Snacking Saturday; perfect pretzels

I think that by now most of us in the UK are familiar with Penn State pretzels. For me they symbolise the transition from teenage piss up, complete with cold pizza and pringles, to more sophisticated affairs featuring, err, cold pizza and pretzels.

Penn State have recently launched some new flavours in to the mix, and indeed some new snacks in the form of baked deli chips,
but what REALLY excited me was the re-launch of Worcestshire Sauce flavour pretzels. Because I am weird like that…

A package stuffed with goodies greeted me from work one day.
The sour cream flavour is GOOD
but the Worcestshire Sauce flavour…
AMAZING. I cannot get enough.


Your all welcome to come to my next party; but please, bring your own pretzels.


25 comments for “Snacking Saturday; perfect pretzels

  1. I love seeing the return of Snacking Saturday, and those pretzels sound so yummy! xx

  2. Worcestshire Sauce NOm,Nom,Nom!!

  3. I love Worcestshire Sauce flavour! <3

    Have a great weekend!

  4. eww to worestshire sauce, now if they did marmite I would be game:p

  5. Jo

    I love mini pretzels! Nom nom nom! Be sure to enter my £100 ASOS giveaway!


  6. The sour cream ones are my favourite food ever. I would eat them all day long if my metabolism would let me! Yum yum.xx

  7. Yum! I haven’t had pretzels in so long although I am not so sure about the sound of Worcestshire Sauce ones.

  8. I can’t cope with flavoured pretzels. I just don’t think it’s right. No idea why – I’m all for flavoured crisps, tortilla chips etc!

  9. I had these the other day, they are so good!!

  10. Omnon that sounds amazing!! I love pretzels but Bretzels sind besser (are better) :] x

  11. Pretzels = amazingness in snack form

  12. mm Pretzels! Perfect snack!

    Bhav x

  13. Hey I gave you an award on my blog btw 🙂

  14. Mmm, I love pretzels! Just yesterday I found half a pack of peanutbutter filled ones in the cupboard, I forgot I had those:)

  15. Oh I love pretzels, they’re so addictive though! I’m loving the sound of the sour cream flavour. Pretzels always remind me of going on holiday too as I always have them on the plane! So perfect for Summer! x

  16. mmm Worcester sauce sounds yummy and I love sour cream flavour x

  17. i love these! Always remind me of my trip to Florida

  18. The sour cream and chive pretzels are heaven but I haven’t tried the Worcestershire sauce ones yet! I love the Worcestershire sauce crisps, so knowing me the pretzels will be just as yummy. xxx

  19. I tried those baked deli chips last weekend! They’re pretty good, but the Worcestershire sauce ones returning is very exciting! 🙂

  20. I love salted pretzels so much 🙂

  21. sounds yummy :))

    check out the Shopbop giveaway I’m currently running on my blog:

  22. The sour cream and chive flavour of these pretzels are just yummy! 🙂

  23. hehehe I love pretzels too, but am more of a sweets girl!

    ps I love your 50s bad girl look in the last post, something new for you! xxxx

  24. I love the sour cream ones! We scoffed a mountain of Cracked black pepper M&S pretzels in the car yesterday- mmmm!