Snacking Saturday: Homemade

Because sometimes you just can’t beat a homemade treat.

(Sticky) Date and Coconut Slice
a.k.a. a mish-mash recipe adapted from several other recipes.

225g muesli (I used an un-sweetened one as this is sweet enough)
25g dessicated coconut, although you could add more depending on your taste
100g chopped dates
175g butter
1tbsp golden syrup
100g golden caster sugar

The How-to:

Weigh out/prepare the dry ingredients in to a large mixing bowl. Pre-heat the oven to 180*c (slightly lower for a fan oven) and grease a 20cm square baking tray (or two smaller round ones)

Melt the butter, sugar and syrup together until you have a smooth liquid. Tip this in to the dry ingredients and stir well until everything is coated.

Squash down in to the baking tray and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes until golden brown. Remove from oven and allow to cool for 10 minutes then cut round the edges of the slice (to prevent sticking) and score the slice in to portions (mine made 9 generous bars)

Allow to cool completley, slice and enjoy.

A word to the wise…this is sticky due to the dates…and a bit prone to crumbling. Be prepared for delicious mess!

Have a recipe to share? Do it here!
Shop-bought or homemade for you? Homemade for taste, here, but shop bought for quick and easy snacks!


18 comments for “Snacking Saturday: Homemade

  1. That looks extremely tasty, yum! xx

  2. This looks amazing! I love things that you can adapt as well πŸ™‚


  3. AvatarAmy

    omg that looks so amazing. Shame im on a low carb diet πŸ™ πŸ™ xxx

  4. Mmmmm I can almost smell it! x

  5. Oooo looks yummy, I’ll have to try this xoxo

  6. This post is making me hungry.

  7. That looks gorgeous! xx

  8. Sounds really really delicious! Thanks for the recipe!

    Also, blog award coming your way;)

  9. Actually making my mouth water right now. Looks so good. x

  10. Home made every time!

  11. Mmmm, these just made me peckish! I might go and grab a snack πŸ˜›

  12. Ok, now I’m dying for some homemade treat πŸ™‚

  13. AvatarJo

    Oooh yum πŸ™‚ Homemade treats all the way. I tend to be disappointed with shop bought treats (unless it’s chocolate or Fox’s biscuits) because I bake so much myself.

  14. coconut and dates? sounds like a great combo, i love your sweet treat inspiration posts haha! i haven’t baked in forever I must get something on the go soon xo

  15. AvatarBex

    Oh my. I want some!

  16. I [heart] anything coconut flavored and scented. And I love anything melted into butter. MMmmmmmmm πŸ™‚
