two for one

 Top: Mango
Skirt (River Island) and Boots: ASOS sale

Dress: Oliver Bonas
Lace top: C&A in Holland
Boots: Yull
Yep, a double whammy outfit post purely because the first outfit I just couldn’t get more than one photo of…why is all black so hard to capture? I loved this witchy get-up which I wore to meet Becca and Ellie for lunch and shopping on Saturday. I’ve been after a skirt like this for ages so when this River Island one cropped up in the ASOS sale it was a no brainer purchase. The top from Mango has gold studded sleeves that you can’t see. They only had an XL in stock on the website but I was so in love with it and it’s bargain price that I decided to order it and wear it baggy. Mango sizing is generally really small anyway so it’s not like I’m swimming in a massive tent!
The second outfit was what I wore Sunday for a wonderful but freezing trip to Bath for a preview of an amazing event happening soon called Bath in Fashion. There will be a full post dedicated to this so I won’t harp on now. Instead I’ll talk about how much I love this dress and how much wear I’ll be getting out of it. The print reminds me of both brocade and oriental and although it’s probably a bit tooo smart for daytime wearing I don’t care, it deserves to be shown off!
Operation hat this weekend was a total success by the way. Good old H&M never fails me. Behold the £7.99 wonder! I need far more hats in my life.
Well, Monday duties call, I need to get myself in to something warm for a chilly walk down to see my (wonderful) GP about coming off of the pregabalin for my foot. It has worked wonders for the neuropathic pain but I don’t like the side effects so I want to see if I can cope without it. I then have a two hour defib and cpr training to attend before my normal afternoon shift at work. Aye aye aye. I thought I didn’t have any more training to do until next year but now I’m a “clinical” person I have to do it more frequently. These things are always useful though and training is generally a laugh.

Have a good start to the week!


19 comments for “two for one

  1. oh wow! love these outfits! especially the river island skirt.. that is gorgeous! and the hat, well you know im a huge hat fan so i am loving you in that, also think i must get to h&m as that looks a real nice hat!!xx

  2. Anonymous

    Do you go out looking like that?


  3. Oh wow look at that gorgeous dress, the print is absolutely fantastic! xx

    The Little’s.

  4. That skirt is lovely!

  5. Both gorgeous outfits! I love your River Island skirt in the first outfit, it’s so pretty – and that hat is amazing!

  6. I LOVE the print of the second outfit – that dress looks amazing on you! xx

  7. Love the Oliver Bonas dress, I’d have to wear that every time I left the house!
    Loving the hat also. Hats make me happy. xx

  8. I ADORE these outfits, that lacey skirt is awesome and I LOVE that hat!

    Maria xxx

  9. the print on that dress is stunning <3

    claire x

  10. I adore the second outfit – the gold and lace combo is ace!

  11. That hat suits you so much! The perfect colour 🙂 I’m just like you in respect of the XL Mango top! If I love something enough, I will buy it in any size available and I will make it fit!! I used to do it with shoes, but I don’t do that anymore (much..!) – my poor feet haha. Hope you’ve had a good start to the week lovely 🙂 xx

  12. Oooooooooooooh, HAT alert!!!!! So nice! And I love the dress too!x

  13. love the skirt, i feel i definitely need one now! oh and that hat 🙂 x

  14. Ooh Laura you look lovely in that hat!

  15. You can definitely wear the brocade dress day and night! Always better to be overdressed! xxxx

  16. love that skirt! Soooooooooo much x

  17. Ohmygod that dress. I’d never take it off. I love brocade more than I should I think <3

  18. Can’t beat a good hat says I! I love this one and can’t believe it was less than a tenner. Crazy good value!

  19. Love the River Island skirt, it’s a beauty! x