Monday looks like

Full of cold,
blizzard like weather outside…

that leads to a Flash dedicated post. More kitty spam of him in his hat and scarf. I wish you could hear how loud he purrs when he wears it!


45 comments for “Monday looks like

  1. Aw, you both look so cute πŸ™‚


  2. Cute photos πŸ™‚

  3. Ahhh, too cute!
    Get well soon my little star!
    Much love and KEEP WARM!


  4. That top pic is lovely. Poor Flash looks more fed up with each picture! πŸ™‚

  5. Completely utterly adorable x

  6. He is too cute. I love the leopard print too xx

  7. Awww how very very cute =) He looks quite satisfied in the last photo.. my cat would not let me get within a claw swipe of him to do that! But it does look adorable… xx

  8. How adorable. He looks very wise πŸ™‚

    I’d love to dress my cats up but they’re not the most sociable of animals :p

    Katie xox

  9. THATS SO CUTE! love how he almost blends into the rug!!

  10. Can I have your cat please? I used to have a tabby, and isn’t it just the most amusing thing to watch them blend into animal print?!


  11. So cute ^_^

    I love pets and christmas hats.. dunno what it is about it that’s so adorable!

    Bhav x

  12. You and your cat are so cute together!
    xoxo from Hannie

  13. Haha, he is so adorable β™₯

  14. lol he doesn’t look too happy in the last picture

  15. You’ve got some cutesy lil’ company! Love the perk of blue!

  16. Aaaw that is so cute! I’m surprised your kitty minds you playing dress up hehe jazzy β™₯… if you haven’t already, get your skates on with my Vintage Tapestry Bag giveaway! πŸ™‚

  17. You both look so adorable! Cute!


  18. Aww wow, I’m so impressed he’s prepared to wear that!

  19. Adorable kitty, mine would never let me do things like this haha.

  20. Awwwwww, cute pics. Love your jumper. I’m reading every post but struggling to keep up with commenting at this time of year with so much on, but am enjoying everything you post so please keep it up! Lots of love, Sarah xx

  21. aww your cat is adorable!

  22. Oh the cuteness of Flash is amazing.

  23. what a cute kittyyyyyy! I love your sweater πŸ™‚ these are such cute photos!


  24. Oops, think I totally called Flash Blaze in my last comment. Right ball park but you’d better not tell him… x

  25. What an adorable cat! You both look too cute πŸ™‚

    Eternally yours,

  26. aww cute kitty… love the blue tights!

    Happy Holidays

    Vi from Cali

  27. cute, cute, cute πŸ™‚ xoxo

  28. this is what I call cuteness!!

    PS: Join my giveaway if you haven’t yet! =D

  29. I wish we could get a bit of snow… It’s been raining here all week, very unusual for southern california.

    Your kitty is adorable… Very stylish, just like his owner.

  30. Super cute pics flash looks sooo cute hope you feel better soon hun xoxo

  31. These shots are adorable! Your cat is too cute all dressed up for Christmas! Do you have a cold? You look like you’ve got a lovely healthy glow! Hope your enjoying yourself! xx

  32. Aw he looks so cute!! Where did you get the woollens that fit him?

    Here’s a post of my dog dressed up =P

  33. Such a cute cat ! πŸ˜€

  34. omg that last picture made me laugh so much!! flash looks so annoyed haha bless him
    I can’t help commenting everytime you put pictures of him, I’m such a cat lady πŸ™‚

    xx Iris

  35. I love that your cat has a scarf! so cute!

  36. OMG Flash looks amazing! My cat wriggles like mad when I try to put a coller on her never mind dress her up! So cute!

  37. Anonymous

    It’s a well known fact that cats feel very proud when you put a hat on their head. ^_^

  38. You and Flash look absolutely adorable and content. Wonderful photos.