Black Milk part one

To say I love bright tights would be an understatement, so when the genius that is James of Black Milk Clothing got in touch with me some weeks ago offering to send me some of his incredible leggings to try out I was beyond excited.

Cut forward to Monday, the post lady knocks on the door with a shiny black package. Upon opening I found four of the most incredible pairs of leggings I have ever seen in my life, and today I am showing off the first pair.

This design is called Crystal, and the print is created from an actual photo of a crystal.
(Please note I am housebound today hence the indecently short dress)

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I’ve never owned leggings from anywhere other than New Look or Primark before, and whilst they are fantastic, and excellent quality for the price you pay, these are something else entirely.
Words cannot describe how great these feel on, and how much they have turned an otherwise pretty miserable week around!

You can check out more from James and Black Milk at the following places;



and watch this space for the other pairs I was sent!

I hope everyone is having a great week so far, we’re half way there!

Mine = not so good, having being signed off work sick for the forseeable future, but it can only get better from here!

138 comments for “Black Milk part one

  1. hey my dear, hope u feel better soon! I LOVE these leggings!!! fabulous!! also LOVE the third photo of you!! πŸ™‚
    vicki xo

  2. the leggings have an amazing print! and look like they are of very good quality indeed!

  3. Ooh those are lovely!! Great print πŸ™‚ And I love how you paired them with a simple dress + great boots! Luckily there’s things like these to cheer you up when your week isn’t going quite as well as you’d hoped, right? Feel better soon dear x

  4. Leggings are so fun.
    Love this one!


  5. Love these!!!
    I hope you’re ok πŸ™‚
    The nice weather and that package in the mail should really be a good cheer up πŸ™‚
    I hope you find your happy place =)

  6. Those leggings are fab, hope they cheer you up a little.

    Have got all my fingers and toes crossed for you recovering, your a tough cookie you will get there! x

  7. hope so much that you get better soon! these tights are stunning, love that theyre made from a print of an actual crystal photo – so cool!


  8. I wish i could pull of such leggings. It look good on you with your pairing. I am in need of my happy place too. Good luck sweets. πŸ™‚

  9. I love leggins – ultimate comfort wear. And those ones are gorgeous!

    Take care my love
    <3 Hannah

  10. Eeek, those leggings look incredible!! and you are rocking them!

    sending you good vibes for the rest of the week .

  11. To say you like bright tights would most certainly be an understatement! These are fantastic! Thanks for the links.

    Have a fab day xoxo

  12. firstly, i hope that things ill change soon! cheer up, everything will be fine!
    secondly, i am in love with these leggins… however, such patterns are suicidal for my legs!

  13. Those are really cute leggings, love the print!

  14. I LOVE these tights/leggings, they are so cool. Love the colors.

    Yes darling it can only get better and it WILL.

    thinking of you.


  15. Mat

    that is some amazing tight action

  16. Wow these are amazing, love the website, wish I could afford them though! I am sure they are worth every penny but simply can’t stretch (see what i did there???) my budget that far!!

    Hope you get better soon, keep doing what you love! Annie

  17. whoa – I like those leggings A LOT!! Fantastic

  18. whoa – I like those leggings A LOT!! Fantastic

  19. whoa – I like those leggings A LOT!! Fantastic

  20. whoa – I like those leggings A LOT!! Fantastic

  21. whoa – I like those leggings A LOT!! Fantastic

  22. love the third photo! and pretty sure those are the coolest tights i’ve ever seen

  23. Here’s hoping your health recovers soon. Those thights are indeed very bold. I ought to try them sometime. Thanks for the tip on that.

  24. Yep – stunning!!! Get well soon πŸ™‚ I’m sure these fab crystals will help!

  25. Those tights are AWESOME!!!!

  26. me gusto mucho tu blog!
    stas guapisima!

    te sigo!

  27. brilliant idea with the tight,,,

    love the way u combine ur outfit,

    Get Up,Survive, Go Back To The Bed

  28. yay for the leggings they are awesome xxxxx

  29. That crystal pattern is amazing! Hope you get to keep it!


  30. Lovely. They make my grey one I’m wearing toyday seem very tame indeed!
    Hoping they make you happy all day.
    Vicki xxx

  31. Such a lovely pair of tights… it makes even the simplest outfit look fabulous. xoxo

  32. Hmm, so funky ^^ I’m sure it brightned a bit your week with that amazing and original print, the quality seems very good as well πŸ™‚

  33. being a fan of legwear myself i have to say its a great print honey,love that its purple too

  34. Wow, I love these! I like your boots too πŸ™‚ wishing you well!

  35. They are epic!
    You know I wear tights with everything (even when it’s boiling hot) but I don’t have any printed ones, I’ve been eyeing the recent floral ones they have maybe I’ll take the plunge and get some now

  36. Oh no! I do hope your week gets better ASAP.

    Those leggings look fantastic, though- isn’t it nice to get a little treat in the middle of a horrible week?

