Thank You x One Thousand

Wow, so…a thousand followers…I’m amazed. What started as a random outlet has turned in to something so much more.

As a thank you, I have a bit of a giveaway for all you lovely followers who read and support adaisychaindream with some prizes I’m a little bit jealous of!

Prize ONE is this incredible leather jacket c/o IL2L…online super shop for leather jackets. This jacket is just beautiful, you have no idea how badly I want to keep this! (size Medium)

Prize TWO is courtesy of Matalan and Metcalfes; the winner will recieve a bag of each flavour skinny top corn and loads of goodies from Matalan (the clothes are size 10 and the sandals are a 5). You’ve heard me rave about both these brands for long enough…now’s your chance to see why I love them so much!

Prize THREE is for the international blog followers as realistically I cannot afford to ship the first two overseas. This is a mystery prize and will contain an assortment of things I love and think you will love too!

I don’t know how many MALE followers I have, but if there are any of you out there, shout…I’ll put together a little prize for you, too.

To Enter:

– Be a blog follower, this is to say thank you to my followers, therefore I’d like you to be one.

– Leave a comment on this post to say which prize you’d like to win (UK folks, enter one, or both, there will be a winner for each)

– Make sure you leave a way for me to contact you if you win!

– The giveaway is open for one week and will close at NOON GMT next Sunday.

Good Luck, and thanks again


P.S. for an extra entry you can follow me/RT the giveaway on Twitter

99 comments for “Thank You x One Thousand

  1. yey, how wonderful! I’d like to enter for that pink surprise gift!
    1000 followers is amazing!

  2. Congratulations on 1001 followers!
    I’d like prize two please as I’m a big fan of skinny topcorn and would love to try some of the other flavours.

  3. Congratulations chick!! It’s no surprise to me that so many people follow.(Don’t add me in just wanted to say well done mmmwwahhh!)
    Kandi xx

  4. Oooh I would love to win prize too, I really want to try that popcorn!

  5. Enter me please, well done on the followers, your blog is great πŸ™‚
    I’d love to win either prize 1 or 2 πŸ™‚
    Thank you!
    GFC – hannah.
    Email –

    πŸ™‚ xxx

  6. Kat

    Congrats on 1000 followers!! Your blog was one of the first I started following and I have enjoyed every minute! Count me in for prize number one, need a leather jacket in my life πŸ™‚


  7. 1000 followers is great Laura – so pleased for you!

    I’d really love prize 1 as it is amazing and I have always wanted a leather jacket, but the good ones are always waaaay out of my price range! xx

  8. congratulations! πŸ™‚
    i’m from the UK so would love to win one of the UK prizes!
    my email is and my blog is

  9. thank you to you for cheering up our days!
    love from spain!




  10. Congrats!
    I’d love to be entered for both UK prizes.
    That jacket is amazing! *fingers crossed*
    Love Christina x

  11. Congrats!
    I’d love to be entered for both UK prizes.
    That jacket is amazing! *fingers crossed*
    Love Christina x

  12. what a great giveaway. congratulations on reaching over 1000 followers =)

    I’d like to enter for prize one or two. I’ve been looking for a leather jacket for ages and that one is just gorgeous.

  13. Congratulations!

    The Leather jacket really is amazing, I’ve been searching a similar one for years. Unfortunately I’m not from the UK so I guess I have to search for another thousand years πŸ˜‰

    So I’d really like to win the mystery prize. I’m sure it’ll be great πŸ™‚


  14. What amazing prizes! A Big congrats on reaching 1000, you definitely deserve every single one! I’d love to be entered for both UK prizes :p

    I follow you on GFC!

  15. gosh I forgot to tell you my mail, sorry:

  16. OMG. I’d love to win that leather jacket! It’s soooo beautiful and amazing! πŸ˜€

    I’d like to enter for both though! I love both giveaways!
    But I’d especially love to win the leather jacket!
    I’ve been a follower for a while, I love your blog and welldone on getting 1000 followers :)!

    GFC – Catarina

    tweeted your giveaway too!!/CatttSays/status/107765602034257920

  17. Well done!!!!
    All of the prizes look amazing, but im mega interested in the first one!
    Also, does anywhere nearby sell the popcorn or is it an online jobby?

