What an Experience- *giveaway*

Want to perfect your cake decorating skills? How about creating your own perfume, cocktail making, extreme sports or a sightseeing trip?

experiencedays.co.uk have teamed up with adaisychaindream to offer the chance of making a dream come true; from paragliding to afternoon tea, one lucky reader will win Β£50 to spend on gift experience days; that’ll pay for a day spent at a chocolate workshop or get you half way towards something a bit more extreme!

All you need to do is hop on to the experiencedays website and leave a comment on this post telling me which experience you would pick, and why. You also need to leave a way for me to contact you if you win!

All experiences are subject to availability in your area, but the handy search function on the website will help you out!

Good luck! You have a week…until 6pm Next Monday 23rd July to enter!


P.S. for the record, my choice would be the cake making masterclass!

71 comments for “What an Experience- *giveaway*

  1. I would go to the champagne afternoon tea in London. I’d treat my best friend Hanna who has been my rock through my extreme lows (like losing my Nana) throughout my time at uni. She never fails to help me see the bright side and she definitely deserves a massive thank you. Also, who doesn’t want to be treated like a queen for the day!

  2. i would choose the helicopter buzz flight . looks so fun and interesting too. i love trying new things so this would be so so fab. x

  3. I would love the 4X4 driving experience.

    I don’t think i will ever be a farmer in my lifetime, although the idea of driving a 4X4 up and down across a muddy field would be so much fun. I could do that minus the mess of sorting out cows and pigs.

    Experiencing this small section of a farmers lifestyle would be interesting and very enjoyable!

  4. I would love to win afternoon tea at The Ritz (or any London Hotel. Have heard it is a fantastic experience which would suit me to a T. (T get it)

  5. i would chooose the spa day as i would love to have some peace and quiet for a day!


  6. Hello! What a lovely giveaway!

    I have always wanted to go water zorbing and would love to take my boyfriend along with me! It would be something we’d never forget!



  7. I would choose the Spa Day Experience for 2 so I could take my mum with me!
    You can contact me on twitter @yyesidolikecake.

  8. Oh, amazing!

    I’d probably choose a Luxury Makeover and Photoshoot – just anything I could pamper with (as I never do it on my own ahaha)

    Last day to WIN my Havaianas SHOE Competition!

  9. What a great giveaway! I was so excited when I saw this, when I clicked on I was hoping they do Hot Air Balloon rides.. and they do!
    I would definitely pick a go in a hot air balloon.
    I have literally been obsessed with the idea for so long and it is on my list of things to do in 2012!
    Please make it come true!
    It’s a dream of mine and I’d take my mum with me because she’s been so good to me lately.

    Twitter @JoannaThelwell

    Great blog by the way!

  10. i’d put it towards a spa break mainly because i NEED IT! most stressful few weeks EVERRRR. although i’d quite like to do the cake baking class with YOU!


  11. I’d love to put it towards a Cake Pops Decorating class. It looks great fun!

  12. I love the sound of an afternoon tea experience


  13. I would choose Marriott Pamper Day for Two because I love pamper days and feel like I could use one right now.

  14. Thank you for the lovely comment Laura πŸ™‚ This is such a fun giveaway! I’d love the Kensington Palace day and I’d take my best friend because she loves history too. xxx

  15. I would love a spa day
    To celebrate my 40th birthday
    A relaxing massage to de stress
    Would be just the best
    A day for pampering, haven’t done that in a while.
    A lovely way to celebrate in style!

  16. Un saut Γ  parapente me semble Γͺtre parfait et grisant…

    Gros bisous Γ  vous.

  17. indoor skydiving
    teressaoliver at gmail dot com

  18. I’d put it towards a Marriott Pamper day, because I’ve never been on one and it sounds like something nice πŸ™‚


  19. I would love to go on the husky dog sledge day, it sounds fantastic even if I get spend the day petting them:)

    Sarah xx

    dragonfly1611 (@) gmail.com

  20. Afternoon tea for two sounds lovely, perfect relaxing afternoon which is much needed by this busy mum!
    hannahlucypickard at hotmail dot co dot uk

  21. I’d have to go for something daring like the tandem paragliding – http://www.experiencedays.co.uk/tandem-paragliding-experience-winch-1 – Have done loads of crazy things this year and this would be the icing on the cake to reaching my thirties xx

  22. I would love a Spa day as I never have any time to have a relaxing bath, let alone a pamper…must be bliss!


  23. rachael jones

    i would choose the helicopter buzz flight for my fantstic fella because he was made redundant recently and has no joy on the job hunt so far and its getting hhim down this would hel to cheer him up a bit , hes a fantastic dad to our kids x

  24. I’d love to try the segway experience, as it’s something I would not normally consider doing and its looks such good fun

  25. I think I would try zorbing – sounds exciting!

  26. Anonymous

    I would choose a seg way rally, for something different to try.