  37. Kim

    Wow, they are pretty spectacular leggings!! xx

  38. Jo

    Hey hun, amazing leggings.
    Sorry you’ve sick πŸ™ Anything I can do to help?

    Jo xx

  39. Kel

    Those leggings are awesome!! Can’t wait to see the rest.
    Sorry your having a crappy week, hope it gets better. Positive thoughts.
    X x

  40. Love the tights lady, feel better soon!

  41. Sorry to hear your sick love πŸ™ Those leggings are fabulous and faintly remind me of an MCQ dress! I’m not much of a leggings gal, but those are pretty killer.


  42. The tights are too awesome!!
    I hope you will feel better soon :/

  43. Very much like a alexander mcqueen dress that i LOVED!
    Don’t worry about being off work-things will get better soon. Consider it a holiday and bake and blog more!

  44. that’s a shame about work but you’re right, it’s going to get better.
    i have major legging jealousy, though

  45. Amazing leggings! Just checked the site and the prints are so cool!
    I’m glad you’re staying positive, things WILL get better!!

  46. awesome leggings!!

  47. These are so cute and thanks for your sweet compliment. When I studied abroad in Scotland I bought tons of stuff from Primark!!! It’s good stuff for the right price πŸ™‚

    Have a great Wednesday,
    Hope xx

  48. Those leggings are beautiful, I can’t wait to see the others. And I do hope you feel better very soon πŸ™‚

  49. Hey Daisy πŸ™‚

    Those tights are FAB, love them!
    Have a cool day πŸ™‚

  50. those tights are amazing! i’m sorry you’re sick, what’s wrong? xoxo

  51. Amy

    Those leggings are so perfectly beautiful!!

    I hope your week gets much, sweetie! Wishing you nothing but the best.


  52. Those ARE pretty amazing! πŸ˜€

    Live Love LA

  53. um. these tights are freaking awesome. If I had to choose a favorite pair of your tights, I don’t think I’d be able to.

  54. i love the print and photoas ^^

  55. Hope that you’re feeling better soon, love!
    I have to say, when I saw the first picture of the leggings, I was impressed, but the close-up blew me away. Those are glorious, in every sense of the word!

  56. Oh wow ! ! They are just fab, and really suit you too!

  57. they’re gorgeous you lucky thing!

  58. Daisy, I love that black dress. The empire line is perfect. Where’s it from and was it a recent purchase? x

  59. I love your tights.
    I love your dresser.
    I love the third picture.
    Your outfits are always gorgeous!


  60. ah sorry to hear that sweetie! those leggings look fab on you x

    For everything about fashion:

  61. they are amazing:x

  62. Oh Laura the third picture is my absolute favorite. The pose is just phenomenal; and you look utterly amazing in those leggings.

    Get well soon, my love!! πŸ™‚

  63. Hi πŸ™‚ Come see my blog, I have something there for you!


  64. These tights are so unique! I have never seen any that look like this before. How lucky you are that they contacted you! They look stunning πŸ™‚

  65. Those really can brighten up your dull week! Hope you feel better soon! x

  66. those are rad!!! hope you feel better soon!

  67. i love these tights! i actually have noticed that you wear alot of colorful tights these are perfect for you

  68. Love the fashion etc :]

    ^-^ Go on it please? :]

  69. The colours are incredible! What a great gift from the postie lady.

  70. Your tights are enough to make a Tights Lover like me jealous!! I really need to stop putting it off and get to checking out black milk. They look absolutely divine on you!

  71. I LUV the pic of you sitting on the floor. I’m all about over sized sweaters too!

    Sorry to hear about work, I will be think of you during your recovery πŸ™‚

  72. Cheer up and get well soon, dear! I’m sending you my best wishes from Spain!

    And you look gorgeous, those tights are amazing!

  73. Those are outragiously AWESOME!! You pull them off so well! Lucky you =) I can’t wait to see the rest. You are the queen of tights and I bow down before you.

    I hope you get to feeling better soon. Nothing is worse than feeling icky. Relax, take the time to heal, feel better!

  74. Hopefully your week get s better! Those leggings are cool, liking the print. =)

  75. Amazing! Very cute & modern! Love the color.

  76. Cute tights! i love the design and the color : )

  77. Oooh, pretty! I totally love purple and black, and they just look so good on you! πŸ˜€

  78. oh my goodness these tights are beyond sick!! i cant wait to see more from you =)

  79. You lucky girl!! Those are amazing and James is a GENIUS

  80. ffreaaakkkiinggg love :] guurruulll those are so cute! i would like jump for joy over those tights. congrats!

