Tightening Your Skin Without Resorting to Surgery*

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When you look in the mirror and notice sagging skin, it can be an embarrassment; however, it is one you do not have to live with. In fact, if you catch your wrinkles or skin sags early enough surgery may not even be required. There are many other ways to tighten up your skin that should be considered first.

When You May Need Surgical Intervention
There are times when surgery for sagging skin is necessary, however, those times are not as frequent as you may think. If you have severely sagging skin; such as after losing a lot of weight or having a baby surgery may be a good option for you. Otherwise, there are probably other options you can take advantage of that cost less, take less time and come with fewer risks. A skincare professional can advise you regarding whether your skin is sagging severely enough to require surgical tightening.

Clearing Up Skin Wrinkles Using Laser Devices
When surgery is not required but you have moderately sagging skin, clinical intervention is still important as home treatments will not get rid of moderate wrinkles. One of the best clinical treatment types is laser therapy. Professionals have used cosmetic laser machines in clinics to treat many types of skin problems for decades.

Ablative laser machines are devices that are often used to perform procedures called laser peels. A laser peel can help you improve the appearance of your skin quickly by getting rid of undesirable materials on the surface of your skin. However, laser peel procedures cannot immediately get rid of deep wrinkles- they are best for treating mild surface concerns.

Non-ablative laser treatments are more likely to remove moderately deep wrinkles. However, they can take a lot of time to do so. This is because non-ablative laser procedures are predominantly designed to trigger the natural defence mechanisms in your body. One of those mechanisms is increased production of substances that support cellular health, including collagen; that collagen takes time to be produced and distributed properly so you may need several treatments and you will not see results for a while after treatment.

Tightening Sagging Skin with Sound Procedures
It may seem odd, but sound is another common tool in skincare circles. Certain sound frequencies can create cellular vibrations that promote healing. One such therapy is a monopolar radio frequency procedure. It is also known as Thermage therapy in the skincare industry. The Thermage treatment causes your skin cells to move towards each other, the result being widespread tightening of your skin.

Ultrasound procedures are also types of sound wave therapy that can reverse skin sags when they are mild or moderate. Ultrasound is similar to radio frequency treatment in some ways, but it usually treats deeper tissues. Additionally, it is a stronger treatment and can be slightly more uncomfortable than Thermage. However a topical anesthetic can be used to reduce any discomfort you may have.

Deciding Which Skin Tightening Option to Try
There are many factors you must consider when deciding which skin tightening option to try. The first two are the type of skin you have and the severity of your existing skin wrinkles at the time of treatment. You must also consider the costs of each treatment, including costs associated with requiring multiple appointments for some treatments. Additionally, you have to discuss your candidacy for any treatment you are considering with your skincare professional. He or she may tell you that you can’t have a certain treatment after assessing your skin. If so, an alternative may be suggested.

If you’ve had any kind of skin tightening treatments done it would be great to hear about your experiences in the comments.

One comment for “Tightening Your Skin Without Resorting to Surgery*

  1. These skin tightening options all sound brilliant, especially for those not wanting to resort to surgery! It’s always nice to see what other avenues and options there are out there 🙂

    Sophie | soinspo xo