
Just a simple outfit today,
£5 dress from Primark and a cheap black tee + tights.
The ruffles on this dress make me feel super girly, which is never a bad thing.




And another week draws to a close. It’s been a testing one this end, and I was to extend a massive thank you to all of you for helping me through it.

What’s on your agenda today? I kickstarted mine with some post breakfast yoga (aided by the cat) and shall be catching up with a friend later.


38 comments for “Simple

  1. hopefully a half day on the agenda today !!
    love the primark dress – have a lovely weekend 🙂 Xx

  2. Loving those colors***

  3. You rock that dress !

  4. I love the second picture hehe 😀
    this dress is so cute, you look great!

    xx Iris

  5. You are the queen of primark bargains! You always pick up such great stuff!

  6. dan

    Love the colour of that dress!
    Im off back to Manchester for the weekend in a bit, first stop is to my grandmas for tea, will be good to see her 🙂 xx

  7. Love your smile hun! Hope your wknd is better! Mwah xx

  8. Fab dress. There are bound to be ups and downs, but you seem to be doing great. xx

  9. I love the ruffles! And thanks for the reminder – I need to start getting into yoga again 🙂


  10. Today I taugh the start of reproduction to yr7! Lots of giggles but thankfully it’s a girls school 🙂 off out for drinks with friends tonight which should be fun =)

    Have a wonderful weekend 🙂

  11. i love your dress and how you layer things 🙂 today i need to work but somehow i can’t see that happening! x

  12. The second picture is too cute! My cats love to join in with my Downward Facing Dog, very tricky. xxx

  13. D.

    You look supercute 🙂

    My plan for today is to rest, rest and rest. :)TGIF!

  14. ~k

    Simple is sometimes better! The ruffles on the dress are really cute!

  15. Your simple look so beautiful!

  16. Go for ruffles gal, they do lift up a gal’s spirit! And I know about testing… just stick to life! Emotions come, and they also do go away. Health is here to stay if we give it a chance. I’ll try to take upon my own advice, too;)

  17. Ooh, what a pretty color scheme, Laura! I absolutely adore your tights!! 🙂

  18. I have lots of homework to do today, blegh!

  19. You look gorgeous here, pastels really suit you 🙂

    Sally x

  20. Simple but very chic love the colour of your dress really pretty on you. Looks great teamed with black too.
    I had the dentist today 🙁 xoxo

  21. I love the ruffles x

  22. Primark is great for a bargain!

  23. a simple but beautiful outfit. I really like it.

  24. ahh LOVE you are stunning
    love the ruffles <3

  25. i love the neck of that dress, and i wanna see those shoes!! : ) oo yoga w/ kitteh? sounds fun *hehe* on my agenda: taking the car to the mechanic!

  26. Jen

    i love the color of this dress and the ruffles are perfection! i’m so jealous you got it for so cheap! i love it 🙂

  27. love the dress! so cute!

  28. such a cute outfit:x

  29. I do love the frills on the dress. A perfectly girly touch. I also love the colour of the dress. It really suits you!

  30. I always love the girly look of ruffles too and like that big smile in the second photo 🙂 . I also love that you have the frequent company of that big affectionate cat of yours (adorable).

  31. I like the colour of your dress a lot!

  32. Nice dress love the colour x

  33. This dress is really pretty, and looks lovely on you! I really like the colour

  34. Anonymous

    I really liked your article.