Snacking Saturday; Popping mad!

Fans of Pret will probably already be aware of Metcalfe’s skinny topcorn. Up until about a fortnight ago I was shamefully un-aware, until a pre birthday coffee date with friends and a need for snackage led me to trying the sweet n salt flavour.


As soon as I got home I got googling to find out more about the genius brand. I sent a curious e-mail and was delighted to get a friendly response and an offer of samples for review on Snacking Saturday!





Of all four flavours, suprisingly (and I say surprisingly because I generally hate the stuff) Wasabi was my favourite. So much so I plan on ordering a whole box of it!
The bags are generous sized, yet remain diet friendly at under 130 cals per bag (except for chocolate which comes in at 220).
The chocolate drizzle flavour is a taste sensation with an amazing clash of textures and tastes that satisfied all possible food cravings in one fell swoop!

In short, this stuff is addictive. Buy in bulk. Now! Healthy, tasty and affordable…what more could you want?! (actually, if it could make tea…)

Available at Pret stores and selected other retailers,
or by the box, online.

This my friends, is a revolution in snacking. I urge you to jump on board.

(and yes, it is also cheap and easy and fun to make your own popcorn, but this stuff is the shizzle!)

23 comments for “Snacking Saturday; Popping mad!

  1. Oh wow ! i really want to try this!

  2. Might have to give these a go! x

  3. I love that brand, haven’t seen the wasabi one around though, looks yum! x

  4. Yeah! Worked out how to get around the phishing warning/ban thing. Very weird. Anyway, this looks good. It is super easy and cheap to make your own popcorn though. I make it all the time and it is actually a really healthy snack. And delish. x

  5. :O My jaw just dropped. I’ll look out for these x

  6. all look fab apart from wasabi ugh i dont know how people eat the stuff!

  7. I hate to say it, but I’m not a massive fan of popcorn!! [awaits judgement].
    Althooough, i have to say the chocolate drizzled stuff looks pretty darn nom to me. I mean jees, cover anything in chocolate and I’ll eat it. x

  8. These look amazing, I am heading into town today so may have to pop in 🙂 Not a fan of wasabi either, but will give it a go 🙂 xxx

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


  11. Wow!
    Popcorn is my favourite part of going to the cinema, I love it, and now I can have it all the time? Yes please.

  12. Nice post;)

    Have a lovely weekend!

  13. Mmm, the chocolate one sounds good!

  14. I have not been in Pret for Ages! Heading in there tomorrow to pick up a bag!

  15. you can order this stuff?? thats cool. wasabi snacks are so good sometimes.

  16. I WANT that chocolate trickle popcorn NOW.

  17. I am addicted to Wasabi!! YUM!!

  18. Can I have the chocolate ones please?? 😛

  19. They all sound so good especially the chocolate.

  20. wasabi popcorn? that is crazy talk! I like crazy talk 🙂

    Bright Green Laces

  21. i didn’t seem able to comment on the post above? but i love your dress & your very exciting haul of goodies. i would love to visit bath…but so far away.

  22. So yummy… I wonder if I could get these in France!

    Your shopping looks are so adorable. I would steal that dress from you any day;) Cake Café… I love it too!

  23. mmm.. I love popcorn! this is making me crave for some right now. I’m not a fan of wasabi, but I’d give it a try!