The French Connection

Hello new favourite dress, kindly sent to me by French Connection. I can’t get over how well this fits and how good it makes me feel! French Connection is one of those brands I have forever been aware of but at the same time totally unfamiliar with. I wish I had the budget to dress myself in it top to toe, this dress attracted many a compliment at work yesterday!
Worn with New Look tights and Jeffrey Campbell boots and my motivational bangle by Disney Couture.

Bonus shot of Mae perfecting her blogger posing skills!

Finally Friday! Another one of those short weeks that has dragged on by, probably because I have a nice weekend planned, always the way.
Anyone got anything exciting on the agenda?
What item of clothing always makes YOU feel good?

P.S. BIG HUGE congratulations to Katy, winner of the Matalan giveaway! Stay tuned for more fantastic prizes to be won.

26 comments for “The French Connection

  1. French Connection is amazing and the dress looks beautiful.

  2. I love the motivational bangle and the dress is great. I have a People Tree and a Nancy Dee dress both of which make me feel great.

  3. you look very smart! love this look x

  4. Great dress and you do in deed look fabulous in it.

    That bracelet is stunning.

    X x

  5. I wish I could afford French Connection, this is beautiful!
    Love it with the tights and boots, it’s definitely turning Autumnal isn’t it!

  6. mae’s giving you a run for your money! love your haircut 🙂 xx

  7. Mat

    that’s definitely a style that suits you

  8. Goooorgeous dress, I love it!

    I’ve tried fortisips before and I think they’re gross haha! I drink something called fresubin I must be the sole person keeping the company in business because everyone else hates them haha. xxxx

  9. Great dress – lovely colours too!

  10. I love the bracelet and the dress looks lovely on you 🙂
    Claudia xxx

  11. I love love love that bangle. And it’s message 🙂
    You are a stunner, though I agree Mae is starting to give you a run for your money on the blogger pose front ;). One day I will steal her xD

  12. Oh my, that dress is gorgeous! Almost a much as Mae. Little sweetheart x

  13. Loving your new do, you are looking fab x

  14. Y

    Awww I miss my cats!! I think they’r the best accessory.. and they’re WARM.

    You look great in that dress!


  15. I can’t get over how great your hair looks! Love this post, especially the bracelet. <3

  16. This dress looks amazing on you! I love the bracelet too! I’d be careful though, I thinks Mae is trying to steal the spotlight ha! She’s gorgeous 🙂 xx

  17. Fab dress and boots – wow, you can totally rock a dress girl, it looks amazing on you! Hope you’re enjoying your weekend, Avril x

  18. Gorgeous dress, looks fab on you! And your cat is a cutie x

  19. This dress is so pretty. I have a floral dress that always makes me feel good. If I can’t decide what to wear I will hear right for it.

  20. That dress and hairstyle look so great on you!

  21. This whole outfit is perfect! I think the blue tights really make it stand out. Or maybe it’s the amazingly good looking kitty you’ve got hanging out with you?! : )

    xo, My Billie

  22. Mae is adorable and too cute for words. Your hair is SO nice, it really suits you xxx

  23. Lovely dress, i love French Connection, my favourite <3.

    Sadie x

  24. That dress is gorgeous! Mae is such a cutey 🙂

  25. Major love for the hair- it is FIT!

    The dress is gorgeous too, right now, none of my clothes are making me feel good, I feel lumpy, heavy, out of sorts and off colour in the lot, hoping this is just a phase, otherwise I may just hibernate.