The Caviar Collection from skinCHEMISTS

Items gifted by skinCHEMISTS for blog consideration

So, I turned 32 on Sunday and I still don’t have a decent skin care routine under my belt. Sure I cleanse and moisturise, but that’s as far as it goes!

I’ve noticed a fair few sneaky extra wrinkles creeping in lately, so when skinCHEMISTS sent me some products from their super luxe sounding Caviar Collection it was like someone had be spying on my lazy-girl routine.

The Caviar Collection is one of the brands best sellers and I was both intrigued by it’s name, and slightly scared as my associations of caviar tend to err on the lumpy and fishy side of things. Still, I got stuck in and you can read my thoughts below.

Anti-Ageing facial serum £49.99

So it turns out that the Caviar element of these products is a super nutritious marine extract that aims to improve how firm your skin looks as well as reduce the appearance of fine lines.

My first impression was how light this felt when I applied it. I’ve actually been using it under my makeup in the mornings and it just glides on and sinks in well. I did initially wonder if it was worth an almost £50 price tag, and after ten days of solid use I can say yes, yes it is. You only need the smallest amount at a time so it will last for ages, and my skin looks instantly better when I apply it.

Anti-Ageing caviar eye serum £39

Eye products are the one thing I never think to buy, and the one area that really needs all of the help it can get when it comes to my face.

My first impression of this product was how chic it looked (shallow I know!) . It has a real luxe feel that makes me want to keep it on display, which in turn reminds me to use it! Almost two weeks in and I reckon the fine lines around my eyes look less pronounced than they did; I would ask Bob for his opinion but I’m not sure I’m quite ready for his brutal honesty (I’m still smarting from his remark on my grey hairs!)

Anti-Ageing caviar day moisturiser £39

This is another fancy looking product from the brand, and whilst I was a little aback by the price tag (compared to my usual under a fiver moisturiser) I have to say that after a few days of using this I began to understand why people invest in their skincare.

This is another incredibly light product that sinks in like a dream. I actually tend to use this after I’ve taken my makeup off at night; such a rebel! As I find it soothes my skin after a day in the office and I often find night creams a bit too heavy and sticky feeling.

I’m suitably impressed by all three of these products and would recommend anyone who’s looking to pick up some anti-ageing products to give these a whirl. I’m curious as to what else skinCHEMISTS can offer, and as budgets allow I will definitely be seeking out more products from the brand, both in this range and some of their others.

Does anyone have any tips for sticking to a skincare regime? Now I’ve started (again) I really could do with not stopping!

One comment for “The Caviar Collection from skinCHEMISTS

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