    Thanks for running the comp.

    Twitter id @P_E1

  27. Stephanie Post

    I would choose the 30 Min Trial Flight because I have never been on a plane before. This would be the ultimate first time on a aircraft and considering I have a fear of heights it could be a thrilling way to combat this. It would also be cool to fly a plane, what an experience!

    My email is: cfcstephanie@hotmail.co.uk

  28. My sister loves tea and cakes so I would take her for afternoon tea as a way of celebrating her graduation! Followed nicely by some shopping. Nothing beats a girly day! Great giveaway got my fingers crossed πŸ™‚


  29. Anonymous

    I would choose a pamper day, I’m in need of some pampering!

  30. Definitely indoor skydiving – who hasn’t wished at ties that they can fly?

  31. Bex

    My boyfriends always wanted to bungee jump so I’d treat him to that xo

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I’d love to ‘discover indoor sky diving’ @piperanddaisy

  34. Anonymous

    I would love afternoon tea at the Ritz or similar posh hotel

  35. Would love a spa day, no kids!peace and quiet

  36. My choice would be the – Champagne Afternoon Tea for Two i like to be posh if i can get the chance

  37. I would choose a Champagne hot air balloon flight with my wonderful husband, who is my rock

  38. Ooh this sounds fun:D! I would either lurve to win a pamper/spa/make-up lesson day! As it would be very interesting and I feel I need a lesson or two to teach meh what are the best products for meh skin:)! Thanks for hosting this giveaway:D!

    Have a lovely evening


  39. Whoops I forgot to leave a way of contacting meh..
    My email address is:-

    My twitter is:- @P1xi3Ro0


  40. It would be great to try a spa day as could do with cheering up and relaxing a bit lately.

  41. Sorry, forgot to also say my Twitter ID is @lexiemac_89 πŸ™‚

  42. Would love to take my daughter on a spa day she gave birth to beautiful twin girls margo and jet 10 weeks ago.
    she is in desperate need of some me care. My email is hurstdon25@gmail.com

  43. Skydiving – How fabulous to feel weightless!

  44. Always wanted to try Clay Shooting πŸ™‚


  45. id choose the zorbing. i think id laugh the whole time!


  46. I would chose a spa day.

    gholmes724 ((at)) gmail ((d0t)) com


  47. I’d do the cake decorating masterclass… I’ve always admired people who can make beautiful cakes and I’d love to give some to my friends and family!

  48. Oh and my email address is nats@natshome.co.uk πŸ™‚

  49. Spa day for me need some pampering πŸ™‚


  50. I’d love to travel on the Orient Express – it’s been a life long dream of mine

  51. i would definitely go for the perfume making since I’ve been having a nightmare finding one I love after Gucci discontinued Gucci Rush2. it would also maybe help me find out why so many perfumes smell like cat’s pee on me !
    Kirsten x

  52. Afternoon tea for two sounds just my cup of tea sheridarby@aol.com

  53. Anne-Marie Brookes

    hi i would pick a spa day, because life is so mad at the moment it would be nice to slow down for a while

  54. I’d love to learn the secrets of chocolate making so I would choose the chocolate workshop… for educational reasons of course, haha!!

  55. Indoor skydiving looks like fun!

  56. A spa day as I could do with a pampering

  57. I’d love to use it towards an Afternoon Tea for Two … I’ve never been to one before and it’d be an absolute treat!

    Fingers crossed!

    chuey603 at hotmail dot com x

  58. I’d probably go for afternoon tea at the Ritz. It’d be lovely to take my daughter and make a day out of it.

    Twitter: @jjuli2

    Thanks x

  59. Afternoon tea sounds great, but so does the spa day!! So much to chose from. x

  60. forgot to tell you my email address

  61. I would love to go on the Classic Thames Lunch Cruise for Two – great way to see parts of London

  62. I would love to win a pamper day, I have 3 children, the youngest is Autistic with ADHD and Tourettes and the idea of having some ‘Me’ time sounds utterly amazing.

    Fingers crossed and good luck to everyone!!



  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. elizabeth barker

    I would go on the snowdonia canyoning experience day. It looks great.


  65. I would go for the cupcake decorating class. I’m ok at making the cakes themselves but my decorating skills leave a lot to be desired and hopefully this would help me make my cupcakes look more yummy and less slummy!

  66. I would choose a Pamper Day Treat, it sounds like pure bliss!

    Twitter – @bloomingfox
    Facebook – Kirsty Fox
    Email – robertfox24 [at] aol [dot] com

  67. BeX

    helicopter buzz flight

  68. Id go for a microlite flight, always wanted to try it and experience days uses a place not too far from me so it would be a dream come true !
