The eyes have it.

A few weeks ago I was contacted by Vision Direct about featuring some coloured contact lenses on the blog. Initially hesitant, I remembered my extreme curiosity when these first came on to the market and decided it could be quite good fun (I guess I also wanted to see if we only suited the eye colour we were born with).

One of the samples I recieved was these Jade Green ColorMaker lenses with no prescription. These are a monthly disposable lens and I was also sent a container to keep them in and bottle of solution for between wear.
I wear glasses but have never experimented with lenses, so how easy were these to use? Well, as long as you don’t mind fingers near your face, they are a doddle!

I really loved the vibrant green colour, although not that many people noticed (but then, I don’t walk around inspecting people’s eye colour!) They were also really easy to remove and store and I shall be wearing them again soon.

The other sample I was sent was a more subtle green daily wear lens by FreshLook which I am yet to try, but I shall report back when I do!

Have you tried coloured contacts? What do you think of me as a green eyed girl?


22 comments for “The eyes have it.

  1. They’re actually pretty natural and subtle and suit your hair colour!

  2. I don’t think I’d be very good at contacts, am quite funny with fingers near my eyes. I love the colour on you

  3. I love them! You’re so skinny! Come and check out my new Primark haul!

  4. Very pretty colour, you really suit them xoxoxo

  5. I love them. I would love coloured ones, as I wear them all the time.

    X x

  6. Kat

    Wow,stunning! I love that color,it really suits you. <3

  7. cat

    They look amazing on you. I now really want some too. Maybe we could change things up in España! x x x

  8. I am way too squeamish to put contact lenses in! The colours really suit you.

  9. Louise

    Have you ever thought that if you stopped posting on certain sites that keep you ill and from getting a life might actually do you some good? You do not need this site you only go there to keep yourself from getting better.
    If you truly wanted to be well, you wouldn’t have returned when you finished treatment. You seem to need an audience to keep the illness.
    It’s not a nasty anonymous bitch as it’s the truth and from somebody that knows well.

  10. Ooh they look lovely! I wear lenses anyway so tempted to try something new 🙂

  11. These look amazing, the colour really, really suits you!
    I wear prescription contacts and have never really thought of having coloured ones x

  12. They’re so natural looking I wouldn’t have noticed!I think you look fab with green eyes!


  13. You look really pretty with green eyes and they look very natural. I don’t think I’d be able to wear contacts, the thought of trying to put them in freaks me out. It takes me long enough to put in eye drops for my hayfever ha ha 🙂 xx

  14. I would love to try this!
    I’ve always wondered what I’d look like with brown eyes. Weird really! haha

    They look cool though!

    Laura x

  15. This colour looks so natural, and really suits you. Wouldn’t know that you were wearing coloured lenses! xx

  16. Omg i thought that was your real shade and I wanted to tell you what an amazing eyes you have xD pretty

  17. I’ve never tried them before but wow, yours look AMAZING!

  18. The colour looks vibrant but natural! I wish I could of tried these but need my prescription lenses way too much!

  19. Oh wow! Such a pretty colour on you & they look really natural! I just had laser eye surgery so that I don’t have to wear contacts any more but now I’m tempted!!! x

  20. Beautiful eyes !

  21. So beautiful! I’ve always wanted to try coloured contact lenses. Might give it a go and see how I look! I’ve always wanted violet eyes. There are always characters in books with violet eyes but I’ve never once in real life seen anyone with eyes that colour… xo

  22. I tried coloured contact lenses a while ago, they’re no where near as comfortable as my regular contact lenses and dried my eyes up so quickly! Great for a change but alas I wear mine 12+hours a day 🙁