  18. D.

    You deserve all those followers πŸ™‚

    I’m an international πŸ˜‰

  19. 1000 followers! Wee go you! That’s exciting! <3

    I’d love to be entered for prize 2 please my lovely one.

    x x x

    Ps: the thank you cakes – stunning!

  20. Congrats! I’m so proud of you you made it so incredibly far! Such great news:)

    Also, I’d like to join the giveaway for the international prize:)

  21. I’d love to win either UK prize, they’re both right up my street! I love reading your blog and I’m not surprised you have so many followers!

  22. Oooh I love your blog so much and I love your prizes. Personally I’d love number two cause that popcorn is amazing!!
    I follow you here, I follow you on twitter and there’s a tweet coming your way πŸ˜‰
    Beth x

  23. Wowee! Congratulations lovely. Enter me for prize 1 please πŸ™‚

  24. Congrats on 1000 followers. I m entering the overseas giveaway you can contact me on

  25. Hi, even though I’d love to win prize two, I’m entering the overseas giveaway! Congrats on reaching 1000 subscribers, you deserve it!

  26. oooo yes please i think the leather jacket would make me cool πŸ™‚

  27. Oh, please enter me for the international surprise πŸ™‚

    contact via twitter: @thraseia

  28. Oh wow that’s a lot of followers congratz! I can’t pick just one so sign me up for both prizes πŸ™‚


  29. Well done on all the followers Laura! 1000 people, wow that’s a lot πŸ™‚

    Can I enter the 2nd please πŸ™‚


    @EmNaomi on twitter

  30. congratulations on your followers! Your blog deserves it so well done πŸ™‚

    Id love to win Prize 1 please – that jacket is A-mazing!

    lucy x

  31. Count me in for prize number 2. And congratulations for the four figure followers!!! It’s certainly well deserved!!!
    Love Amanda (

  32. Wow! 1000 followers – that is just HUGE! (In fact, 1003 at current count!) Mega congratulations to you m’lovely – it’s well deserved indeed πŸ™‚

    I would love to be entered into your bloody good giveaway! Can I be entered for both please? (Do you think Matalan would let us swap sizes..? Or is that too cheeky!?)

    I’ve followed your blog for approx. forever & my email is: dlw1210(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk – thank you so much πŸ™‚

  33. Congrats Laura πŸ™‚ you should be really proud Hun , I know I would be if it was me (getting there haha). This is so uber sweet of you to put together and I can see why you want to keep everything haha
    Anyway I would love a shoot at winning either both prizes are lush πŸ™‚
    My email:
    Oh exciting !! Xxxx

  34. Congrats Laura πŸ™‚ you should be really proud Hun , I know I would be if it was me (getting there haha). This is so uber sweet of you to put together and I can see why you want to keep everything haha
    Anyway I would love a shoot at winning either both prizes are lush πŸ™‚
    My email:
    Oh exciting !! Xxxx

  35. Congrats Laura πŸ™‚ you should be really proud Hun , I know I would be if it was me (getting there haha). This is so uber sweet of you to put together and I can see why you want to keep everything haha
    Anyway I would love a shoot at winning either both prizes are lush πŸ™‚
    My email:
    Oh exciting !! Xxxx

  36. Clare Wood

    Laura 1000 bloggers is so well deserved. Your blog is amazing, you are amazing!!!! Not only is it a great outlet for you but it gives inspiration to many others as who wouldnt want fashion sense like you. It often gets me thinking about what to wear each day rather than chucking on any old thing.
    I would love to win prize 3 as I love what you love.
    All the best my lovely. lots of love x

  37. well done in getting 1000 followers, you deserve it!1 i love reading your blog.
    i follow via bloglovin πŸ™‚
    i would love to be entered to win either prize 1 or 2.

  38. VT

    well done! I don’t comment often but I love reading your blog!
    I have two addresses — I live in Hong Kong but study in the UK. So really i could enter for all three, but I won’t be greedy and opt for mystery prize number 3 instead. =)
    Once again, congratulations!
    VT xx

  39. Congrats on reaching 1000!
    Please enter me for the leather jacket prize xx

  40. Congrautlations Laura…1000 followers brilliant and you deserve them all.

    Gosh I love all the prizes to be honest but I wouls ao love to win prize 2 that would be amazing…!


