
Against all the odds, the weather today has been utterly divine. It made this morning’s outing with a friend all the more perfect; a walk along the seafront and then coffee (for her)/ tea (chai for me) followed by another wander and a gosspip.

I wanted to say thank you for the continued support and kind words. It truly means a lot, especially as things are less than perfect right now.
I didn’t realise just how much blogging helped until recently. Having somewhere that I can post outfits, and have a record for myself of how things are looking and how things have changed for the better is so useful.

Outfits are a massive source of frustration for me at the moment. I put one thing on, decide I’m not comfortable, try something else…lather, rinse, repeat.
This morning was one of those mornings and the outfit I have photographed isn’t actually what I ended up wearing.

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Ah well, onwards and upwards yes?

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Hopefully the sun will keep shining

(and I will come in to millions and be able to afford the entire MAC venomous villians collection).

103 comments for “Sunshine

  1. Love the outfit ! u look great sweetie !

  2. H

    The weather is wonderful today isn’t it? I have that changing outfit about 10 times problem too.

  3. That is a gorgeous picture of you. I’m so jealous of your sunshine!

  4. Wow, that colour looks gorge on you! Loving the outfit too x

  5. Keep smiling sweetie πŸ˜‰
    love you xxxx

  6. Keep smiling sweetie πŸ˜‰
    love you xxxx

  7. Awww, we all have weeks like that where nothing feels right. It’s the time of year that summer stuff looks too flimsy but dark colours and heavy wintery fabrics just aren’t right.
    You looked lovely but I’m sure whatever you changed into looked equally as fabulous.
    Your skin is looking amazing. xxx

  8. What a harmonious combo, my dear! Lovely pants!


  9. Hi Laura, good to hear from you – it’s funny to think on this tiny island, you’re having a lovely sunny day and it’s been so dark and rainy all day here – and I’m inside being sick. So I’m glad you’re having a great day!

    I can’t see any of the shots on your post for some reason – my laptop must have caught my little bug – but I want to say how glad I am you are home, and yes I can see the blog is a great measure of how well you’re getting. It’s not easy, what you’re doing is one of the hardest things anyone can do. I saw Nikki on Big Brother, this summer, talk about how she was gaining weight in the house and she couldn’t fit into her jeans, and she was saying this to Vanessa Feltz, and she started to cry, and I could see that she was crying with gratitude: she was saying, not that she was sad that she gained weight, but happy and relieved to the point of tears, that she could be too big for her jeans and for the first time in her adult life not be automatically switching to ‘I must get thinner’ mode.

    I can’t imagine how many people you are and will continue to be a role model for, Laura. How many lives you will save.

    I am so glad that this summer, you chose to live happily ever after. xox

  10. Love your outfit today!

  11. the weather has been craaazy today! it was so warm. does not feel like october. i absolutely love those trousers on you – they are gorgeous. keep at it my love. outfit uncertainty will probably never end though… well, it never has for me. i go through the whole lather, rinse, repeat cycle multiple times each morning. xx

  12. There have been a few windy and rainy days lately where i live but the sun will be out soon and it would be best for me to be out and about some. Your walks and wanders along the seafront sounds nice.

    You have really been blogging quite a bit since your release from the hospital.

    The outfit you wore in the photograph you posted this morning is very pretty and a nice one. i like the yoke, pleats and trim of the top. It coordinates so nicely with the matching slacks and bow at the belt-line.

    i pray you will keep recovering your health and remembering all your good qualities. Everything looks better and frustrations fade as health and happiness take their place. πŸ™‚

  13. Roo

    You look beautiful, Be patient to yourself, you’ve been on one heck of a journey x

  14. Laura you look stunning in that outfit! I love the colors. I’m sorry you aren’t feeling comfortable with the way things are fitting but these things get better with time I’m sure. Hugs!

    β™₯ Leia

  15. amazing outfit !!!!!!!!!!!

  16. amazing outfit !!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Your look is ‘trΓ¨s chic!!!’

  18. Lovely outfit πŸ™‚

    Today was a beautiful day here too kept me smiling πŸ™‚

  19. D.

    Pretty! πŸ™‚

    Hey, I shut down my old blog, Zmaga’s, and now have a new one: Check it out!

  20. hey sweets, I’ve missed you too. I love this outfit, the trousers are so fab and colour combination.
    I’ve been having those kind of days for a month now. I end up being late to work every day not being able to pick what to wear and not wearing comfy in anything.

    Love you x

  21. Blogging has always helped me, I’m glad it does for you too. However I love this outfit, amazing pants!

  22. But that is an AWESOME outfit!!!

  23. Wow. Great outfit.
    Blogging always helps me. It’s become a my best therapy. Especially when I get into a very bad head space.

