Potential Party Dresses Part 1: Chi Chi

The time has come to start thinking about festive parties (my favourite part of the season is outfit planning!). I was sent this dress by Chi Chi Clothing around the same time I was sent home on crutches and it’s been playing on my mind ever since. I’ve been itching to try it on and grab some photos and finally on Thursday I braved getting some “real” shoes on my feet and playing around.

I am so in love with this dress, navy blue is “my” colour for clothes so I’ve been told and I felt like a princess lounging around the house in this trying to stay off my foot (for the record, the shoes were agony, stupid foot). I have this earmarked as a strong contender for the work Christmas do- the maxi length and subtle sparkles mean I’ll maintain my dignity and it hides a multitude of sins; I’m unsure how much more I’ll weigh by then but I might not be feeling quite as body confident as last year!

Chi Chi has a whole host of gorgeous dresses, so if you are also starting to think about your party piece then I vote you check them out. I apologise for not showing the dress to it’s full potential, I’ve started realising lately just how shoddy and dull my outfit photos are; I’m not blessed with camera skills OR someone to take my photos for me so I make do the best I can.

What do you think of this dress? I have another beauty to showcase tomorrow and this will probably become a fairly regular feature in the run up to the big day!

Have you started thinking about your outfit yet?


20 comments for “Potential Party Dresses Part 1: Chi Chi

  1. I love that dress. It’s gorgeous. It’s a really classic style. Navy does suit you. I have a staple lbd that I wear all the time despite buying new party frocks.


  2. So gorgeous! Jealous!!!
    I’ve just been trawling that site to find something for the wedding and there are loads of lovely ones. Can you help me please!? x x x

  3. By the way, your photos are faaaaaaaar from shoddy or dull. (but the comments word verification is annoying!) x

  4. Gorgeous dress, I think that’s a winner! x

  5. Beautiful dress! And that color looks great with your hair too<3


  6. You. Look. Magnificent. Truly.


  7. you look amazing!! Navy really is your colour, and it fits so nicely too 🙂 xx

  8. Wonderful dress 🙂 perfect for Christmas,you look great…

  9. That dress looks really stunning on you. I’m in agreement on the navy front – I don’t think there is another colour that complements various hair colours and skin tones so well : )

  10. The dress is absolutely beautiful! It looks great on you 😀 A definite party outfit!!!



  11. Hey Laura! Hows it going? That dress is really pretty on you, love the pleating and ruching!
    Daisy Dayz

  12. That dress is lovely, you look truly stunning in it! I love all the detailing and how it falls. Utterly gorgeous! Xo

  13. That dress is stunning! I wish I had an excuse over xmas to get dressed up. Sadly the husbands Christmas work do doesn’t extend to wives and husbands so no fancy party for me!

  14. You look beautiful, I think navy is your colour, it looks great against your hair and skin. xx

  15. This is gorgeous on you Laura!!! X

  16. Lucy

    I’m sure the dress is stunning anyhow, but you make it even more so 🙂

    Lucy xx

  17. Gosh you look so beautiful! The dipped hem on the other dress is beautiful, but this is the one for me. The wrapping is just perfect! x

  18. LOvely dress you look fab x

  19. This dress is beautiful, I love it on you!

    Maria xxx