August in Instagrams

It is no secret that 2012 has been a pretty rocky year for me (and many). August proved to be the almost perfect remedy to that by being hands down the best month of the year so far ((if you can ignore the downright tragic news I had a couple of weeks ago)).
Highlights, told through my ipod;

1. Mary Berry is my kitchen IDOL so as soon as I set eyes on my Grandad’s copy of this book I had to make it mine too!

2. Mae has kept all of us amused with her antics, this is her “it wasn’t me” face.

3. Favourite mug, which involved a two hour trek round a town in Spain to find the random little shop where Ellie purchased hers. Everytime I drink decent coffee from it I smile.

4. Owl jumper from Asda. I saw this in store just after I got back from holiday but not in my size. I stalked it online to no avail then found it in the tinyest Asda known to man on an offchance. My Nan loved owls and she would very much approve of this. At £10 it was an utter bargain too…and SO soft.

5. I’ve implemented some pretty big life changes in the last couple of weeks. This is my motivational notice board to keep me on the straight and narrow.

6. Fro-Yo!

7. Pipas, an addiction bought back from Spain; although my addiction is nothing compared to that of Ellie’s; she bought home 2kg of the things!

8. New shoes! I have some major love for Clarks right now! (And Leo, who sent me these)

9. £2 well spent.

10. Poolside. Oh how I wish I were back there now!

Was August a good month for you, too? Just from reading blogs it seems that maybe it was! Let’s hope September follows suit.


15 comments for “August in Instagrams

  1. Mary Berry! I need this cookbook!! Oh, and I also need your leopard print shoes 🙂 x

  2. It’s lovely to read such a positive post; massively well done to you for all those positive changes. Might have to steal the motivational noticeboard idea, I love it!


  3. I wish I was able to be beside a nice pool somewhere hot!

  4. Hurrah for good months. Well done for getting yourself such an awesome can-do mindset, it’s definitely inspiring 🙂

  5. gotta love Mary Berry! I look forward to seeing some of your bakes! Great snaps so glad you’re feeling positive 🙂

    XO Amie

  6. Lovely photos, lots of fun cat related things from actual cats to leopard print pumps (:

  7. How much am I loving those Clarks loafes – alot!
    Great to see your so positive and out for the win!

    Gems x

    Fashion, Well Done

  8. Beautiful shoes, glad you’ve had a good month chic xx

  9. I love that owl jumper! x

  10. Hello! I have just returned fro holiday! Lots of lovely things here! Lovely post and I am sorry you’ve had a rough year but hope August is the shape of things to come for you! Your new hair looks brilliant by the way! Really gorgeous! I like your owl jumper! I think I saw that in Asda!

  11. I’m glad August was a fab month for you, despite the rocky times. I hope September’s even better! xxx

  12. August looks like it was great for you and I hope that September brings you even more happiness.

  13. That froyo looks yummy!

  14. This year’s been crazy but August actually has been really awesome! You posting this made me take a moment to realize that so thank you! September will be even better for both of us!

    xo, My Billie

  15. August has been a pretty rubbish month for me, but I am SO glad it was a good month for you! Your holiday sounded fab and I am sure you are closer to achieving your goals than you realise <3 xxx