Oh yes, it’s Friday and the end of the working week. Here’s what I wore today (excuse the darkness of the photos, it was before 7am!)



Leopard maxi skirt- £4 New Look sale
Velvet tee- £6 Next sale

Worn with wedge heel ankle boots and a cardigan.

So thats the first week of work over for me. To some 12 hours may seem like nothing…to me, it’s a marathon compared to what I’ve been able to do for the last five or more years!

Bring on next week!

What are your weekend plans? I’m catching up with a friend, and attempting to get up to date with the Media Law course.


58 comments for “TGIF

  1. Wow! This looks absolutely stunning. I hear you on the work thing – I find 8 hours on my feet bartending absolutely earthshatteringly exhausting, yet my peers have no problem with it. All the more incentive to stick with recovery, eh? You’re a star.

  2. congrats on finishing your first week at the new work! it must feel really good right now 🙂

  3. eek!! So excited for you and your new job – what a great way to start the year.
    And looking so fabulous too. !


  4. congratulations on your first week of work.
    & i wish i looked as good as you do when going to work.
    loooove the maxi skirt – what a bargain 🙂

  5. Fabulous skirt, I love the leopard and the length looks amazing on you x

  6. stunning outfit.
    long skirts like that just make me look shorter -__- haha.

  7. Love the skirt. I’m aaaall about the maxi at the moment! Congrats on your first week. x

  8. Well done on your first week at work 🙂

    My weekend consists of revision with a sprinkling of revision on top! The joy of the university lifestyle!

  9. Fantastic skirt, at a fantastic price! New Look is one place I have yet to check out the sales in…

  10. lovely outfit, and glad to hear the week of work is going well, if tiring!
    haven’t really got a lot to show from the sales, i have had a couple of verrrry restrained (ny my standards) trips, which i need to make time to post 🙂 xx

  11. Congratulations on your fist work day, it must’ve felt weird though? And I love the whole outfit, you look very relaxed and chic. Glad you had a good day, and thanks for your letter, it arrived today 🙂 xxx

  12. hiya skirt – loven’ it!

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  13. Wow you always find such amazing bargains, I love the skirt xoxo

  14. great chillaxed look the two pieces go really well together. hrm marmite? i’ve never tried that!! i just stick to the original 😛 haha

    F. ( x

  15. I’m digging the animal print lately!!

    And take things slow and steady with work.
    There’s nothing worse then wearing yourself out with too much too soon!

    It’s snowing here agian!!
    So my plans will be minimal.


  16. Thank you so much for your lovely comments I really appreciated them 🙂
    I love this look. It’s very chic and that skirt is killer.
    I’ve given you an award on my blog if you want to check it out.

  17. Well done on completing your first week! I’m sure it will get a little less tiring once you are into a routine. Great skirt, what a bargain! x

  18. Well done on your first week !

  19. What a great skirt! I really want to spend the weekend relaxing but I have a few social engagements to attend. I’d rather stay at home and watch tv! 😉


  20. awesome skirt, length can be tricky but you really pull it off!

  21. oh la la! that’s a lovely skirt laurie!! happy new year to you dearie! 🙂 x

  22. That’s skirt is amazing! And so cheap, what a bargain! x

  23. tha skirt is fabulous!

  24. Mat

    before 7am cripes! you are an early bird for sure. working this weekend but i’m quite looking forward to it actually, bit of normality needs restoring

  25. Oh, gorgeous! Have you had a look at the River Island sale? There are a couple of skirts in there that I’m pretty sure you’ll love!

  26. ~k

    Love your skirt! Looks so chic and comfortable!

  27. i adore your outfit, you look so damn tall! love your velvet tee, i have one similar 🙂

    my weekend plans? shopping with my mum tomorrow, then a trip to my local charity shops and car boot sale on sunday.

    have a good weekend! xxx

  28. That skirt is a beauty! Love it.

  29. you look really good in that skirt!

  30. Can’t believe that skirt was £4, amazing bargain!

  31. You look lovely! Love the skirt:)

  32. Love the skirt! Saw it online ages ago, but never managed to actually find it in stores. So lucky you for finding it on sale even! 😀

  33. You are looking fabulous my love, and I bet it feels great to have the first week of work under your belt already, you are amazing 🙂
    Kandi x

  34. So elegant! I hope you have a lovely weekend, dear!

  35. That skirt is breathtaking!! Have a great weekend. xoxo

  36. Gorgeous skirt!


  37. what a jaw dropping outfit! you’ve gotguts to wear thisand really pullit off, welldone!

  38. Love that velvet tee – great bargain. Well done on a great 1st week. xx

  39. That skirt is gorgeous!xx

  40. Amazing skirt. I’m really loving Maxi Skirts right now! And your leopard print one is lovely.

  41. looove that maxi skirt!

  42. Lo

    I’m loving longer skirts lately. This looks stunning on you!

  43. I wonder if maxi skirts will look good on me. I tried a maxi dress for the first time ever and I really liked the look, but my figure is a lot heavier than yours and I’m not sure if the maxi skirt will look as good. You wear it really well! 😀

  44. Some weeks I only work around 12 hours and I still feel exhausted by the end of it!

    I plan to spend the weekend relaxing… Maybe I’ll go watch a movie at the dollar theatre. 🙂

  45. omg I can’t belive u got the maxi dress for so cheap! I havent seen it before in new look 🙁 but i love the print so much! happy weekend ^^

  46. Ooh love the skirt 🙂
    My weekend plans include some final shopping in the sales and hopefully taking some pics for my blog while I’m actually at home during daylight hours!

  47. Ugh media law. I did law for journalists and i imagine its similar – i hated it!

  48. You’re amazing for having jumped back into work like that. Shows such strength.
    And you look effortlessly fab, as usual
    Hannah x

  49. Well done on your first week!

    You look fabulous – I love that skirt!

  50. congrats on the first week of work! Glad it went well 🙂


  51. Love this outfit, you look lovely. Congratulations with your job too 🙂 x

  52. Very glamour…I love your style!
    HI!my name’s martina and I come from Italy…I love your blog and I’d like you visit my blog…if you want, follow me! I wait you and your tips!
    kiss kiss ^^

    Glamour Marmalade

  53. Great look! I love animalprints; beautiful combination.