(sort of) snacking saturday

Please don’t shout at me for a very early Christmas themed post, but I am a planner and someone who likes to get ahead…especially as this is the first year I’ll be working the run up to Christmas and my time will have to be managed more carefully!

The wonderful folk over at dotcomgiftshop (who previously sent me some gorgeous vintage biscuit tins) sent me this biscuit tin from their seasonal range and I don’t know how best to fill it…

What I want are YOUR best festive baking recipes…cake, cookies…anything really…an old family recipe or something new and unusual. Work will be my valiant taste testers!

To make it more fun, the recipe I pick to fill the tin will win a little prize (I’ll pick the winner at the end of November)

Hit me with your best!

Want a tin of your own? It costs a very reasonable £6.95 from here…and you’ll probably pick up a few Christmas gifts too. Dotcomgiftshop is my first port of call when I want an unusual gift or something for my own home…I cannot rate this site highly enough!

Happy Saturday

19 comments for “(sort of) snacking saturday

  1. I can’t help on the recipe front but you can’t beat a bit of stollen or mince pie action for the festive season.

    Such a cute tin! I love dotcomgiftshop.


  2. happy christmas babe:)xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. I don’t own recipies but gingrebread is always festive right? (it’s also my favourite, yum, ginger biscuits)

  4. Ahhh you’re making me feel very unorganised, I haven’t even thought about Christmas yet! My nana makes mince-meat slices as an alternative to mince pies – she does it like a tray bake with a layer of pastry, them a layer of mince meat with sponge on top x

  5. brilliant idea! i have a recipe in mind, once my camera has arrived i shall get cracking a post for your comp! 🙂

    cute tin! i had a great one last year, it was a mini christmas scene and inside was THE best gingerbread (snow)man i’d ever tasted.

    jade x

  6. That’s such a cute tin! It’s not my own recipe, but around Christmas I love to make these delicious gingerbread cupcakes. They’re easy to make and a little different 🙂

  7. Best filler for something like this- Amaretti biscuits. My dad always seem to make them around Christmas time (why, I have no idea, but I’m not complaining). Chewy in the middle and almody and lovely, and something a bit different from the usual Christmas spices and flavours (much as I love those too). Don’t know my dad’s recipe of the top of my head but it’s one of those ridiculously simple ones….


  9. Super cute tin, ideal for xmas gifts!

    I shall have a think about what I would fill it with and let you know!

    X x

  10. I always make Christmas muffins for my girls at Christmas and then end up eating most of them myself. I just use a normal muffin recipe and add a few spoonfuls of mincemeat.

  11. Gorgeous tin, making my hungry just thinking of all the christmas goodies! 🙂 xx

  12. Mat

    here it comes again!

  13. It has to be shortbread for Christmas, cut into stars and tree shapes x

  14. How about peppermint cupcakes !? This tin is fab, I really need some tins so shall head over and take a look !

  15. you can’t beat fairy cakes with those little silver balls and mini santa’s faces on them Xx

  16. I was wondering, what would be a good recipe to follow for beginner bakers? I want to start baking but really don’t know where to start…ha! x

  17. Without fail, the thing I like making for people and putting in lovely boxes at Christmas is chocolate crispy cakes or bites (to avoid needing baking cases). All you need is a quantity of cornflakes and some good quality dark chocolate. Melt the chocolate over a bowl of hot water and then stir in the cornflakes, adding a little at a time- you can add the quantity you want dependant on how chocolately you want them. I often use half a box of cornflakes with about 300g of chocolate but I don’t like mine too chocolatey! Then make a pretty box (or use a festive biscuit tin!)

  18. eee, if we’re getting overexcited about christmas snacks now, then you have to get to Lidl, the christmas range there is amazing!! I’ve already eaten far too many gingerbread rounds from there and its not even November, yum!