
Just some photos from my day so far,
not shown are the two mugs I sat and painted, because those are presents and I believe the recipients spy on my blog!


He has the right idea.


Comfy clothes (swapped for jeans due to painting)


Another new ring…(a pain to photo, this was the best of the bunch)


How my afternoon *should* look.

On the hit list this week…

Banana fruit loaf I had my doubts when I bought this…but it’s AMAZING. Go get some!

On the shit list this week…

January adverts. According to the TV/every magazine I pick up, I should be joining weight watchers whilst downing slim fast and joining every gym in sight.

No thanks.

Roll of Feburuary when the madness dies down!

What does your Sunday look like? What’s made it on to your hit list/shit list this week?


51 comments for “Sunday

  1. I need to cram for my studies D: and for the shit list would be im back at college :/ also i love the colour of ur top ^^ is it velvet it looks lush :p

  2. Oooh I must try that banana loaf. I don’t like normal fruit loaf but I do love bananas

  3. plan for me.. tidy my room, go baking for a guerilla bake sale/the note well event tomorrow evening, find my best friend, wash my clothes, fill in a neverendingform, email my stepmom, blog, rest for a busy week ahead.
    not likely!
    I like your velvet top. Best of luck reading that book!
    x fi
    ps we have some bags in exchange for an answer to a question to give away.

  4. Yes to banana bread! my mum makes the best one, and i just remembered that she promised me one before I came back down to uni. not impressed now! x

  5. I like the outfit and your cat is cute xx

  6. I love that colour on you Laura! Gorgeous! I am going to be revising today as I have a test tomorrow πŸ™ I imagine gyms etc make all of their money in January and don’t make any money for the rest of the year!

    Maria xxx

  7. great comfy outfit, perfect for a sunday!
    you course sounds really interesting, but I know how difficult it can be to find the motivation to do some work!
    oh and I’ve been a copycat (pardon the pun) and put a picture of Kitty on my latest post πŸ˜€

    xx Iris

  8. ah hes so cute! my shit list also includes feels guilty about my fitness levels. just bought the biggest looser on kinnect and it says i’m fat πŸ™

  9. Sounds like a lovely Sunday πŸ™‚
    I woke up at 10, said goodbye to my parents who were off to Dubai. Then I got back into bed with my laptop to blog!
    At 12 I finally managed to leave the warm coziness of my blanket to shower and look presentable for a family lunch, then spent the afternoon making biscuit pudding and helping my aunt enter stuff into her 2011 diary. Now I’m back at home and am going to play piano before dinner! πŸ™‚

  10. Just lying on the sofa coughing and shouting at the telly because the footy is Not. Going. Well. Not the most fun Sunday in the world alas!

    Mug painting sounds well fun! Do you work to a design or just freehand it?

  11. your weekend sounds very cozy and btw, I really loved your tights from yesterday post, the color and dots are really great!
    I’ve been wanting to ask you about nail polish. what colors do you prefer? do you like to risk more edgy shades?


  12. Your cat is such a cutie!, great outfit as well by the way πŸ™‚ x

  13. Your cat is so incredibly cute I love seeing pictures. I adore the top you’re wearing too.

  14. Oh man, I want to curl up and go to bed!

  15. Ooh, I just love your kitty, Laura; and that ring is utterly divine. Happy, Happy Weekend!! πŸ™‚

  16. Totally agree with your shit list. Am sick of reading/hearing about diet diet diet etc.

    I’m sure the recipients will very much like their painted mugs.

    My Sunday is a chilled out one with hubby. Probably watching Dexter later. x

  17. I agree with you on your shit list.
    But I believe that we are better then that!!
    You have the strength to overcome!!


  18. How cute is your cat?!

    Totoally agree with the ads thing, hate the mass panic that they instill! Its unhealthy!


