predictable? and discount codes

Blurry outfit photo and florals/coloured tights, yep, I am becoming predictable! Just a quick post for this sunny Monday morning,
I hope everyone has a pleasent week ahead of them?




Primark sunglasses, Pennydog necklace, Favourite ring.

If you remember a few months ago I held a giveaway thanks to The lovely Daisy got in touch with me again this morning to let me know about the current hot discount codes available so I could share with my readers, so here we are:

Free standard delivery when you spend Β£75
Expires: 31st May 2010

Ann Summers
20% off when you spend Β£60
Expires: 15th April 2010

10% all orders and free delivery
Code: LN9P
Expires: 30th April 2010

15% off clothing and footwear
Code: XV158
Expires: 15th April 2010

Hotter Shoes
Β£5 off all orders
Expires: 19th April 2010

Free first class delivery on all orders
Expires: 11th April 2010

Love Your Shoes
10% off all orders
Expires: 30th April 2010

For more fantastic codes, check out the website and shop away any Monday blues!


116 comments for “predictable? and discount codes

  1. I say, if you find something that works for you (which you obviously have), then why not stick with it?!
    Lovely πŸ™‚

    I’m not sure what my week holds, apart from the fact I’m still off work until next Monday, so should be ok!

    Hope you’re well love, thanks for the codes.

  2. The floral dress is very pretty on you. Love the shoes and sunshades. Busy week ahead for me, but I look forward to reading more on you. xoxo

  3. thanks for sharing the codes ^^

  4. your dress is so so pretty… like you πŸ™‚

  5. Wishing you a very happy week πŸ™‚

  6. florals and coloured tights is one of my comfortable can’t-go-wrong outfits!

  7. Great sunnies!


  8. Loving the colour purple on you – very lush. Here’s to hoping the sunshine lasts, have a great week x

  9. Great discount codes! Also love the Primark sunnies and the mint tights, very spring like!


  10. another super cute outfit, and who cares if its predictable.. dresses and tights are the most perfect invention of lifeeeee.

    ps you’re a sweetheart, thanks for reading my blogβ™₯ !!

  11. As they say if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!

  12. Another lovely dress and those sunglasses are so cool! Love the color.

    Have a great week!

  13. I like your dress.

  14. You look absolutely gorgeous as always my dear! πŸ™‚ I love the paler tights on you as well- it can be a nice alternative to brights all the time (although I love those as well :P) And I am craving some of Sophie’s stuff too…NOM
    Maria xxx

  15. I envy your florals, they are amazing I really must by more florals!

    From Dolly

  16. Gia

    Your look is always so angelic, love it:)
    The dress is super cute!


  17. Love the sunglasses!!! so pretty

  18. I love the purple dress with the mint tights. So fresh and cute.

  19. I think the lavendar dress and the minty colored tights work really well together! Pastel heaven!

    Adore the mint green glasses too:)


  20. i like like like! the colour of those tights

  21. I really like this outfit. I have to get such a floral playful dress. Looks so good. And your accessories are so adorable

  22. thanks for sharing!
    awesome glasses:)

  23. A predictable comment on the predictable post: You’re modeling a lovely dress and you look pretty in it, but you are getting too skinny. The floral pattern, design and colour of your dress are all lovely, and you’re a very pretty young woman.

  24. gorgeous cyan sky blues!

  25. Meg

    I love your dress! You are so lucky it’s sunny, it’s snowing here!

  26. Love those sunglasses!

  27. Love those sunglasses! Actually, as always, I love the whole outfit!

  28. This is going to sound weird- but next time I’m in London, I really want to visit Primark πŸ˜‰

  29. I love your dress! But it seems to be a little big, doesn’t it ? Anyway, that fits you ! πŸ™‚

  30. ehm u look cute in that dress πŸ™‚
    and the glasses is so awesome.i need one like that πŸ˜›


  31. I love the sunglasses!

  32. Love the floral dress!

  33. Nice outfit!
    I especially adore your necklace
    It’s so cute!


  34. wow the tights match the sunnies. soo cute! love your dress sis! and those scones on the last post, YUM! i will try to bake it.


  35. Where does this gorgeous dress come from??

  36. You look really pretty and summery in that dress. The sunnies are FAB!

  37. That’s such a pretty floral dress! I’m wearing florasls all the time these days!

  38. Love the color of the dress and the color of the tights, perfect!!!! and thanks for sharing the discount codes doll.

    Dena x

  39. That dress, that shade, is the one colour I am captivated with right now. I’ve been photographing trees in bloom in that shade..

    I’m thinking of you often, Laura, and hope you’re doing well. I have complete faith in you! xo

  40. cute! love the purple

  41. Great discounts!

    I love the shade of those tights, I’d love to get myself some. Gorgeous!

  42. The color of the dress!! Haha, I love it!


  43. That’s a pretty dress.You chose the perfect color and the sunglasses are great too.

  44. I can’t wait to see all your summer sundresses! You must have some adorable ones!

  45. Amazing outfit as usual darling! πŸ™‚
    P.S. If you haven’t already, please enter my lovely contest HERE β™₯β™₯

  46. Thanks so much for these discounts! Loving your blog as usual, and muchos gracias for commenting on mine too πŸ™‚

  47. Your dress is so cute, love the color Γ±_Γ±


  48. Oooh I like the colour of your sunnies πŸ™‚ Have a great week Laura!

  49. ak

    such a pretty outfit…im predictable in the sense that I will always be in black πŸ˜‰


  50. What a great dress for spring! That color looks beautiful on you!

  51. Thanks for all the codes!

  52. I love this dress! You look so lovely all the time πŸ™‚
    Oh, and the headband looks gorgeous on you. I’m glad you like it.

