Summer Blues

My favourite photo from the weekend; I went to school with these girls and they are amazing.

New Look dress (old), Shoes, Dune c/o Sarenza. I’m loving bright shoes right now…well, shoes in general to be honest…there is something so impossibly cheerful about this pair, and despite appearances they are really comfortable.

It might not be a super fancy model, but it’s a huge step up from what I have now!

Well, off to do my 7:15am start at work…remind me again why I agreed to that shift?! I can’t wait to get home and out of my uniform so I can try and grab some outfit photos with my new camera!

28 comments for “Summer Blues

  1. Oh wow, can’t wait to see the new photos! I remember when I first tried my camera, how amazed I was by how easy it was to use and how good the quality of the photos were compared to the old camera! xo

  2. I’m still trying to get used to my camera!

    I love those shoes, such a fab colour.


  3. Great photos – in the first one everyone looks so radiant, perfect weather for it.

    Loving those wedges.

    I have an Olympus and I love him, happy photo taking xxx

  4. You look so lovely in these photos 🙂 hope your early start isn’t too bad!

  5. those shoes are a fabulous colour and hurrah for being comfy!

  6. You look lovely at the wedding! I’m loving bright shoes too, love the colour of those ones xx

  7. Have fun with your new camera. I adore you blue outfit, blue promotes creativity which is always a good thing.

  8. You look like such a lovely bunch! Beuatiful photo!

  9. That camera looks fierce! Can’t wait to see the photos. Lovely wedding photos and that blue floral dress is fantastic too!

  10. Anonymous

    You DON’T need to keep on posting picture’s of the wedding as we all know you are vain and spoilt and obviously need the attention. You wouldn’t cope 5min in the real world doing things for yourself.

    There are so many people suffering in silence from Eds and don’t cry out for attention. I wish people would realize that focusing on your appearance is only going to trigger you even though you never admit this.

  11. those shoes are gorgeous, i want! they go great with that dress too 🙂 x

  12. those shoes are lovely – perfect for the summer. And what a gorgeous picture of you and your friends! 🙂 xx

  13. Sorry for re-commenting, but that Anonymous person made my blood boil, seriously! Ignore the bitch x

  14. Those shoes are gorgeous, such a great colour for summer! 🙂

    Caroline x
    Caroline’s Catwalk

  15. I love the look of the brides bouquet – those flowers are gorgeous shade of red and you all look lovely! I wish me and my former school group was still as tight/close and in contact as much as you all sound to be. Can’t wait to see some of your new photographs either!

  16. Anonymous

    you would never know you were the age you were the way you dress!!!

  17. Oh wow, you all look beautiful b:)

    The colour of those shoes are gorgeous!

    Have fun with your new camera 🙂

    Love, Elizabeth xx

  18. Those shoes are the most gorgeous colour! xxx

  19. Lucy

    What fab photos and your new camera looks fab!

    Lucy x

    Anonymous, may I suggest that your time may be better spent attending some remedial English lessons? Your grammar is appalling!

  20. Loving the wedding photo and how awesome do you look that dress is stunning on you gorgeous colour and I love the headdress perfect finishing touch xoxo

  21. Such a lovely wedding photo there, and the camera looks fancy to me! Hehe

    Karys x

  22. You look absolutely beautiful! Love the bright blue shoes!!! They’re amazing. xo

  23. I love this dress, the colours are so vivid and look stunning on you.

  24. The first pic is so lovely, you all look so pretty and so incredibly happy. I love your green dress too! (in reply to your blog comment; i am 5ft so the shorts are a bit longer than the model on the website – but i know what you mean, i went in to topshop to search for some denim shorts and they were REAAAALLLY SHORT SHORTS!!! dont really want to be showing my butt cheeks!) x

  25. What a lovely group of girls! I adore your dress! So pretty!

  26. Oooh, swanky camera!

  27. Wow your outfit for the wedding is beautiful, you look stunning!

    Daisy Dayz

  28. That dress and shoes – hot! X