Sarenza Sunday- looks like luxury

I was trying to find something that wasn’t an ankle boot for this week’s Sarenza Sunday post and then got utterly sidetracked by the Potak by Shellys London
Texure is a big lure for me and the velvet sheen of these boots makes them look even more expensive than their £109 price tag.
If I didn’t already own red(ish) velvet ankle boots I would be dangerously close to clicking purchase. The fact I am yet to wear said ankle boots due to stupid foot means I’m just about clinging on to my pennies that are more needed elsewhere.
What can I say? I’ll forever be a magpie for ankle boots. And red shoes. And velvet.
I’m doomed.

8 comments for “Sarenza Sunday- looks like luxury

  1. omg, they are to die for! I love the colour, shape and they look so cool in velvet! I need these in my life!

    Rose xo

  2. Wow, they are absolutely magical! absolutely need (want) these! 😀

  3. These are gorgeous! Hope you can wear yours soon xxx

  4. These are gorgeous (: the colour makes them look really luxurious 🙂 I’m very jealous!
    Hope you can wear yours soon!
    Keep in touch 🙂

    Andrea xxx

  5. Waaaaah, love the colour and velvet-y goodness of these!

    Tara xo

  6. Gorgeous but I really love that skirt too 🙂 x

  7. So impractical, but dammit I want them! Perfect winter shoes, if you never leave the house!