  19. Kim

    Flash is too cute! xxx

  20. aww that’s how my cat looks right now lol

    love the red top, looks so soft and pretty!

    how do you like school right now?

    i should be paying bills : / but i enjoy reading blogs and drinking tea lol hit list: NO HOMEWORK shit list: dealing with a one sided friendship : (


  21. Kat

    Looks like a pretty nice Sunday- apart from the uni work! My day involved being hungover in bed with my boyfriend all day (after his birthday night out) watching films, eating bacon sarnies and generally being lazy! I normally work sundays so has been a real treat πŸ™‚


  22. lovely shirt and ring!! and i like so much the maxi skirt from the next post! πŸ™‚

  23. this cat is so sweet!
    thank you for your sweet comment! it means a lot for me! remember that you can reach me also on bloglovin, facebook and twitter :)so cu soon! and have amazing new year!!!

    xoxo from rome

  24. Flash gets more adorable by the day. I really want to try ceramic painting sometime but wouldn’t have a clue where to start design wise xx

  25. Ntcj! I did a year long Ntcj news course and now doing a degree. That exam body are a pain! I found it so difficult. Still not got my laws or shorthand. I love media law but just cannot remember it all! Ive took it twice and both times been 3 marks off a c. Thats all i need to progress onto the nce. Managed to get new writing and both public affairs though. What course you doing? Where are you doing it? Small world your doing it too!

  26. Looks like Football and cupcakes :).

  27. Jen

    Roll on Feb indeed! I HATE January. Love that velvet top! x

  28. Have had a really productive Sunday – all boring stuff though! Food shopping, housework etc. Now Dancing on Ice – love it!

  29. love the top you’re wearing!
    Anyways, my Sunday was.. blah. Went to my grandparents (x2), and they don’t live in the neighbourhood, so I spent my Sunday in the car driving around the country.
    Oh, but my grandmother gave me some cake. That was cool and very non-weight watchers like.

  30. Ironically yesterday, I found myself reading the free diet book from Cosmopolitan while munching on two chocolate bars and a packet of crisps.. the crisps, not the packet obviously. Didn’t even feel the smallest pang of guilt. I only have a shit list unfortunately; exams. Revision is a tedious way to spend your week.

  31. I hate the january adverts too but even worse are the ones that assume no-one can keep them up! I was on my run today and ran past a KFC advert saying something like ‘oh well you’ve broke the resolutions already, at least our new wrap is only 99p’.

  32. Ur cat is really cute on this pic! πŸ˜€


  33. banana fruit loaf sounds yummy! will def have to give this a try πŸ™‚ x

  34. Aw, your cat looks so adorbs. Nothing sweeter than a sleepy kitty!

    Looking lovely as always my darling!

  35. Hello gorgeous!! You look incredible!!

    Right now Kitty is sleeping in my lap, looks like our fluff balls had the same idea πŸ™‚

  36. Ah I like velvet. I need a velvet dress at some point.

    Hit list: Having just had the calmest weekend in a long while.

    Shit list: Potholes/deep excavations and rain.


  37. Aww your kitty looks so cute! You look nice and comfy in that outfit! ‘Journalism Law’ Fun!! I’ve done that in uni too! Hit list, having a bit more time from the manicness of christmas. Shit list, im with you on the adverts but I also hate the sales! Especially with the shopping ban, lol!
    It’s good to be back!

    Daisy Dayz Home
    Cross-Jones-Photography Home

  38. cute kitty! i wish i could be a cat sometimes – quick fix diet drinks are so unhealthy! thanks for adding this in your shit list!


  39. Thats how I feel everyday… needing to do school work but instead messing around on the web:/ That kitty is so cute!!

    xx hali

  40. don’t diet ads just suck!!?!?! I hate them… Glad you had a good day though!


  41. My sunday was spent in front of the tv: productive, I know. But I did see a bunch of gym/weight loss ads. They’ll be gone soon.

    I love your ring. It looks really pretty.

  42. McNae law for journalists!! HAHA

    Sorry me and the other wardrobe girlies did Journalism at uni and we have funny memories of our law/McNae revision. Good luck with your NCTJ’s and the Journalism πŸ™‚


  43. Flash looks adorable as always! Love your velvet top!

  44. andrea

    gorgeous girl and kitty! <3

  45. Your cat is so cute! He looks very cuddly.
    That plate is such a good idea!