  41. Sorry about my spelling above I mean congratulations! and I would so love to win prize 2 lol my spelling was awful above!

  42. Bex

    Congratulations honey!
    You totally deserve it!
    I would like to enter for both please πŸ™‚
    I follow on GFC and my email is


  43. Congrats lovely! You deserve each and every one of your fab followers.

    Don’t think there’s much point entering me for any of the prizes as I won’t fit into the clothes or shoes and I’m not an international follower but I hope someone great wins them.

  44. Congrats on 1000 followers, you really deserve it!

  45. CONGRATS!!! You deserve it πŸ˜€
    Since I’m international the 3rd prize would be fantastic!
    Here’s to your success *raise glass*

  46. Congratulations hun, just goes to show how special you are!! I would *love* the leather jacket! xxxx

  47. Congratulations on 1000 followers, I would love to enter for prize 1 and 2 as I love the jacket and I really want to try some top corn
    My email address is

  48. Congrats on 1004 followers! Well done you πŸ™‚ x

  49. lisa

    would love either one or two
    congrats on the followers πŸ™‚

  50. Congratulations!
    I’d love to win prize 1, been looking for the perfect leather jacket for ages and this looks like it could be it! πŸ™‚

  51. Wow, congrats. I would love the leather jacket.
    Sparklysushi @ hotmail . com

  52. I’m an international follower, and I think you know my address. Speaking of which, I should send you something! Congrats on 1000, you’re spectacular!

  53. Congratulations on the followers!
    I’d love either 1 or 2, both are awesome!
    mustbeadreamer [at]
    Following on Twitter: @JesssXD
    Thank you so much for this!


  54. Whooo! Go you πŸ™‚
    I’d like to win #1, #2 is sadly no good as I have gurt feet and hips!
    dichohecho [at] gmail [dot] com

  55. Congratulations Laura, you deserve each and ever follower. xxx

  56. Wow laura, that is seriously impressive to have that many followers! That’s of course because you are loveliness personified!
    Please enter me, I like the sound of number 2!!!!!

  57. Congratulations! I love your blog πŸ™‚

    I’d love to win the leather jacket or the mystery prize!

    Corinne xx


  58. Oooooh, please enter me for the leather jacket. Keeping everything crossed! xx

  59. Aw congrats Laura!

    I’d really like to win both of the UK giveaways so please enter me in πŸ˜€ I am a follower of course!

  60. Please enter me for the leather jacket. I am following on Google and Twitter and have RT’d.

    Wow so many followers, you definitely deserve them though, love your blog.

  61. I would like to enter for both please! I’m following on GFC and tweeted from @countrygirldoes
    Congrats on sooooo many followers!

  62. Congrats on 1000 followers, you’re doing so well!!

    I would love to enter for both UK prizes but unfortunately the clothes & shoes won’t fit me πŸ™

    Can I be entered for number 1 please.

    Thanks, and once again, congrats! Xx

  63. Congratulations on 1000 followers πŸ™‚

    What a fab giveaway! I’d love to enter number 1 please – the jacket is GORGEOUS! πŸ™‚

    Ta πŸ™‚

    Clare x

  64. Rachel

    Congratulations Laura! I’d love to win prize 1, the beautiful jacket *drool*

  65. congratulations!

    -that’s all the way from your follower here in the Philippines:)

  66. That leather jacket is just beautiful! Well done on 1000 followers and many more to come πŸ™‚ xxx!/dusty_farlow

  67. That leather jacket is just beautiful! Well done on 1000 followers and many more to come πŸ™‚ xxx!/dusty_farlow

  68. That leather jacket is just beautiful! Well done on 1000 followers and many more to come πŸ™‚ xxx!/dusty_farlow

  69. Congrats on your 1000+ followers. Your an inspirational and amazing individual. Your unique style shines through every post. Keep trekking on πŸ™‚
    I’d love to be entered in the international draw as I’m down here in Aus. Take care x
    email is=

  70. Congratulations on reaching 1000 followers! I follow you on google friend connect, bloglovin’ and twitter. I would love to be entered for the mystery prize.