  24. I love your outfit, so pretty!! I hope everything turns out good for you, but I’m sure it will πŸ™‚
    fabulous blog, that’s sure πŸ˜€


    hope you come visit/follow me πŸ™‚

  25. I couldn’t get over what a lovely day it was today – beautiful sunshine – always makes things better πŸ™‚

    I’m also a nightmare for trying a million things on before deciding what to wear..

    I know you said you didn’t wear that outfit, but I really like those trousers..

    I’m glad you’re finding blogging helpful – it must be a lovely feeling to have so much support & so many people behind you all the way πŸ™‚

  26. That outfit is lovely, you must wear it this week!

  27. You are SO pretty!

  28. you look so great now! congrats that you made it !

  29. you look so great now! congrats that you made it !

  30. I think I know how you feel. My body has gone through a lot of changes this last year, and it’s become increasingly difficult to dress myself. It’s quite frustrating, especially when I’ll know exactly what I want to wear, but I’ll put it on and it looks different than how I imagined it. I don’t know if I’m making sense? But yeah… it’s very frustrating.

    You look gorgeous, though! I love that blouse on you.

  31. lo

    really cute outfit, love the top πŸ™‚ xx

  32. I’m praying for that to but I think I’ll probably just have to just spurge on one character (Maleficent) rather than the whole collection booo!

    I love that outfit on you it looks stunning, that colour really compliments you and the top looks so pretty and fits you well. I’m all for experimentation though so don’t worry about trying on 10 different looks a day till it’s all about making you feel happy and re-difining your style xoxo

  33. Onwards and upwards. Glad the blogging is a good outlet for you. xx

  34. That powder pink outfit is so lovely! Very Stella McCartney, fits you really well.
    I’m so happy to read your blog and see how everything is getting better little by little πŸ™‚ You look glowing!

  35. I feel like that so many times! I adore your pants and the color is so beautiful! Great close-up shot in the second photo! xoxoxoxoxoo

  36. MJ

    I think it’s absolutely amazing the way your shape has changed from before and after, and I’m so glad to have been able to witness it. The blog is a great thing!

  37. It’s nice though I think. I like all the pale colours and the unexpected proportions!

  38. Love the outfit!
    Claudia xxx

  39. Hope all is OK. You look darling, as always πŸ™‚

    LA weather is cold and damp today but I like it. We broke a record last week – hottest day ever recorded, 113. I’m happy it’s cooling down.

  40. I lvoe your top, it’;s so pretty. I really like the all cream ensemble – it’s very celine and a/w 2010 etc etc!

  41. I absolutely love that outfit hun! You really suit those trousers and the proportions and shape of the top are lovely.

    Even if you’re having a rubbish day, just remember how far you’ve come and that you’re heading in the right direction. Things will balance out.

  42. Its so lovely when the sun shines, it makes the day so much better. I hope you had a fun time. I do like your outfit, the colours are lovely. I like your makeup in the last picture too.

  43. I actually love the outfit, it’s very elegant and somewhat masculine in a good way;)
    But sometimes certain things just don’t feel comfortable even though it looks just fine.
    It’ll get better and then all of a sudden it’ll be effortless and you’ll totally have forgotten about having to adjust at first.

  44. i think that happens to all of us about the outfit changing and then we dont like it and then we find something else
    i love love this outfit though.
    those pants are so pretty on you
    and yeah i wanna see you wearin the holland tights
    they are really awesome!!

  45. Even though you decided not to wear the outfit, I think it looks great! You are one of the few who can pull off those trousers.

    Also, I know I haven’t been a long time, long time reader; however I have been reading for quite a while. I think you look incredible. I’m sure it can be difficult, because we all have our inner bully. I’m so glad to hear that your interactions via the blog are helping with that. Let me know if you need anything!

  46. keyran

    i’ve just gotta say.
    i find you an absolute inspiration.
    i have been through what you have, and there is no way i would have had the strength or character to be so open and honest and yet still so dignified and humble and absolutely lovely. i only stumbled across your blog long after you had gone into clinic, and i have since read back and now i watch you grow stronger with every post.
    i really wish you all luck in the world on the long incredibly hard road to recovery. just know you have all your followers and fans behind you every step of the way. we’re in this together.
    you are absolutely amazing. keep it up, and don’t look back.

  47. you have to try on multiple outfits before you find one you’re comfy in??! welcome to my world! ;p

    i lovvvve this outfit. everything from the shape to the color.

    i wish i could walk along a seafront with a friend, sounds divine


  48. that’s a great oufit (even if it wasn’t what you ended up wearing)!

    chai tea and good company sounds absolutely perfect.

