Skincare tip for Oily and Spot Prone Skin *Guest Post*

Having oily and spot-prone skin can sometimes feel like a constant battle to hide blemishes and keep
spots under control. The good news is that there is a wide range of products on the market which are specifically targeted at this problematic skin type.

To help keep your spot prone skin under control, you may need to give it a little more TLC than those with normal skin. Most of these processes can be easily adopted as part of your daily cleansing routine and using the right products is always essential.

Cleanse twice daily

It is important that people with oily skin cleanse both in the morning and at night to ensure that their pores are kept clear. Clogged pores are one of the biggest culprits in causing spots so addressing this issue will have an immediate effect.

If you have oily skin you should also use a “soapy” or gel based cleanser as these will help strip any excess oil away from your skin and clean pores more deeply than other options.

Always use a toner

For those with oily skin, your skin care regime needs to be more thorough and comprehensive than those with normal skin. In the effort to ensure all traces of dirt and oil are removed, cleansers are not always sufficient. Applying a toner with a cotton ball after cleansing will remove any of these leftover traces of grease and dirt – giving you a clean canvas on which to moisturise.

Pay particular attention to grease prone areas such as the chin, nose and forehead, which can be especially susceptible to spots.

Use a light moisturiser

Moisturisers come in a whole range of consistencies to cater to every type of skin. Take the Johnson’s Skin Care range for example. These include moisturisers which are specifically designed to optimise the look and feel of all types of skin, from oily complexions to those with dry and flaky skin.

Whilst many people with oily skin tend to skip on using moisturiser in the belief it will only make their skin greasier, this is a huge mistake. All skin needs to be moisturised in order to replace the moisture it loses during the day. Oily skin sufferers should opt for a light moisturiser which will help give their skin the moisture it needs without clogging up the pores.

One comment for “Skincare tip for Oily and Spot Prone Skin *Guest Post*

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