This Cake Will Make you Friends

3oz Self Raising Flour
1oz Cocoa powder
4oz Butter
4oz Caster Sugar
2 Large Eggs
As much chocolate as you can get your hands on; broken in to chunks (I used about half a large bar of dark chocolate and half a bag of white chocolate chips)

Mix everything together in a large bowl.
Spread evenly in to a baking tin.
Cook on 180c for around 20 minutes; this may be inaccurate, I can only go by my oven which does as it pleases…basically until a clean knife/skewer inserted in to the middle of the cake comes out clean.
Allow to cool.

Take in to work and watch everyone become your new best friend.

Happy Weekend


21 comments for “This Cake Will Make you Friends

  1. Nom,nom,nom! I swear you are the baking queen, everything always looks so good 🙂

  2. Yum! I think I need to try this! 🙂

  3. Was looking for something easy to bake for a meeting next week. Solution found! Muchas Gracias querida!

  4. That looks so good and so easy to make! I may have to have a go! xx

  5. I made cupcakes last night with a similar recipe! Mine look awful tho 🙁

  6. Aha cake does win you friends, someone brought in birthday cake to work this week, it was gone in minutes

    Looks very lovely

    Bhav x

  7. MMM this will have to be made!xx

  8. Looks lovely! I don’t cook with chocolate often enough.

  9. It looks amazing!

  10. oh that looks tasty x

  11. mm this look good 🙂
    definately going to try this one out tomorrow!! x

  12. YUM! This looks amazing, perfect with a cup of tea I think!

  13. oh this looks yummi!
    thanks for sharing it!
    lovely post.really like ur blog dear.i am following now.hope u’ll follow me back 🙂

  14. Yummy! I am not a good baker, everytime i add chocolate to cakes (or cherries) they always sink to the bottom. 🙁

  15. Oh yum, looks delicious! x

  16. That cake sounds delish I am going to try this thanks x

  17. OMG the size of those chocolate chunks!! Amazing. This looks like my kind of cake!!


  18. Yummy this is deffinitely the perfect cake for me. Without any doubts I will give it a try.

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