The Secret is Out!

So here’s the real reason why things have been more quiet than ever before in the last 6 months.

Our IVF journey was one that moved at breakneck speed, and we barely had time to breathe.

I’m 12 weeks and 4 days pregnant now and the last 6 weeks have been especially rough in terms of nausea and tiredness so blogging has blogging has been the last thing I’ve felt like doing!

Anyway, I’m feeling loads better now and the secret is out. Hopefully this might mean less massive gaps between blog posts (but no promises, I’ve made that mistake before!)

Hope everyone is well x

2 comments for “The Secret is Out!

  1. Huge congratulations!!!

  2. Congratulations I’m so happy for you and this new chapter of your life, I hope and baby stay safe, happy and healthy, much love to you xoxo