  71. Congratulations wifey! πŸ™‚ I would love to be entered for prize 1 please πŸ™‚ I also follow you on Twitter πŸ™‚

    Maria xxx

  72. Ah querida, what a lovely assortment. Please could you enter me for both UK prizes? You can find me and I follow via GFC and Bloglovin.

  73. Please enter me in for the first prize- the jacket looks amazing!

    Well done on the 1000, you deserve this so much, your blog is so much more than just a generic fashion blog, it has real personality and passion behind it xxx

  74. Jo

    Well done you and your amazing blog.

    Please can enter both draws, as both fab prizes.
    I would need the leather jacket prized from my hands if it was mine!

    So,so proud of you.


  75. Love your blog! Congrats on getting over a 1000 followers!
    I would LOVE to win prize two πŸ™‚
    Followed on twitter too!

    Twitter; amandaabrooks

  76. I’m following your lovely blog! And I’m from the US so that’s the one I’m entering for. πŸ™‚


  77. va

    hi , i am a new follower via gfc and am intl.
    tumblemumbo at

  78. conga-rats! i’d like to be entered for the surprise one pls πŸ™‚ thank uuu
    Carla Hollands

  79. VIX

    whoop! congrats on your 1st 1000!

    both these prizes are immense – and my perfect sizes, i’d like a chance at both please πŸ˜€

    my surname is also Metcalfe (random crap fact haha)

    vicki xx

  80. VIX

    … i was already following you on twitter but just RT’d your comp too πŸ™‚


  81. Aww congrats!! πŸ™‚ This is so exciting~ i’ve been following you for ages, so this is super awesome. πŸ™‚

    I’m international, so C is it!


  82. Well done on your 1000 followers,great blog I am a follower an would love to win the jacket,I need a good jacket πŸ™‚

    But any prizes would be great πŸ™‚
    Thank you for the competition
    clairejustineo twitter

  83. Hi,just to say I have visited your blog loads and thought I was a follower,so glad I just checked,I am following now πŸ™‚

  84. Congrats on hitting the 1000!
    I would like to win prize one please!
    My email is:


  85. Oooh can i enter for either 1 or 2 please?

    Congrats on so many followers, your blog is fab!

    Natalie xx

  86. congrats for making it beyond 1000 (:
    im an international, therefore i’d like to enter for the mystery price.

    erfrischungsgetraenk(at)arcor( dot)de

  87. This is amazing! Well done! πŸ™‚ I’d like to win either of the UK prizes. That jacket is stunning!! Oh my goodness!! Email is or my blog x x

  88. easily one of the most tempting blog giveaways πŸ™‚ i’d love to enter for the leather jacket please, its absolutely gorgeous! still loving your blog after about three years!! my email is, i will be entering via twitter too (laurajaynesings) if thats ok?! laura xxx

  89. Wow! What an amazing blog, you obviously deserve all your followers, my blog is new and I had two followers hehe! I’d love to enter for the matalan clothes, it’ll give me a reason to drop a few lbs to fit into them! Congratulations again!! or


  90. Wow! What an amazing blog, you obviously deserve all your followers, my blog is new and I had two followers hehe! I’d love to enter for the matalan clothes, it’ll give me a reason to drop a few lbs to fit into them! Congratulations again!! or


  91. Wow! What an amazing blog, you obviously deserve all your followers, my blog is new and I had two followers hehe! I’d love to enter for the matalan clothes, it’ll give me a reason to drop a few lbs to fit into them! Congratulations again!! or


  92. Congratulations on getting so many followers! That’s super! If I was on a lucky streak, I’d be after prize two – those Matalan florals are getting me excited! x

  93. Congratulations on all the followers Laura, certainly well deserved!

    I would be over the moon if I won either prize 1 or 2 πŸ™‚


    Please enter me for either of the first two prizes, they’re both gorgeous and although may be a bit big for me i’d make them work!

  95. I follow your blog (new follower). I would like to win the 3rd prize because I live in Slovakia.:-) But I like first 2 prizes too…
    lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

  96. I follow you on twitter (Lubaska) and RT about giveaway!/daisychaindream/status/109895879607066624
    lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

  97. oh wow! someting for the international followers please!!! ^^
    im excited. i love the matalan stuff!
    anyway enter me , i am already a follower for a year πŸ˜€

  98. Congratulations. I’d love to win either prize!