Top Festival Essentials

Heading off to a festival at this time of year can be great, especially if the sun’s shining. Before you embark on these outdoor adventures, it’s worthwhile creating a packing checklist so that you don’t forget the most important items.

To help you along the way, take a look at this rundown of festival essentials.

(tent from here)

Something to sleep in
OK, so forgetting your tent would be a pretty big oversight, but it’s worth sticking this on the list just in case. You’ll also need to remember any pegs and poles, as well as a mallet or hammer in case you pitch up on hard ground.

Trying to get some shuteye with a 24-hour party going on around you might not be easy, but as long as you have a decent sleeping bag and mat with you, you at least stand a chance. It’s worth taking some ear plugs along too.

A charged mobile
Before you set off, make sure you fully charge your mobile phone so that you can get in touch with people if you need to. In case you don’t have signal or your battery dies, it’s helpful to have written note of your most important contacts so that you can call them from a payphone or a borrowed mobile.
Changes of clothes
Plenty of clothes is a must at festivals. Don’t just pack enough for each day, make sure you have extras as well. After all, you might get covered in rain, mud, drinks and worse.

Also, bear in mind that the British weather’s notoriously changeable, so even if the forecast is great, take some waterproofs and sturdy boots just in case. You don’t want to be wallowing around a mud bath wearing flip flops.

Plastic ponchos can come in really handy if the heavens open, and make sure you have a jumper or fleece in case it gets chilly at night.

Cooking equipment
There’s only so many crisps and snacks you can eat before you crave some proper food. So that you can fill up in fine style during the festival, take a portable barbeque or stove. Also, make sure you have the right fuel to operate the appliance. It’s now easy to buy products like this from firms such as Calor Gas. For example, the Grill2Go portable gas BBQ is ideal for festivals. It can be assembled in moments and it’s easy to clean too.

You’ll obviously need some food to cook as well, and don’t forget plates, pans, cutlery and crockery.

Sun protection
If you’re going to be out in the sun for any length of time, make sure you have plenty of protection. As well as sun cream, it’s a good idea to take sun glasses and a hat. Plenty of water is essential too. It’s easy to get dehydrated on hot days, especially if you’re drinking alcohol.

On a related note, some insect repellent can prove useful if you think you’re likely to be attacked by mosquitoes or midges.

Toiletries and medicines
Let’s face it, festivals aren’t generally the cleanest of events. To help you keep the filth at bay, a bottle of hand sanitiser will make a wise addition to your luggage. These products are especially useful if you have limited access to running water – and the chances are you will. Don’t forget your toothbrush either, and plenty of deodorant is a must.

If you take any medications, be sure to pack these and you might also want to include some headache tablets just in case you’re feeling a little delicate in the mornings.

Last but by no means least; remember to pack your tickets. Forgetting these items is a sure fire way to spoil your fun!


2 comments for “Top Festival Essentials

  1. Wow! That tent is something else! PS loved your lola & grace sparkle on Facebook recently! 😉

    Secret little Stars

  2. SJ

    Couldn’t agree more – I’d also suggest switching off your data on your mobile phone as this can help save the battery life a bit!