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  50. haha your last sentence was excellent. i think you are super stylish, and i know the feeling of not knowing what to wear and not feeling comfortable. it will get easier. just know that you are beautiful, and stylish, and you have your own really unique thing going with florals and whimsical prints and fabrics. you are pretty awesome.

  51. Blogging helps in ‘seeing’ what an outfit really looks like. Sometimes I look at shots I’ve taken and realise I should’ve worn a different pair of shoes or accessory.

  52. hey pretty girl, I’m really diggin the monochrome, it looks so good on you! πŸ™‚


  53. love the soft sandy colors of your outfit πŸ™‚

  54. It truly is therapeutic having a place to share and log life’s ups and downs. LOVE blogging and also reading what others share.

    Love the simplicities of your day and your outfit is fantastic.


  55. I am SO glad blogging is so beneficial to you πŸ™‚ Same for me and almost everyone I know!


  56. Sweet outfit anyhoo dear. And I do hope the sun keeps shining for you dear.


  57. lovee your top sis! and the mac villains collection is awesome. i hope i bump into a million on the street later too! iΒ΄ll share it with you!


  58. Your blouse is so delicate and feminine, I love it πŸ™‚

  59. Cute outfit, I really like the top πŸ˜€


  60. Oh, honey! Hang in there! You are so strong, and we are all so proud of you!

    I love the trousers!

  61. Stunning, as always.

    And your make-up looks divine! You should do a make-up tutorial post πŸ™‚

    Hugs xxxx

  62. i love your outfit, honestly. esp the top. wish could try pull that one .

  63. I understand that feeling. Body image is the hardest, in my opinion. But it will get better. With time and with practice, you’ll become more comfortable and confident in your body πŸ™‚
    I’m so happy to hear your progress. You’re so strong and I hope the best for you! <3

  64. I love your blog! and I hope you will visit or follow mine:)

    ps. love your outfit!

  65. No worries, Laura; I have iffy days like that, as well. Where I simply cannot make myself happy with anything I put on; regardless, you look gorgeous!! πŸ™‚

  66. you are beautiful in whatever size Laurie. πŸ™‚

    i love this muted colors….the cropped pants….the pleated blouse… very chic. x

  67. Cute outfit, really πŸ™‚

  68. you look great.
    i love the outfit. very sophisticated!

  69. I find a good walk in the sunshine cures everything, even if just for the moment.

  70. you look great! i love the details on the top you are wearing.

  71. What a lovely outfit!! hugs

  72. Jen

    Love this outfit – so pretty! x

  73. Yay for sunshine outside and in your thoughts!

  74. Great outfit! I love sunshine πŸ™‚

  75. Hang in there, I am sure things will get better soon. I really like the outfit you are wearing in that first picture, I donΒ΄t know why you didnΒ΄t wear it; the pants have such a nice cut. Oh well, you should just wear what you feel comfortable in.


  76. you look beautiful! and i hope everything continuous to get better for you πŸ™‚

  77. FAB FAB OUTFIT! You are gorgeous! Love your lacey top and those pants are too cool for school!
    xoThe Beckerman Girls

  78. hey! i just started taking my blog seriously and i feel like it’s added a lot of purpose and creativity to my life! Keep it up girly!

  79. oh you should have sticked to that outfit, you look gorgeous!

  80. mh… unfortunately in germany the sun has decided not to shine anymore ^^
    thanks so much for your sweet comment πŸ˜‰

  81. Hello hun! What a lovely surprise to hear from you! I was at fashion week last week, so I had no internet access, thats why I am am only commenting now, I hope you are doing well! I love your outfit! Mwah xxx

  82. i love your outfit in the first pic…the colours are gorgeous…you look so ethereal!


  83. Just popping over to say that I gave you a blog award! Just because I think you are awesome πŸ™‚

  84. the outfit!!!! amazing, a lot of compliments!

  85. J.

    I loooove the outfit!

  86. where are those trousers from ? xoxoxox

  87. love this pale liliac colour on you! id look like a ghost if i wore that colour.mega jealous u can pull it off! πŸ™‚ x

  88. Loving this outfit πŸ™‚

  89. i love this outfit!!! the pants are perfect

    Vi from Cali

  90. I love this outfit, especially the trousers! x

  91. You look amazing, lovely. πŸ™‚

  92. Beautiful)))
    Nice blog)))

  93. yeah i wantthat top rightmeow.

  94. Love the trousers, they look amazing on you!

  95. ohhh girl!! long time since I don’t come across you blog!! do you know something? you look so so pretty with this outfit! love the pants and the top! πŸ™‚ I am glad you are much better now!

    much love