spring fever

Tee; Peacocks, Skirt; Yellow Shop in Bath, Tights; New Look, Scarf c/o Republic, Boots c/o Ellos.

How cute is this scarf? It was kindly sent to me via the folk at Republic last week and cheered up one of the days I was off sick…
speaking of which…I’m STILL stick, this bug has far out-stayed it’s welcome. Off for a checkup with the GP today, and fingers crossed I’ll get back to work tomorrow…I am the worst patient! I’d far rather be out doing things and working than coughing and spluttering away in front of day time TV!

I hope everyone else has managed to stay well! How’s your week starting off?

Don’t forget there is still two days left to enter my giveaway!

37 comments for “spring fever

  1. Super cute scarf, it is very Lazy Oaf like! Love the florals, can’t wait to break mine out, just need a glimmer of sunshine. Feel better xxx

  2. Love the scarf, hope you feel better soon. I’ve been ill for over a week now too, running a massive fever and aching all over, I should be off work like you really but I work for the council and they’re making redundancies and one of the criteria they’re using to get rid of people is sickness absence its disgusting we’re all coming in ill and infecting each other, redundancy doesn’t look too bad a prospect at this point … Joking 😉 keep warm and rest up xxx

  3. Beautiful sense of style and awesome posts and blog! Would you like to follow each other?
    Fashionhypnotised girl

  4. Very cute scarf and love that print on the skirt! Hope you get better soon!

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  6. That Scarf! I love it! You’re outfits are always so amazing 🙂 xx

  7. Love the scarf – its so cute!

    Love this outfit, you look so summery 🙂

  8. Love the scarf, such a cutie!

    And this outfit is perfect for spring, the boots give it a real classy edge <3

    Love Claire xox

  9. How cute!! Hope you feel better soon xx

  10. Adorable! I love this look and the scarf is so sweet!

  11. haha I love the scarf, but then again you’d know that ;p
    I’ve been wearing my Direwolf scarf a lot recently to it’s been sunny but it’s still quite cold out!

    Hope you feel better soon xoxo

  12. Cutest…scarf…ever and as always, a wonderful collection of colourful tights! x

  13. Hope you feel better soon!

  14. what a cute scarf! <3

  15. Aw your scarf is adorable! xx

  16. I love the colour of those New Look tights and that skirt from Yellow Shop in Bath is very pretty too. The colours and the lace trim are lovely. I really love Spring and am so happy that it will be here soon!

  17. love your shoes!


  18. Totally in love with your skirt!

  19. Great scarf and love the shoes 🙂

    Karys x

  20. Not fun feeling ill is it? Hope you are on the mend soon hun. Sending hugs.

    Very cute scarf.

    X x

  21. I love the colours in your skirt with the coloured tights! Hope you feel better soon 🙂

    Caroline x
    Caroline’s Catwalk

  22. Love the boots and the scarf is so cute!
    Hope you’re feeling better soon lovely


  23. That skirt is a beaut! Loving the scarf too 🙂 xx

  24. i looove those boots. hope youre okay chicken! x

  25. I love how you’ve put the purple tights with this gorgeous skirt!
    Emma xx

  26. That scarf is epic! Need one of those in my life.

    Hope you’re feeling better, I feel like utter shite, bug type thing, blood tests, an impending new drug regime and trying to get my research project done have left me a wreck. Rock n roll.

  27. Loving your skirt! <3



  28. Love that scarf I hope you start feeling better soon.

  29. Such a cute scarf. Hope everything went well at the doctors 🙂

  30. Great look, very cute scarf. hope you start to feel better soon!
    Daisy Dayz Home

  31. cat

    Alice had a similar scarf! I think she got hers in River Island though. Made me smile. It suits you better though 😉

  32. I adore the scarf!! I hope you feel better soon!

  33. Ha! That scarf is bloomin hilarious! It would have cheered me up too!

  34. seiously, how have i not found your amazing blog sooner? I love your bright and cheerful style! Amazing!
    Rachel :)x

  35. Haha, that scarf is amazing! It would definitely cheer me up! x

  36. Love that skirt and boots xx

  37. I LOVE the boots! 🙂

    Clare x