Vintage Queen

I do love vintage clothing, but I don’t really have the patience for trekking around endless shops in the hope of finding something worth buying at an affordable price. Put me on eBay though, and I can procrastinate for hours from my armchair and occasionally I manage to grab a bargain.

Dress: eBay | Shoes: Shellys via Sarenza

If I remember rightly I paid about 99p + postage for this dress a few years ago. I was drawn to the print of it, although the fabric isn’t the nicest texture in the world the midi length and nipped in waist makes up for it. I love to pair the dress with bright shoes, just like these Shellys ones which are super old now, easily my comfiest heels I’m delighted to be back in them!
I can’t believe we’ve rolled round to yet another Monday. I’m looking forward to seeing my parents, as they got home from Portugal in the early hours but I have work to get through first…pass the coffee!
Vintage lovers, where is best for bargains? eBay isn’t as cheap and cheerful as it used to be and I’d love to pick up a few “new” pieces.


10 comments for “Vintage Queen

  1. It is a lovely dress, yes I think eBay isn’t as good now with huge postage costs. For me any vintage finds are more luck than anything else. Sorry! X

  2. I never have any luck with vintage! Most of it is so expensive now too x

    Josie’s Journal

  3. Vix

    That dress looks great on you!
    I still think eBay is still great for bargains – I’ll refine my search to dresses between 0 and £2 and watch the ones with the cheapest postage – popping a snipe in via Goofbid so I don’t get carried away with bidding process.
    I’ll ask sellers if they’ll combine postage if they’re selling more than one thing I’m interested in, too.
    In the last three weeks I’ve bought lots of 1960s & 1970s dresses for no more than £4 each (including postage). Charity shops and car boot sales are always ace – if your chazzas are expensive go to another town. xxx

  4. Loving the dress. It really is luck I find, often I find goodies in the least expected places.

    X x

  5. Love this dress! I find charity shops are good for vintage although prices have definitely gone up (although all for a good cause!) x

  6. Charity shops, car boots, swap groups on things like facebook and sites like gumtree etc are all good places to start hunting for vintage bargains. Or so I’m told anyway 😮

  7. I used to love ebay but I do think the postage costs are going up and up but I do think you can get some great bargains. Lovely dress x

  8. Nice dress! You have to search on eBay to find a good bargain theses days, but they can still be found!
    Two Hearts One Roof

  9. Not sure, mine has tended to be luck in charity shops. I did pick up 2 gorgeous dresses at a Vintage fair in Nottingham, so you might find something at s fair, who knows x

  10. Adore the gorgeous colour of your shoes against the beautiful pattern of the dress, gorgeous! <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo