Tights Love at Tabio

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It’s no secret that I am tights obsessed and Tabio have been on my radar, to some extent for a while. When Gem posted her awesome giveaway the other day I decided to see what was new in the land of Tabio and oh man I was impressed.

With Winter weather well established their 110 (LOVE the dark orange) and 210 denier tights are going to be essential over the coming months.
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The less practical side of me is totally besotted with the garter detail tights…so fun and party perfect.

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But my one true love? Well, that would be these…
pricey at Β£30…but we all know Santa reads my blog!

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Everything is available in their online store the socks are amazing too, and don’t get me started on the faux fur legwarmers…

Make sure you follow Tabio on Twitter too, to stay fully up to date.

69 comments for “Tights Love at Tabio

  1. wow. these are brilliant! you had me at the tights in the very first photo. stunning!

  2. I don’t blame you for lusting over those last pair, they are gorgeous! So whimsical and perfect for winter x

  3. Style 110 is my favorite; though I can’t help but to love that last pair, as well. The print is perfection!! πŸ™‚

  4. I love them!!
    I’ going to visit the site.

    Thnaks for your comment!

  5. Oohh wow they are beautiful! I love the ones you love too they are perfect for winter. My parcel arrived today you lovely thing, thanks vvvv much!
    Kandi x

  6. Well if Santa is listening, I want that last pair too! The garter ones are equally fab but I think designed for someone with slimmer thighs than me!

  7. I’m really going to have to invest in some pretty tights after reading this post! xx

  8. Oooh I love them all. We are such tights girls. πŸ˜€


  9. ok. i need to know where i can get cute tights like this in the U.S. lol i have never even SEEN garter detail tights!! o_O shame!! i want them!! lol


  10. tights forever πŸ™‚

  11. Those first tights are amazing, and are about the only thing I can imagine would keep me warm right now!

  12. As nice as Tailor tights may be, they always come up short.


  13. What pretty tights! Mty collection’s in need of topping up. xxx

  14. i love the look of those garter detail tights with that tiered ruffled skirt. Tabio looks like a nice online store to browse in.

  15. Those 210 tights look sooo warm and i love the garter detail ones too. Tights rock x

  16. Ooh these are so cute!x

  17. Awww sweetie, thats lovely that you were thinking of me πŸ™‚
    I love the second garter style pair of tights πŸ™‚ I wish santa would love me enough to give me another grand on my student loan πŸ˜›

  18. 210 denier!!! I NEEED thesse!! xx

  19. you look so lovely in that first bit, even though it’s only a tiny bit! x

  20. I love the last pair with the red heels. How stunning! I need to copy that look this winter! πŸ™‚

  21. the last pair and the second pair of garter tights are my favorite but my legs are already cold and its only october! x

  22. oooh, the last ones are SO cute!!!
    I saw ones the other day and I just thought of you immediatly and I wish you could see them, so gorgeous***

  23. arrgh! lovely tights just in time for the cold season! πŸ™‚ xx

  24. They are all beautiful but I especially like the garter one’s. HOpe Santa brings you all of them xxx

  25. oh I love all of these! Especially the first pic.!!!

  26. Ah you make me smile! πŸ™‚ You and your tights obsession, it’s so sweet! ANd boy, do you have good taste when it comes to tights especially! I love the ones on your Christmas wishlist! πŸ™‚

  27. Ah, even though the weather is getting warmer over here, I still can’t get enough of tights! (just bought a new pair yesterday actually, haha).
    I love that last one!

  28. FJM

    Loving those patterned ones at the bottom…

    It’s such a shame we’re coming into Summer in Australia..!



  29. Those last ones will definitely be on my x-mas list as well! xxx

  30. These are the most gorgeous pairs of tights! I love them. xx


  31. OMG they are fabulous! love the last one so much πŸ™‚

  32. Oh i reaaally hope that Santa reads your blog, those last pair are sooo lovely πŸ™‚ xx

  33. Great tights, I’ve seen the snow bunny ones and i want them so bad!

  34. Amy

    I really love Tabio too! Perfect colours.

    β–² WOLF WHISTLE β–²

  35. Heary ye hear ye! I love tights too, I wear them everyday!

  36. My favourite are the 210. Love them

  37. Santa definitely have to get you that last pair of tights, so perfect for Christmas:)


  38. fab tights love the designs!
    Come Follow xoxo

  39. Love all them especially the last pair

  40. Oh man, I totally need some cute tights!

  41. All tights go so well with the shoes! Me lovey all of them!

    Have a lovely weekend! (:

    Sanny’s Head to Heart

  42. love the second last ones

  43. Jen

    these tights are absolutely stunning. my favorite pair of the bunch is the second to last pair! i have enough tights from last winter but somehow i want more!! πŸ™‚

  44. OMG they are all fab. I’d love to get nice ones like that but I snag all my tights. It doesn’t matter if they are cheap or expensive so now I don’t bother with the expensive ones. Though I’ll admit I’ve never gone that expensive. x

  45. I love and want all of them but Β£30? I always ruin my tights after a few times of wearing them:(

  46. oh i love these!!! especially the lace-inspired tights…reminds me of the twenties!


  47. oooh i just love tights!! And I love the striped ones. Great with the heel too!


  48. tabio is the best, youve picked out some great ones here!

  49. definitely checking them out – LOVE tights/leggings πŸ™‚

  50. Oh, i love tights too — especially the first ones!!

  51. Just stumbled across your blog and its fab.

    I love those tights with the red shoes in the 1st pic xx

  52. beautiful products! thanks for sharig

  53. You are the queen of tights. You need to start your own empire πŸ™‚

  54. Oh dear…had to comment again…

    Was passing by Tabio, went in and now I want half the shop!

    Will be going back on pay day!


    Thank you for reminding me that the shop exists…I usually walk past it because it’s so expensive…hah…


  55. loveeeelyyyy tights!!

  56. So many fantastic options! I will def. have to check some out.

  57. Those tights in the first photo so gorgeous and warm. I could have done with a pair last winter. It almost, just almost makes me want it to be winter again, just so I can get me some cute tights!

  58. I flipping love Tabio, I could spend an absolute fortune in there

  59. These tights are so good. I hate when I pick up a pair of tights and they end up being shiny.

  60. MJ

    210?! Aren’t they, like, leggings?! Anyway, these are so cool. Can see why you love them!

  61. Those tights are fab, it is getting colder now so I have been dipping into my tights drawer

  62. Totally understandable loving these tights specially the last pair

  63. nice, i love the second last picture. looks like knee socks:)

  64. Awesome tights! My favourites are the first pair and then one with the two stripes at the top. LOVE them.