  81. Damn, you are the tights and leggings QUEEN!

  82. mel

    those are the most amazing leggings i have ever seen! wow and you look fab in them, and paired them great with the dress

  83. those tights are soooo cool! i LOVE the pattern. πŸ˜€ i’m a little jealous, i must admit.

  84. Meg

    Those tights are really amazing! You are lucky! Hope it’s brightened your week!

  85. Cute tights and I love your boots!

  86. I’m glad to read that fashion can lift up spirits. It does it to me. Awesome leggings!

  87. those are AWESOME. seriously, i love it.

  88. i absolutely love those leggings. the design is incredible! thinking of you and sending you lots of love and healing energy.


  89. Those tights are beyond gorgeous Laura, and it’s sad to hear you’ve been signed off work. I know the feeling of being signed off of college is a horrible one, so the same feeling must come alongside being signed off of work too. I hope you feel better soon lovely. xxx

  90. you leggins are amazing!!

  91. I love those tights!!!

  92. what awesome leggings! I love your boots πŸ™‚


  93. Mat

    thanks for the comment as always, i will do yeah! im thinking of doing a salvador dali painting next though

  94. I’m glad they sent those tights to you because I can’t think of a better person to model them than you! The print looks amazing:)

    can’t wait to see the rest!

  95. I hope you get well soon!

    By the way, those leggings look fabulous!

  96. wow these are very McQueen! off to check out the website!

  97. I love Black Milk leggings! They are the BEST!
    These ones are especailly awesome!


  98. Oh poor dear, I hope you feel better soonest. I hate feeling ill and cooped up!

    And how nice are James’ tights??!!!?! I’m in lust with atleast 3/4 of the stuff on his site for sale.

    So desirable!

  99. I’m going to have to come and steal them from you. Don’t fear, I say that to EVERYONE who has anything I want. But it may come true some day….
    but but but PURPLE. They are simply gorgeous!

  100. lucky you! i love those purple leggings. looks great on you.

    I am Denise Katipunera

  101. That last part was so uplifting…things can only go up πŸ™‚

  102. I love leggings! These are super cute. I love the first shot of you down by the dresser, so pretty.

  103. very cool leggings πŸ™‚


  104. I really hope you are feeling better soon- I know that you mentioned a hospital visit in one of my comments and I was meaning to say that I hope it goes okay. At least you have super hot leggings though, hey? πŸ™‚ x

  105. thanks i like the cardigan :)!

  106. Those tights are out of this world!! xoxoxoxo

  107. LOVE this look! Plus you are wearing my favorite color πŸ™‚

  108. gorgeous leggings. i hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

  109. Oh my… these leggings are simply perfect and seems like made for you, as you are the queen of extravagant legwear πŸ™‚
    Hope your weekend is better than the week

  110. Those leggings look dreamy & you look so cute in them! Hope you feel better, sweetie!

  111. The print on those legging are so cool, i want them so bad!

  112. What a stunning pair of tights, definitely a statement making piece to any outfit.
    I hope you feel better love!


  113. Leggings has wonderful colors. It’s cute!

  114. pfft- indecent? ridiculous!

    the leggings are stellar though πŸ™‚
    Hope your feeling better too, it sucks that you have to stay home from work but keep up the blogging!

  115. Ah! Those are just amazing! Perfectly futuristic!

  116. i love your tights, the third picture is my favorite! πŸ™‚ so adorable! thanks for the comment on our blog! i will def. come back to check on your blog in the future πŸ™‚

    xo, camilla

  117. these totally look like crystals! love it! and that’s my favorite shade of purple too

  118. beautiful pink tight very lovely i like them really cool very fashionable pictures

    stay safe
    enjoy life

  119. Awesome tights!!!

  120. love the tights as always! i hope you feel better soon and that everything is okay!

  121. love the tights as always! i hope you feel better soon and that everything is okay!

  122. love the tights as always! i hope you feel better soon and that everything is okay!

  123. love the tights as always! i hope you feel better soon and that everything is okay!

  124. love the tights as always! i hope you feel better soon and that everything is okay!

  125. i’m always on the hunt for interesting leggings! i’m your newest follower πŸ™‚

    x rena. please don’t hesitate in dropping in!

  126. You make me want to buy a pair of high quality leggings to see how they feel!

  127. God I love Black Milk leggings, they’re absolutely the best leggings ever!

  128. Awesome leggings!

  129. These leggings are fabulous! Love the colour

  130. love those tights!! x