  53. I had a lovely weekend, thank you! And your dress is simply fabulous! Great!

  54. you have the best selection of tights girl, you always have lovely coloured legs πŸ™‚

  55. what a pretty violet colored dress! I love the shoulders! Thanks for the disocunt info πŸ™‚

  56. you look so cute!!


  57. never predictable, just gorgeous!


  58. OH MY GOSH!
    all these wonderful discount codes!
    thank you so much!
    and love the floral dress!!

  59. its nice to find your niche in the world! I always dress the same to cause I dont like to wear things that dont feel “me” πŸ™‚

  60. I am still in love with that necklace of your’s! So pretty!

    Stop by my blog, I left something for you there…

  61. i love both colours…it smells like spring!

  62. This is so Spring! I see why that ring is your favorite πŸ™‚ it’s awesome

  63. A vision in florals! Why change if it works for you! x

  64. Hi there,
    thanks for dropping by my blog =)
    Lovely combination by the way. I am following you, feel free to do the same.


  65. Cute sunglasses!

    Thank you for your sweet comment. I really appreciate it. <3

  66. Hi dear! Love that outfit, but i must confess i’m in love with the glasses πŸ™‚

  67. Predictable is not a bad thing Laura, in you case is lovely! Because too am a fan of florals and colored tights and always take inspiration from you! πŸ™‚
    PS: I’ve e-mailed you πŸ™‚

  68. This blog is so lovely.

  69. Love the purple florals! And I like the booties you’re wearing as well. Thanks for the discount codes… I’ll have to take advantage of some of them I think…

  70. That’s a very cute dress πŸ˜€ !!


    ART –>

  71. Ooh thanks for sharing! Your tea dresses and tights must be endless! This one is stunning. Having seen your scones you’ve given me a hankering to make some myself, and then I’ll eat them all whilst warm and not share a single one! *whispers* I like to spread Marmite on hot scones! For some reason that sounded dirtier than it should.

    Have a fab week xoxo

  72. Very pretty and feminin!

    Hope you’re having a fab day πŸ™‚

  73. I love the dress and the sunnies is so cute. Have a great day my dear! xoxo

  74. Love that dress!
    And thanks for all the discount codes, darling!


  75. i like the shade of your tights and shades

  76. I think that a floral dress is always a lovely choice – and they look so nice on you. I don’t think you need to worry about being predictable, you always look fabulous my dear!

  77. I love your dress, its such a beautiful colour and you can never get enough of florals. I also like the sunglasses, so cool.

  78. Beautiful dress! I love your tights, they’re so cute!


  79. Thanks for your lovely comment, darling! In this post you look so sweet – sweet as ever πŸ™‚ Funny sunglasses! I have similar ones in white πŸ˜‰
    Just one little question: You’re from GB, aren’t you? Where exactly are you from? I’m just interested, because I love GB and your cute accent up there πŸ˜‰

  80. i love love love love the tights. i have the perfect matching nail colour for them. x

  81. Love that cute little necklace!

  82. Wow Laura, all these cool codes to use, hw do you find out about these things? And thanks for the comment, I shall indeed post more pictures of my bubbas for you. xxx

  83. wow…thanks for sharing that codes, a great tip…

  84. The colors of this outfit are perfect for you!Loving your floral dress.


  85. ooh i love your sunglasses!!!

  86. I really like that ring, its very cool

  87. Amazing necklace

  88. Such a pretty spring look – the colours are wonderful!

  89. Predictable? No way! I love the florals, they suit you perfectly!

  90. The dress is gorgeous πŸ™‚
    You always look so amazing.

  91. Beautiful dress, as always! You do florals and coloured tights so well – why change?!

  92. Eve

    Oh those blue tights are so adorable! Thanks for the codes πŸ™‚

    Hope your week is lovely so far!

  93. not predictable, it’s your signature look.

  94. you can never go wrong with a cute dress and tights!

  95. glasses are adorable! i love the color. sooo cute. πŸ™‚

  96. You look perfectly Spring-y! I love how you mixed the colors.

  97. Those shades are adorable. Thanks for sharing the codes!

  98. Those shades are adorable. Thanks for sharing the codes!

  99. Those shades are adorable. Thanks for sharing the codes!

  100. Those shades are adorable. Thanks for sharing the codes!

  101. Those shades are adorable. Thanks for sharing the codes!

  102. What a lovely dress! I love your second pose! Thank you for sharing the discount codes! So sweet of you! xxoxoxooxo

  103. Floral print just seems so appropriate at the moment! xxx

  104. you look lovely, as always πŸ™‚
    have a great week, xoxo

  105. You look beyond darling in that dress!!

    Merci beaucoup for stopping by darling =]

    Stay safe and chic ma chΓ©rie,
    English Rose x

  106. Gorgeous dress! and i love those sunnies


  107. I love this turquoise color right now…beautiful!

  108. LOVE the shades! I want a pair just like them. great taste!

    Nicole visiting from

  109. aw, this is amazing!!! I am in love with the beauty of this dress.

  110. Thanks for sharing those codes.
    I like the colour of those Primark sunnies.

  111. Sigh. I can see why that’s your favorite ring! Your floral outfit is perfect for spring! It’s quite lovely indeed.

  112. Anonymous

    Very Interesting!
    Thank You!

  113. hey,
    Like everybody i like your dress. it’s very class. I see you have a hotter shoes. I have found a siteweb with a lot of Hotter Shoes discount code. If you are interesting it’s on shoocare:
    Enjoy your shooping πŸ™‚