjoy sitting in the garden! It’s been raining here for days now.

  76. love that skirt girlie x

  77. BUNNIES!! =) Such a sweet outfit with a lovely colour palette.

    Florrie x

  78. Anonymous

    You are way to skinny and set a horrible example of what a girl/women should look like. You should really eat a burger or ten!!!!


  79. Loving the bunny top!

  80. I love hte bunny vest paired with pastels – it is just adorable; and so incredibly perfect for spring!! πŸ™‚

  81. you’re so pretty. I feel so bad with myself. you look wonderfull and super cute.
    you’re clothes ‘n body looks amazing

    (sorry for my bad english, i from argentina , you?

  82. ah, i love the bunny top too ; )

  83. Hey Daisy πŸ™‚

    LOV-IN the bunny shirt, too cute :)!! It nice today in my land also, I’ll probably walk up to the endless river and listen to the waves splash against the pavement.

  84. such a cute top!

    Merci beaucoup for stopping by darling =]

    Sorry for the late reply!

    Stay safe and chic ma chΓ©rie,

    English Rose x

  85. that shirt is so cuteee!

  86. A really cute top there missy
    – Adele

  87. I would live in pastels!

    Pimentos are the red things in olives. Mix them with cheddar cheese, a bit of mayo and celery and pecans all smoothed out with a blender–sweet wounded wuffles.

  88. Very nice top πŸ™‚

  89. your shirt is so pretty! πŸ˜€

  90. ah i love your bunny top! i’m struggling with something similar at the moment. You go girl πŸ™‚

    High street + Couture =

  91. The vest is super cute x

  92. You look so beautiful!!!


  93. love your skirt

  94. I am loving this bunny top on you Laura. And SLumming It is really good, you should try and watch it online. Hope you feel a bit more perky soon. xxx

  95. Aww thank you for the sweet comment missy πŸ™‚ Why no post today?? xox

  96. That skirt is so lovley. The design, the print, the color, all of it. I bet it flows on you everywhere you walk. πŸ™‚

  97. awww, bunny vest πŸ™‚

  98. you look beautiful girl.
    i love the sweat colors.. and that tights(:

  99. ohhh i love the bunnies and the lace!
    too cute!

  100. Meg

    Super cute top! I love the bunnies!

  101. i LOVE pastels, especially this time of year. gorgeous. don’t even worry about commenting, take care of yourself!

  102. i don’t know how you keep up with all your blogs sweet thing. i am seriously impressed!

    i love the skirt you are wearing, it looks amazing on you. i am glad you are getting some good weather for a change. yay!


  103. MJ

    Keep your head up high my dear.

    Love the pastel colours.

  104. Babe, this outfit is super duper cute. Love the mix of pastel colours.

    Love Jojo xx

  105. love the outfit! :] hope you have a wonderfulllll thursday my dear! πŸ˜€


    madicakes :]

  106. My darling,

    if you haven’t noticed I have been exactly the same. I can hardly update and today is first day I checked everyone else’s blog in a week which is so unusual for me. Feeling uninspired and tired. Been having amazing weather here in london and I’ve been enjoying that but every time I sit down to update the blog I don’t know what to write.

    Miss you. Have a wonderful Friday gorgeous.

    Dena xoxo

  107. Oo oo Ooo sooo nice !! πŸ™‚

  108. Superb Superb! =D

    You might be interested in taking part in a competition(details are on my blog)


  109. I have that skirt in grey – such awesome skirts for a really good price! πŸ™‚

    Kate x

  110. wow these pastel colours are perfect on you-seriously, so nice!!

    thanks for visiting my blog <3

  111. Anonymous

    It’s unfortunate that you’re so thin because your outfits are all so amazing but your body is just disgusting to look at, so it makes the clothes look bad.
    You seriously need to gain some weight love, if anything do it for your readers sake!

  112. aww, laura i love this! i totally love this outfit!

  113. love this outfit!

  114. Nice mix and match.If anybody wants a new look every time there is this secret formula of mix and match.