
So, last night I discovered I do not like mulled wine. It tastes like Whittards smells, which isn’t a bad thing exactly, just not for me!
I also discovered how much I had missed spending time with my friends, and that I need to make more of an effort to socialise!
My friend’s flat is lovely. Her engagement ring is lovely. Her fiance is lovely. My friends are lovely, and I am so grateful they’ve stuck by me this year!

Today’s outfit involves colour! I love this skirt, I picked it up a couple of years ago in Yellow Shop in Bath. It was only about Β£10 and I wish I’d got more!



The outfit will be somewhat ruined by the addition of cardigans, socks and long boots when I venture out in the still bitter cold to meet another friend for coffee. I’m so over this weather, really! The temperatures are meant to get above freezing today, but seeing is believing!


you’ve won the tea for two giveaway!


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54 comments for “So.

  1. Lovely is the word for this outfit as well! I need to get out my coloured tights too.

  2. Cute skirt! Love how the tights match the colour in your skirt. You’re lucky to have such great friends that stuck by you. x

  3. we love the bright tights !

  4. Great outfit! Pretty like a single flower in the cold and snowy winter landscape.


  5. Good to have friends who have stuck by you.

    Love the print of the skirt.


  6. Ooh, pretty skirt!
    And I think mulled wine is one of those love or hate things maybe, I’m not too much of a fan myself πŸ™‚

    Fiona x

  7. The tights match the flowers, love it!

  8. Hello!

    Ew I hate the taste of mulled wine too, it is very nasty – not sure what all the fuss is about!

    I do however, love your skirt. I love that you are going to wear it in winter and give it the right twist!

    Sarah Betty xx

  9. Love the colourful skirt and tights! I’m not mad on mulled wine either but I do try to drink some every year! :S x

  10. love this skirt..
    i kinda like the smell of mulled wine, my mum loves it so always used to smell it this time of yr, so it does remind me of xmas, but i can’t say i like the idea. not that i’d be able to drink it anyway.

  11. Great Outfit, love that skirt! πŸ™‚
    ah, i’ve never tried mulled wine, i’m not really a wine fan!

    i’m having a giveaway by the way if your interested πŸ™‚ x

  12. The skirt and tights are gorgeous, I love the flowers on the skirt. I don’t think I’ve ever tried mulled wine ever xx

  13. love the thights- and you look beautiful.

  14. Totally agree, mullew wine is Yuk! I hate all christmassy tastes, christmas mince pies, puddings etc – yuk!
    That skirt is just lovely with those tights!
    Kandi x

  15. Lovely outfit, I really like the colours in the skirt x

  16. your skirts so cute and i absolutely love mulled wine – it makes me feel so christmassy! x

  17. haha it really does taste like whittards smells – not for me either.

    Love the skirt! It is so cold though πŸ™

  18. Mmm… mulled wine… I’ll have your glass then! What are your feelings on mulled cider? x

  19. your skirt looks so lovely πŸ™‚

  20. i love the skirt and tights together! πŸ™‚ you look lovely! xxx

  21. I love your skirt soo much! Great outfit! Xxx

  22. Its good to hear you are having fun with friends :o) I have to disagree with you about mulled wine…its delicious!

  23. MJ

    Argh, you’re so wrong! Mulled wine is AMAZING and you get free bits of orange with it, which are great for fishing out of the glass and eating at otherwise classy establishments…

  24. you look like a lovely ballerina!
    great skirt!

  25. i need some colour tights too πŸ˜€
    thanks for passing by and leaving your sweet comment! remember it means a lot for me, so i hope you will stay in touch with my blog – it’s easy with k come karolina on bloglovin, facebook and twitter πŸ™‚

    xoxo from rome

  26. so, whenever I see turquoise and magenta clothes I always think of you and it might be because of this skirt. so cute!!

  27. Lovely outfit!

    So glad you had such a wonderful time last night, socialising is such an amazing thing! πŸ™‚ I dont like mulled wine either tis just not for me!

  28. Me too I hate mulled wine, taste like carpet I think not that I eat carpet (that sound so wrong :P)
    I love the tights and that floral skirt is so cute xxxx

  29. Me too I hate mulled wine, taste like carpet I think not that I eat carpet (that sound so wrong :P)
    I love the tights and that floral skirt is so cute xxxx

  30. Me too I hate mulled wine, taste like carpet I think not that I eat carpet (that sound so wrong :P)
    I love the tights and that floral skirt is so cute xxxx

  31. Me too I hate mulled wine, taste like carpet I think not that I eat carpet (that sound so wrong :P)
    I love the tights and that floral skirt is so cute xxxx

  32. Me too I hate mulled wine, taste like carpet I think not that I eat carpet (that sound so wrong :P)
    I love the tights and that floral skirt is so cute xxxx

  33. lovely and colorful outfit!

  34. Well I have to admit I love mulled wine, but it is a bit of an acquired taste! I kept drinking it because it seemed the thing to do around christmas, and then after a while I actually started to like it! I would definitely recommend Winter Pimms if mulled wine isn’t to your taste though, it’s basically hot spiced alcoholic apple juice!

  35. aww you look really cute πŸ˜‰

  36. love that skirt!

    Blending Style, Celebs and Fashion

  37. Jen

    Mulled wine? What is that? Tell us more!

  38. D.

    It’s freezing here today too :/

  39. It’s great having good friends, the ones who stay with us in the good and bad times!!


  40. Roo

    That is a beautiful skirt. I am a huge fan of mulled wine but for some reason I only really like it when I drink it outside. Who knows why!

  41. nice skirt! πŸ˜€



  42. Hello!! Just to say I am back home and have missed you all loads. Thanks for all the comments while I was away. Will try catch up on your blog now that I’m back and get up lots of china pictures!!

  43. this skirt is so cheerful. congrats to the winner

  44. Bleurgh, mulled wine. I can’t bear it either. Nasty stuff.

  45. Loving this colourful skirt, Laura and I’ve never tried mulled wine but I’m not a drinker, don’t like the taste, so I won’t be taking a sip! xxx

  46. Don’t like mulled wine? I didn’t know that was possible!

  47. Love your outfit especially the tights

  48. Love the skirt! Has a great vintage boho vibe!

  49. E

    I think this outfit is lovely, too!! As always, your bright tights make it so cheery!

  50. the skirt is adorable dear!


  51. mmm at least the florals might perk you up in the cold πŸ™‚ Or come visit me down under πŸ˜›

  52. I like the colours in the skirt, nice pics.


  53. Anonymous

    I’m glad you’re getting out to see friends! The weather has been ridiculous. >.< wearing bright clothes seems to bring some sun and warmth back.