rough around the edges

I’m still poorly, I hate having a cold, my head feels all fuzzy and gross. I couldn’t resist wearing my latest buy though, this knitted skirt from Clothing at Tesco…a perfect winter warmer at Β£14! Ohhh annoying, checking just now it’s since gone in the sale!

I ended up teaming it with a jumper stolen long ago from my brother, purely for the comfort and warmth factor. I do need to venture out in the snow and ice later, but I’ll be well concealed by layer upon layer.



And for laughs, a picture of me bundled up against the cold yesterday. The hat is so ridiculous but it totally keeps me warm!



52 comments for “rough around the edges

  1. I feel poorly too – rough as old boots in fact. You’ve done much better than me, I love that outfit. This is my 4th day in pjs – shameful :/

    Clothing at Tesco is amazing – although, that’s annoying for you (but good for us!) that your skirt is now in the sale..

    LOVE your hat πŸ™‚

  2. You look very nice anyway!

    I love that enormous fluffy hats are everywhere this winter, makes me feel slightly less silly!

  3. i love your skirt and hat πŸ™‚
    hope you get better πŸ™‚


  4. That pink jacket it gorgeous!
    Ang xxx

  5. cute skirt : ) i can’t believe all that pretty snow…i used to think hats like that looked silly (ever seen jon’s from garfield?) but now i don’t care they also look so warm!

  6. Awww I hope you feel better soon. I love the print of your skirt. x

  7. Love the skirt! πŸ™‚

  8. you look so cute in the snow!! x

  9. Hope you feel better soon, terrible to be sick on Christmas! You look much better than I do when sick πŸ˜‰

    xxx Charlie
    Enter my Christmas Giveaway!

  10. love the red against the whte snow!
    Stay warm darling!!

  11. Haha! I love that hat, my friend has one like it and I’m jealous..
    And the coats lovely too, nice colour

  12. Love the hat – v cute! Get well soon. xx

  13. your hat looks so cosy! have a great christmas!

  14. Awww you look so cute in the snow!
    That coat is gorge and the hat is fab. I’ve been looking for a nice hat but I just look such a fool in any I try on-obviously not a hat person.

  15. πŸ™‚ I love that hat!
    I saw that skirt on Tesco and thought it must be the one that you’d ordered x

  16. Lovely skirt and I adore the picture of you in the snow. I hope you feel better soon.

  17. D.

    Get well soon! xoxo

  18. I hate it when something goes on sale not long after you buy it.
    Ah well. It’s a pretty skirt.

  19. ~k

    I think the hat is so fun! Cute jacket! Feel better soon and Happy Holidays!

  20. hpoe the cold goes away soon..i love love love that skirt !

  21. Feel better gorgeous red coat!

  22. The hat is cute, and I love your skirt!
    And btw I’m so jealous of the cold, do wanna exchange? LOL (just can’t stand this heat!)


  23. I think that hat’s cute! Feel better soon πŸ™‚

  24. boo to colds! Hubbie has a chest infection πŸ™ your hat looks cosy!

  25. get well soon. The snow wont make you better you know πŸ™ love your hat <3

    Connie x

  26. love the hat! i’ve been coveting one like that for a long time.

  27. i love the outfit, and you look adorable in the snow!!!

  28. Cute skirt and hat!
    Hope you feel better, darling!


  29. Love the skirt! It’s always annoying to see things go on sale not long after you’ve bought them! πŸ™

  30. Love the last photo!

  31. Feel better soon hon. I love that coat!

  32. That’s such a pretty skirt. Perfect for winter, ad at such a great price! Also love the colour of the coat.

  33. That skirt is gorgeous, though it’s so annoying when things go into the sale after you’ve bought them! I swear the day after I get anything from ASOS thay start doing free delivery or have a sale!

    Hope you’re feeling better soon.

  34. Love the outfit…looks great with the black tights! Really love the bottom photo too!

  35. I love the skirt, and omg, the coat is hyper! πŸ™‚


  36. love the skirt, it looks so cosy! hope it makes you feel better πŸ™‚ x

  37. love the skirt and your adorable leopard hat!

  38. Ooo you’ve got such great winter outfits! Stylish, but warm at the same time. Loving all the thick, nice fabrics here.

  39. I love the hat! and the pictruewith the snow. I am getting fed up of it at this point.

  40. You look fabulous, and adorable!

    Merry Christmas, sweetie!

  41. Lovely skirt!


  42. great red color!

  43. Well you might be feeling rough but you definitely don’t look it! That skirt is gorgeous – I may add it to my sales want list.

  44. Cute from head to toe! I’m going to have to get in on this wooly skirt trend!

  45. Anonymous

    Those hats are adorable! I bought one but gave it away though, I thought it was too massive for my little head. πŸ˜› -Becky

  46. What a lovely red coat! It looks gorgeous with the snow contrast.

    xx .sabo skirt. – online shop! coming soon

  47. finally internet access and catching up on your posts. LOVE this skirt. its AMAZING. x