Totally Lovestruck

Dress c/o Lovestruck , Coat from Mango, Tights from Primark and Shoes by Jeffrey Campbell via Sarenza (bought with competion winnings)

Another week and another shop that blogging has introduced me to, this time in the form of Lovestruck who e-mailed me a couple of weeks ago offering me an item. The second I saw this dress I fell in love with the collar, I might look for some collar tips to change it up a little- any recommendations for some good ones?

This coat is a recent purchase, I’ve been looking for a mid-season piece for a while and I first saw this Mango number on the gorgeous Josie who’s style I just adore. After thinking of it constantly I eventually decided this was *the one* and merrily handed over the very reasonable £39.99. Although this isn’t lined, I went for an over-sized fit so I can layer jumpers under it meaning it may well see me through the milder days of deepest darkest winter too.

Well, just 10 hours at work to get through then some last minute packing/making sure everything is in order followed by an early night and an early departure for the airport for my long awaited trip to Holland. Despite my Aunt and Uncle living over there I haven’t been for a shamefully long time but this year things have come together quite nicely (despite the tragic circumstance) and best friend and I are off for a few days away from the work place madness.

What are your weekend plans?


21 comments for “Totally Lovestruck

  1. Have an amazing time in holland Laura! Loving the coloured tights and what a bargain coat!

  2. Love everything about this outfit! Your hair is looking great too by the way 🙂 x

  3. Amazing dress!!You look cute!Have a great time in Holland!!xxx

  4. Love your outfit! Hope you enjoy your holiday in Holland 🙂

  5. It’s such a pretty dress, I’ve been a fan of Lovestruck for a little while 🙂 Have fun on hols! x

  6. Stunning! That dress looks a million times better on you than it does on me! xoxo

  7. I love those tights, and that dress is cute. Have a wonderful time in Holland xxx

  8. Have a lovely time in Holland, live this dress, the collar is cute!

    Maria xxx

  9. Ahh you got the coat! Looks fab on you, it’s so cosy with knitwear isn’t it? That dress is so adorable too.

    I hope you have a fab time in Holland, I’ve always wanted to go there. Can’t wait to hear (or rather read) all about it when you return! xxx

  10. have a good trip away, dont get too stressed 🙂
    i love the colour of the tights paired with this dress, looks so good together! x

  11. The dress is lovely and I really like the tights that you are wearing with it.

    Have a great time in Holland . I have a pretty lazy weekend planned apart from catching up with loads of paperwork, housework and ironing.

  12. LOve that dress. the whole outfit is gorgeous x

  13. Gorgeous outfit! Have a lovely weekend!xx

  14. Oo, I love how bright your tights are!

  15. I spotted Lovestruck in BS8 a month or so again, I love their pretty dresses! This one looks sooo cute on you.

    The Style Rawr!

  16. This is such a pretty dress, love the collar!


  17. What a gorgeous transitional look for fall! I love the pop of color in the tights and the cardi looks so cozy and perfect for the autumn ahead!

    Just discovered your blog and am following! Would love if you’d peek at mine!


  18. This dress is so cute! Love the tights too, perfect match especially finished with the boots x

  19. I think you picked one of their best items, and you’ve styled it so well for autumn with the coat.

    le fresne x