
Sunday is:

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Reading the papers, drinking coffee from my favourite Cath Kidston mug, painting my nails with Nubar peacock feathers

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Wearing jeans and my favourite scrappy old t-shirt

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Chilling with Pie, my Bear Factory bunny that was a “get better or I’ll kick your ass” gift from Trudi.

What does your Sunday look like?


P.S. I’ve had quite a few questions pop up in comments lately, if you want one answered, leave it in this post and I’ll do reply post in the week.

68 comments for “Sunday

  1. The Aussie has returned from California (hooray!) so we are chilling and eating last night’s leftover Dominos for breakfast (wrong but oh so right) before heading out for a drive in the country and more stodgy food.

    Your bear is so cute!

  2. That sounds like a lovely Sunday to me πŸ™‚
    I just joined the Cath Kidston mug crew. My friend Hannah bought me a lovely floral one. It’s the perfect size for a big morning coffee. in fact, I’m going to go make one now!
    Pie is a sweetie πŸ™‚ Hear hear to Trudi’s sentiments β™₯
    Good luck with the nails! Would love to see the result. That colour sounds amazing!

  3. Lovely post! Sounds like a perfect day to me.
    I’ve got so stressed out trying to buy Glastonbury tickets that I’m going to have to chill for the rest of the day. xxx

  4. i love those cath kidston mugs! they’re so big, perfect for giant cups of tea or coffee on a sunday morning.

  5. you spend your sundays exactly how they should be . coffe, reading the newspaper and painting your nails- perfect .

    great blog- just found .

    do feel free to check out/ follow ‘betsie’ at:

  6. Wonderful post! Sounds like a great day.


  7. Your eyelashes are amazing!

    Lazy Sundays rule x

  8. Love the mug, I have a huge collection of cutie mugs printed with flowers, kittens, you name it.

    I’d love to have some british newspapers in hand along with my Sunday morning coffee, they always seem way more posh than greek ones, even when all they’re writing about is Robbie Williams and WAGS… :p

  9. coffee and newspapers is the perfect way to spend a sunday!

  10. Sounds perfect, and I love that mug.
    My Sunday is studying and watching last night’s X Factor.

  11. sounds like such a relaxing sunday!! πŸ™‚

  12. awwww i love the pic of you and Pie! so cute! i hope you have a great Sunday darling πŸ™‚

  13. Sounds like a simply lovely way to spend your Sunday πŸ™‚

    I really like your ‘scrappy’ wolf tshirt – reminds me of one I bought ages ago, but haven’t seen since :/ It’ll be in the abyss that is my room.. somewhere.. I should definitely dig it out though!

  14. I looooove it!!!

    Hugs & love


  15. Your sunday sound perfect πŸ™‚
    Mine probably is going to be at boyfriend home, baking and listening to the rain (and movies!!)**

  16. The perfect sunday.
    I love lazy sundays

  17. I want a Cath Kidston mug, nothing else quite compares x

  18. Enjoy the Sunday, Honey! πŸ™‚ Sounds so great!


  19. Lovely mug! My flatmate has one and I like to use it when she isn’t here hehe. Have a lovely Sunday =)

  20. Super cute blog….I just found your link….you are adorable:)

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Statements in Fashion Blog

  21. this sounds like the perfect sunday. unfortunately i am working! My sunday looks awful.

    have a lovely lazy day, and i really like your blog.

  22. Sounds like a perfect Sunday, gorgeous!


  23. sounds like a lovely sunday! The t-shirt is nice. my sunday consists of tv this time, haha! it was my little sister’s confirmation party yesterday so I’ve been doing baking stuff and other things for many days. today I plan to do absolutely NOTHING! πŸ™‚

  24. Things I love on a Sunday – basically just as long as there’s a bloody good roast dinner in there somewhere I’m happy. jazzy β™₯

  25. i’m such a sucker for cath kidson – i’ve got a brolly and a makeup bag, and er, a set of spoons! xx

  26. Ooh, I love Pie – she is utterly adorable!! πŸ™‚

  27. Pie is so sweet! And I love that you’re a Times reader hehe!


  28. amazing! your sense of fashion… i`m loving it! come check my blog! you`ll love it! follow, i`ll return the favor. xoxo

  29. eep! This post was so chipper! That tee shirt is so cute, by the way, and I love your mug! Cute Mugs make coffee so much better! And Coffee + reading on a Sunday morning just EQUALS LOVE!

    Hehe I like that “Get better or I’ll kick your ass.”

    It’s so nice to know that people care about us so much, isn’t it?

    Stay strong, beauty!


  30. Fabbo mug! I do love starry things. Actually it does remind me that I’ve been meaning to make myself a coffee for about 4 hours now and haven’t got round to it. Must go and put the kettle on!

  31. tthe Qand A post looks like fun and i love the ‘scrappy’ t shirt :3

    i need to read the newspaper more ^^

  32. You are such a cutie! Sounds like you’re having a better Sunday than me!

  33. That top is in the first outfit photo i ever saw of you, i have a good memeory!
    My Sunday consisted of getting absolutely drenched walking to Asda with Phil, buying lots of naughty food, coming home having a bath getting back into my pj’s and chilling on the sofa with Phil xx

  34. Sounds like a perfect Sunday. Mine sadly was work today but when I am off on Sundays I love to chill by watching Hollyoaks in the morning and a DVD in the afternoon and then catch up with a few of my favorite blogs xoxo

  35. This looks like the perfect day to me!

  36. so sweet bunny ! like your post so much! following u! πŸ™‚
    follow me if u want

  37. Coffee and the papers is the perfect Sunday. xx

  38. I’ve spent much of today reading.
    And I made chicken a la Nigella Lawson. I love Sundays!

  39. Sundays are normally crafting days for me but today i vebtured out the house and went to see a movie with a friend πŸ™‚

    p.s. I llove your wolf tee, wolves are one of my fave animals πŸ™‚

  40. J.

    Sounds wonderful! I usually do different things every Sunday, so I do not have a routine or anything.

  41. Today was shopping, but normally it’s lounging in pink pyjamas day. Hope you’re well my love πŸ˜‰


  42. sounds like the perfect sort of sunday. coffee, papers, and nails always make it into my sundays too. you are looking gorgeous my love! so glad to see your smiling face looking so well. xx

  43. It’s Monday here already but Sunday was a relaxed and sunny day!

  44. love your tee! what a great way to spend a sunday! –whoa man, that rhymed…:)

  45. Sounds like an adorable Sunday to me darling! And my Sunday was filled with homework and practicing for a music theory test I’m deadly afraid of, lolz. =D


  46. i love the last picture! lol so happy to see you back and hope you are doing well <3

    ps: thank you so much for your kind words and condolences <3

  47. cutee bear, sundays are time for shopping! πŸ™‚

  48. What a cozy looking Sunday. Snuggling, nails, coffee. Sounds absolutely perfect.

  49. cute! i love sundays. so relaxed and so much free time to do whatever! πŸ™‚

  50. Sounds like a perfect Sunday πŸ™‚

    β™₯ Leia

  51. Your sunday sounds so relazing!! Mines hanging in jeans and reading the newspaper as well.
    Love your t-shirt.

  52. your scrappy old shirt rocks! and i want it! BADLY. hihi.. πŸ™‚

    my sunday was spent entirely in bed….and at some point, in the sofa. Ha! watching bad tv…in my pj’s and oversized tee. Hmm… πŸ™‚ x

  53. Sounds like my sunday,i m always chilling on my sofa:)


  54. oh i love that tee – sundays = diet coke mcdonalds ghost whisperer catch ups and waaay to much blogging xxxx

  55. great way to spend a weekend! πŸ™‚ im dying of the cold so spent my weekend popping cold medicine tablets and sneezing everywhere! lol ive completely changed my blog layout id love it if ud stop by and let me know what u think? xo

  56. Sounds like the perfect sunday! I love reading the papers while sipping a hot cup of coffee as well. Love the t-shirt!

  57. It sounds like a lovely and relaxing Sunday. I normally spend Sundays relaxing with my bf and going shopping.

  58. What a cutesy little bunny bear! Am glad you had time to relax on your Sunday! I was busy trying to find me some wedding shoes on Sunday lol:)

  59. You and the Bear Factory bunny from Trudi look adorable. i pray you keep getting better so that the cute bunny from Trudi keeps cuddling with you instead of kicking your ass πŸ™‚ Adorable photo. My Sunday was mostly doing laundry, dishes, and writing checks with some time out for play, blogging and a little bit of the tele. Having coffee now.

  60. What a great weekend πŸ™‚ and great photography!

    Glad you enjoyes the day πŸ™‚


  61. hun you are glowing. I love that photo of you on the bed. I spent sunday with my boyfriend, we went for a walk in the rain which was so nice believe it or not followed by lunch, cinema and then dinner with friends.


  62. That sounds like the perfect Sunday to me! You look absolutely radiant in that last picture with your bunny!

  63. No way. no. way. My mum has that same mug! Makes me all nostalgic for living back in England (though I’m guessing london is much more fun than… derby.)

    As I’m in holland, my sunday tomorrow will consist of tea with lemon (wtf???) and chocolate sprinkle sandwiches.

    Sarah xx

  64. Sounds like a perfect Sunday!