Tuesday Blues

Dress: Stradivarius (Bought in Spain)
Boots c/o Shoe Zone
Hello! How is everyone’s week going so far? Mine’s got off to a sluggish start due to some kind of bad back that is causing agony. I’ve never known a sneeze to reduce me to tears before.
I picked this dress up when I was in Spain, kind of on impulsed- lured in by the ten euro price tag…still, it’s not too bad as far as impulse buys go and I’ve worn it a couple of times now.
Still loving my Shoe Zone boots, I didn’t have high hopes for their durability but they have majorly surprised me and I hope they last another winter.
There’s not really anything else to say, I had a super chilled weekend with nothing much happening other than my back going on a little visit to Aldi whilst Ben was doing an uphill bike race in pouring rain- MADNESS.
Hope you have a great Tuesday,
fingers crossed I’ll have more to post about later in the week,
low on content ideas at this very minute…

10 comments for “Tuesday Blues

  1. Really impressed by how early you get your outfit posts in the morning! that dress is lovely. I always love the clothes when I go on holiday.

  2. I love this dress! The colour looks amazing on you x

  3. That dress is a fab impulse buy it looks great on you x
    Shop Kittenish Behaviour & Kittenish Behaviour Blog

  4. Perfect boots! I love your beautiful hair <3

  5. I love how you get these up so early. I love lookibg at what outfits you wear but then I am always left lying in bed thinking ‘I wish I was that productive’ or ‘How can people be up that early and why cant I wear what I want to work my uniform is so unflattering I want to dress like that for work!) at that point I usually pull the covers back over my head and promise tomorrow is the day I will get up early!

  6. That dress is lovely – I love finding trinkets on holiday as you know no one else will have the same item 🙂

  7. OOoooooooh, nice dress!!!!
    Eeeek, cycling in the rain! CBC keeps getting caught in the rain!x

  8. That dress was a bargain, it looks lovely. The blue is a great colour on you.

    x x

  9. You look so glamorous, & what a beautiful dress! Must admit I was a bit miffed to read it was from Spain though *damn* 😉

    Sophie xo soinspo

  10. Sad about you back, hope it’s improving, even if the painkillers taste gross. Diclofenac is my drug of choice too.

    Love Stradivarius, one of the shops I super miss from living in Spain, and this dress is a beauty, looking gorgeous as ever my love. Hope your bike is coming on ok, even if your boy is mad enough to be doing silly things in the rain. I have a shiny new fixie on order via Cycle to work, CAN’T WAIT.