Top Ideas for a Brighter Bedroom*

Photo from here

I don’t know about you but I’m a fickle creature when it comes to the decor of my bedroom. I just about get it how I want it and then decide it needs an upgrade. Obviously it’s not practical to do a full revamp every time the mood takes me but there are some quick and easy ways to make subtle changes and refresh your look.
1. You can create an original feature wall quickly and simply with a wall mural or framed print. You could have anything from sunset scenery to a custom print featuring your favourite photo. Guaranteed to add an original twist to any bedroom and give it a real personal touch.

2. If you live in rented property and can’t decorate a quick, easy and cheap way to update things is with vinyl wall stickers. They are super easy to reply and can be removed safely without damaging the walls meaning that a) you can change your mind as often as you like and b) you will still get your deposit back at the end of your lease!

3. Soft furnishings and accessories as the perfect way to change up your room from season to season. Head to somewhere like Primark and pick up blankets, throws, cushions and candles and mix things up from season to season. I’m digging a warm and cosy Autumn vibe right now with plenty of plaid and fleece.

4. Get collecting- start up a quirky collection (snowglobes, funky vases, beer glasses etc) and create a feature corner in your room. Hunting out these treasures is going to be fun and as your collection grows so will the look of your room. It’s also a great way to preserve memories from special trips and holidays.

5. Tired of your flooring and don’t have the money to change it? A cheap rug will instantly hide a battered carpet or tired wood and when you fancy a change you can simply pick up a new one to suit your mood.

I’d love to know if you’ve got any ideas to add to this list and what things you’ve done to brighten up your bedroom especially if you live in a rented home, if you’ve blogged about it make sure you leave your posts in the comments below.


3 comments for “Top Ideas for a Brighter Bedroom*

  1. Sam

    Number 4 sounds pretty cool but I think I’d end up collecting too much crap (Already have to be honest..) and it would end up looking like a sh*t tip haha! These are lovely ideas though 🙂 x

    Sam // Samantha Betteridge

  2. Caroline

    Beware the wall stickers! We had a nightmare when we bought our flat – the bedroom was lovely and neutral but with crappy wall stickers.
    We peeled them off and they’d left a greasy residue which meant we ended up having to repaint the room the same colour!

  3. Some gorgeous bright bedroom babin’ tips and tricks here lovely! Funnily enough on Friday I made a lunch time dash to Primark, bought some starry fairy lights, faux fur throws, fluffy cushions and candles and my far from perfect dive of a room seems a lot brighter and a little more magical for AW. Amazing what a few new, fresh, seasonal additions can do! And hell yes to snowglobes, what a gorgeous idea! <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo