Perfectly Pure

Well, there’s no hiding from it any longer. Winter’s cold weather has arrived and with it the desire to wrap up in all things woolen.
As usual I’ve been having a little browse online and compiled a little wishlist from the oh so chic Pure Collection website.
I’m a scarf fiend and this pastel cashmere beauty is just begging to be worn day in and day out. Cost per wear? Practically nil. Actual cost? £59.25

Cardigans are something seriously worth investing in as far as I’m concerned. A good cashmere cardigan will last years and this soft grey boyfriend style is a classic. £134.25. 

Sparkle and cashmere in a go with anything colour? Next time I have a spare £150 I’m spending it on this! Sadly that’ll never happen but that’s why it’s a wishlist right?

I can’t resist a good dress, and this really is a good ‘un. £111.75

HELLO classical coat perfection. At £186.75 I really AM wishing here but swoon. I love it.

So, this might be one of my pricier wishlists but it’s probably also one of my most sensible ones in terms of cost per wear of items. None of these will date and will last the test of time. Pure Collection is a shop I’ll be browsing for when I have some spare pennies and want to buy some cosy classic sweaters or a really special coat.
Anything caught your eye?

One comment for “Perfectly Pure

  1. I really like how sleek that white coat is!